By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
It’s almost here and I’m excited! I feel so blessed to live in beautiful, Southern California, in a little doll’s house, with my Shih-Tzu, Krissy. I feel that 2009 is going to be a great year for our Country, my family and friends, and me personally … I can only wish the best for others, but I can personally change how I view my world, my life, and what I am manifesting… if that’s not who, what, or where I want to be! Wow, that’s powerful!
My mantra for the New Year is “To Thine Own Self Be True!” For me that’s a tall order because it means letting go of the restrictions and limitations I’ve placed upon myself and instead, see myself as a loving, deserving, worthy, nurturing, successful human being. It also means letting go of the expectations I’ve had and placed on others. It means respecting their view of the world without bemoaning they change to my way of thinking and doing. It’s called “live and let live!” This means I can travel lighter and let go of any emotional baggage I’ve bottled up, which only zaps my creativity and worthiness. Yes, it means getting rid of all the excuses, the coulds, woulds, and should and start living up to my full potential. It means being responsible! A noble undertaking indeed. Nobody else can do this for me. Just like nobody else could do my first Firewalk!
One of my goals this year is to write in my Journal on a regular basis. I find this is the best method for me to keep tabs on how well I’m living up to my dreams and goals and what I need to do to stay on track, should I veer off course.
Of course I’ve set both personal and professional goals for the coming year but I’m also keeping in mind that “less is more!” No more setting too many, or impossible, goals for myself. I intend to keep them manageable and doable. I don’t want to reach the end of the year, like this year, feeling burned out, unappreciated, and bogged down in minutiae.
To everyone out there, I wish you all a very healthy, prosperous and successful New Year! Do let me know how you are doing!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
By Shirley Carolan, ATM-G
Perhaps in my golden years I’m getting a bit naïve but I wonder whatever happened to the old adage “the customer is always right?” Did it go out of style with high button shoes? Are “20-somethings” not being taught the art of good customer service? Do they not know they are in a service industry/occupation? In essence, if it weren’t for people like me, who needed their employer’s services, they would not even have a job! So, what’s with young women who have this surly and indifferent attitude?
I did not want to ruin my holidays by ruminating on two incidents, that happened just before the holidays that have a common thread. And now, with the New Year fast approaching, I want to get out of the victim role and transcend them.
However, I felt like I was at the mercy of two behemoths: Tri-City Hospital and JC Penney. On November 24, 2008 I slipped and fell while walking my dog at 6:30 pm, smashing up my face and eye glasses. Mercifully, someone finally heard my moaning, called the paramedics and I was rushed off to Tri City Hospital by ambulance. Since I have a fractured back and total right shoulder replacement, I was unable to pick myself up and had no idea if I’d broken more bones – hence I needed the hospital’s emergency room services and x-rays.
On dismissal, about 9:50 PM I was given written follow-up instructions and walked to an exit door. When I asked could someone call me a cab to take me home, the young woman told me to go down the hall and tell the receptionist, on the left-hand side of the hallway, to call a cab. I tottered down the hallway, feeling a bit groggy and in a lot of pain, trying to see through my scratched eye glasses and made my request.
Thirty minutes later, I got my bearings and wobbled back through the emergency waiting room to the receptionist area. It was a different, much younger person on duty. I asked “How long does it take for a taxi to arrive?” She “didn’t know.” I asked could she please call the taxi company and find out if they had left yet? What seemed like ages, she dialed a number and said “I’ve got a woman here with an attitude …” I was too bewildered to remember what else she said. I stumbled back into the emergency waiting room as a cabbie came through the door calling my name.
I explained to the cabbie that I had no ID or wallet on me and she would have to wait while I went into my house to get money to pay for my fare.
As I slowly recovered from this second fall this year, the first in March when I fell and broke my nose, I realized that I could not see through my new eyeglasses, they were indeed scratched. I had just purchased them in August for $174.00 through JC Penney.
On December 8, I set out for JC Penney to see if the lenses could be saved. I gave my name and address to a young clerk and told her why I was there. She put that data into her computer and finally informed me that “the glasses were over a year old …” I took out my paid bill and insurance contract they told me I needed and showed them to her. I said “These eyeglasses are new and here’s all the documentation.”
She informed me that they, JC Penney, did not repair scratches and gave me a business card of a firm in Carlsbad that did. Then I showed her the insurance/guaranty form I had purchased from them and asked would new lenses be covered under this? What seemed like an eternity, I asked her what the problem was. She finally said “You bought these eyeglasses on sale. To replace the lenses will cost you $99.00.” I said “That’s not 10% of what I paid. There’s something wrong. Is this guaranty that I bought worthless?” She would not answer me.
Then, told her I was not interested in what the computer “said” I wanted the name and a website of the company who made the eyeglasses so that I could go on-line when I got home and research it myself. She would not give it to me. Another sales clerk wrote it on a post-it note and handed it to me. As I left JC Penney I told the young woman she needed more training in customer service, especially in dealing with senior citizens. She told me to come back and see her manager.
Neither of these incidents would have bothered me, I’m sure, had I not undergone severe trauma to my body, was in pain and my emotions were raw. Had I not had the accident, I would not have had to go to hospital emergency room, and I would not have to replace my new eyeglasses. Neither would I have encountered such rudeness from clerks working in a service industry. Perhaps someday they will even learn that the customer is their true employer!
My solution was not to go back to JC Penney and be insulted all over again but to start anew. I went to “Lens 4 Less” in Oceanside, talked to the owner, John DiBos, purchased a stylish Oleg Cassini frame, and had my new eyeglasses within a week! I was treated with respect, suggestions, and excellent service for far less money!
I guess the moral of the story is forget dealing with and buying from the big box companies, e.g., JC Penney, and deal with local merchants, small business owners, whom you can talk to face to face, negotiate with and get excellent service and value from.
Shirley M. Carolan
Speaker Writer Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Perhaps in my golden years I’m getting a bit naïve but I wonder whatever happened to the old adage “the customer is always right?” Did it go out of style with high button shoes? Are “20-somethings” not being taught the art of good customer service? Do they not know they are in a service industry/occupation? In essence, if it weren’t for people like me, who needed their employer’s services, they would not even have a job! So, what’s with young women who have this surly and indifferent attitude?
I did not want to ruin my holidays by ruminating on two incidents, that happened just before the holidays that have a common thread. And now, with the New Year fast approaching, I want to get out of the victim role and transcend them.
However, I felt like I was at the mercy of two behemoths: Tri-City Hospital and JC Penney. On November 24, 2008 I slipped and fell while walking my dog at 6:30 pm, smashing up my face and eye glasses. Mercifully, someone finally heard my moaning, called the paramedics and I was rushed off to Tri City Hospital by ambulance. Since I have a fractured back and total right shoulder replacement, I was unable to pick myself up and had no idea if I’d broken more bones – hence I needed the hospital’s emergency room services and x-rays.
On dismissal, about 9:50 PM I was given written follow-up instructions and walked to an exit door. When I asked could someone call me a cab to take me home, the young woman told me to go down the hall and tell the receptionist, on the left-hand side of the hallway, to call a cab. I tottered down the hallway, feeling a bit groggy and in a lot of pain, trying to see through my scratched eye glasses and made my request.
Thirty minutes later, I got my bearings and wobbled back through the emergency waiting room to the receptionist area. It was a different, much younger person on duty. I asked “How long does it take for a taxi to arrive?” She “didn’t know.” I asked could she please call the taxi company and find out if they had left yet? What seemed like ages, she dialed a number and said “I’ve got a woman here with an attitude …” I was too bewildered to remember what else she said. I stumbled back into the emergency waiting room as a cabbie came through the door calling my name.
I explained to the cabbie that I had no ID or wallet on me and she would have to wait while I went into my house to get money to pay for my fare.
As I slowly recovered from this second fall this year, the first in March when I fell and broke my nose, I realized that I could not see through my new eyeglasses, they were indeed scratched. I had just purchased them in August for $174.00 through JC Penney.
On December 8, I set out for JC Penney to see if the lenses could be saved. I gave my name and address to a young clerk and told her why I was there. She put that data into her computer and finally informed me that “the glasses were over a year old …” I took out my paid bill and insurance contract they told me I needed and showed them to her. I said “These eyeglasses are new and here’s all the documentation.”
She informed me that they, JC Penney, did not repair scratches and gave me a business card of a firm in Carlsbad that did. Then I showed her the insurance/guaranty form I had purchased from them and asked would new lenses be covered under this? What seemed like an eternity, I asked her what the problem was. She finally said “You bought these eyeglasses on sale. To replace the lenses will cost you $99.00.” I said “That’s not 10% of what I paid. There’s something wrong. Is this guaranty that I bought worthless?” She would not answer me.
Then, told her I was not interested in what the computer “said” I wanted the name and a website of the company who made the eyeglasses so that I could go on-line when I got home and research it myself. She would not give it to me. Another sales clerk wrote it on a post-it note and handed it to me. As I left JC Penney I told the young woman she needed more training in customer service, especially in dealing with senior citizens. She told me to come back and see her manager.
Neither of these incidents would have bothered me, I’m sure, had I not undergone severe trauma to my body, was in pain and my emotions were raw. Had I not had the accident, I would not have had to go to hospital emergency room, and I would not have to replace my new eyeglasses. Neither would I have encountered such rudeness from clerks working in a service industry. Perhaps someday they will even learn that the customer is their true employer!
My solution was not to go back to JC Penney and be insulted all over again but to start anew. I went to “Lens 4 Less” in Oceanside, talked to the owner, John DiBos, purchased a stylish Oleg Cassini frame, and had my new eyeglasses within a week! I was treated with respect, suggestions, and excellent service for far less money!
I guess the moral of the story is forget dealing with and buying from the big box companies, e.g., JC Penney, and deal with local merchants, small business owners, whom you can talk to face to face, negotiate with and get excellent service and value from.
Shirley M. Carolan
Speaker Writer Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
At this time of year especially, it’s nice to be surrounded by real/true friends; folks we can be ourselves with, let our hair down with, share our goals and dreams with, without worrying about being scoffed at or put down. Our families may not support us emotionally, and that’s too bad, but that is no reason to want to put our head in the oven! Folks can’t give what they don’t have! If they felt good about themselves, or loved themselves a little bit, they would not treat others unkindly.
It’s important not to go for “Tit for Tat!” It only wears you out and chances are good that you won’t win against your opponent, especially if s/he initiated the negative attitude/behavior/response. When you choose not to respond with “tit for tat” you will transcend your own limitations, rise above the personal feelings of hurt, shame, or inadequacy, and take back your power! Why give your power away to an idiot?
You will find your energy soaring when you realize that you are honoring your own principles and sanity. Until you personally experience the exhilaration of recognizing your true nature and power it’s difficult to appreciate your true value. But, when you learn to validate yourself the sky’s the limit! You will never again be beholden to folks who cannot support you emotionally!.
Tis far better to keep your sanity, realize they are doing the best they can, or know how at this point in time, and that’s all they have to offer, bless them, and let them go with love!
Enough of this soapbox! Treasure your friends! Let them know how much they mean to you. That doesn’t mean going overboard with expensive gifts. Rather, it is giving them the recognition they deserve, whether they expect it or not! Friendship is truly a give and take affair without the need for petty, limiting thoughts or, one-upsmanship. True friendship is money in the bank, better yet, it is priceless! So treat you friends with honor and respect and be sure to let them know how much they mean to you!
Happy Holidays!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
At this time of year especially, it’s nice to be surrounded by real/true friends; folks we can be ourselves with, let our hair down with, share our goals and dreams with, without worrying about being scoffed at or put down. Our families may not support us emotionally, and that’s too bad, but that is no reason to want to put our head in the oven! Folks can’t give what they don’t have! If they felt good about themselves, or loved themselves a little bit, they would not treat others unkindly.
It’s important not to go for “Tit for Tat!” It only wears you out and chances are good that you won’t win against your opponent, especially if s/he initiated the negative attitude/behavior/response. When you choose not to respond with “tit for tat” you will transcend your own limitations, rise above the personal feelings of hurt, shame, or inadequacy, and take back your power! Why give your power away to an idiot?
You will find your energy soaring when you realize that you are honoring your own principles and sanity. Until you personally experience the exhilaration of recognizing your true nature and power it’s difficult to appreciate your true value. But, when you learn to validate yourself the sky’s the limit! You will never again be beholden to folks who cannot support you emotionally!.
Tis far better to keep your sanity, realize they are doing the best they can, or know how at this point in time, and that’s all they have to offer, bless them, and let them go with love!
Enough of this soapbox! Treasure your friends! Let them know how much they mean to you. That doesn’t mean going overboard with expensive gifts. Rather, it is giving them the recognition they deserve, whether they expect it or not! Friendship is truly a give and take affair without the need for petty, limiting thoughts or, one-upsmanship. True friendship is money in the bank, better yet, it is priceless! So treat you friends with honor and respect and be sure to let them know how much they mean to you!
Happy Holidays!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
As many of you know, I have a penchant for falling and kissing the sidewalk! Last Monday night, November 24, was no exception. About 6:30 PM while walking my dog, Krissy, I tripped, fell on the sidewalk and smashed up my face. Somebody with a cell phone heard me screaming and paramedics rushed me to Tri City Hosp.
Mercifully, I didn’t break my nose this time, as last March, but I did manage to bugger up my teeth, lips, chin, and my eyeglasses are a total loss. While at the hosp. the Fire Dept. called in to say they had found Krissy and had locked her in my house, where she was when I got home at midnight.
And, this time, it was pitch black outside, so I have a good excuse but I’m determined to find out why I keep falling and breaking bones! Meanwhile, I am so grateful to be puttering around my home – it could be a lot worse!
Tuesday night while playing with my little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, I detected a large, thick, lump on her back. Was it there last week when I took her in for her annual checkup and rabies shot? Did the vet miss it? H’m. I’d better call and take her in again. She was scheduled for Friday at 3:30 PM.
Thanksgiving was spent with my chiropractor and his family and was wonderful despite my “Halloween” appearance. This holiday is significant to my family since we boarded the SS America at Southampton, England on November 27, 1947 and set sail for America, arriving in New York on December. 4, 1947. It’s been an interesting 61 years.
Friday, the vet insisted the lump was not there the week before when he examined her but it needed to be removed immediately! They did some blood work and a biopsy and scheduled her for surgery at 8:00 AM Saturday morning.
I spent all day Saturday worrying about her and the severity of her condition. When I picked her up last night I didn’t recognize her. Her little 12 lb. frame seemed to have shrunk and she was all doped up. I quickly got over my worry as I settled the vet’s bill, $805.00! I know, I know you, can’t put a price tag on love and she’s my entire family!
It’s been an expensive week, when I tally all the drama up: the ambulance will cost $650.00 + emergency room treatment and x-rays. Plus cab fare home from hospital at midnight and now Krissy’s bill $805.00.
I’ve been up all night tending to Krissy. As I tried to get her out of the car to bring her into the house she screamed sending a blood curdling chill up my spine. She has part of her back (fur) shaved showing a 3 inch gash with tons of staples!! She goes back in 14 days to have them removed …
That was the week that was … and I’m glad it’s almost over!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
As many of you know, I have a penchant for falling and kissing the sidewalk! Last Monday night, November 24, was no exception. About 6:30 PM while walking my dog, Krissy, I tripped, fell on the sidewalk and smashed up my face. Somebody with a cell phone heard me screaming and paramedics rushed me to Tri City Hosp.
Mercifully, I didn’t break my nose this time, as last March, but I did manage to bugger up my teeth, lips, chin, and my eyeglasses are a total loss. While at the hosp. the Fire Dept. called in to say they had found Krissy and had locked her in my house, where she was when I got home at midnight.
And, this time, it was pitch black outside, so I have a good excuse but I’m determined to find out why I keep falling and breaking bones! Meanwhile, I am so grateful to be puttering around my home – it could be a lot worse!
Tuesday night while playing with my little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, I detected a large, thick, lump on her back. Was it there last week when I took her in for her annual checkup and rabies shot? Did the vet miss it? H’m. I’d better call and take her in again. She was scheduled for Friday at 3:30 PM.
Thanksgiving was spent with my chiropractor and his family and was wonderful despite my “Halloween” appearance. This holiday is significant to my family since we boarded the SS America at Southampton, England on November 27, 1947 and set sail for America, arriving in New York on December. 4, 1947. It’s been an interesting 61 years.
Friday, the vet insisted the lump was not there the week before when he examined her but it needed to be removed immediately! They did some blood work and a biopsy and scheduled her for surgery at 8:00 AM Saturday morning.
I spent all day Saturday worrying about her and the severity of her condition. When I picked her up last night I didn’t recognize her. Her little 12 lb. frame seemed to have shrunk and she was all doped up. I quickly got over my worry as I settled the vet’s bill, $805.00! I know, I know you, can’t put a price tag on love and she’s my entire family!
It’s been an expensive week, when I tally all the drama up: the ambulance will cost $650.00 + emergency room treatment and x-rays. Plus cab fare home from hospital at midnight and now Krissy’s bill $805.00.
I’ve been up all night tending to Krissy. As I tried to get her out of the car to bring her into the house she screamed sending a blood curdling chill up my spine. She has part of her back (fur) shaved showing a 3 inch gash with tons of staples!! She goes back in 14 days to have them removed …
That was the week that was … and I’m glad it’s almost over!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
Tick Talk Toastmasters Club is a new member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. This is quite remarkable since we are a microcosm of a huge, world wide, non-profit, educational organization. Our club is pro-active and seized the opportunity to join the Chamber when one of our members, Debra Simpson, also a Chamber member, presented us with the challenge to get out of our comfort zone and spread the word about Toastmasters, Tick Talk Toastmasters in particular.
HOW We Do It!
We believe we can help business owners and their sales staffs reach new heights and more business by taking advantage of what Toastmasters has to offer: the opportunity, in a safe, professional environment, to learn how to communicate effectively, before an audience of peers, who will then give positive feedback on how well the presentation was given, as well as concrete suggestions as to where and how the individual can improve. This is invaluable feedback and gives the individual an opportunity to grow, gain confidence, and avoid the same mistakes repeatedly.
A great tool and benefit of a Toastmasters meeting is that everything is timed, thus members learn to give a verbal presentation in a specific time frame. They also learn how to put a speech/presentation together so that it embodies the techniques of good public speaking: an Opening, Body, and a Close, followed by delivery, vocal variety, and gestures.
Getting Your Feet Wet
Newcomers are encouraged to participate in “Table Topics” and practice the fine art of impromptu speaking! Before long, their confidence soars and they are ready to give their “Icebreaker” speech, thus introducing themselves, their company, their goals and objectives to the Club.
A Grammarian and an Ah Counter give reports at the end of each meeting so that members can learn where they need to pay attention, and how well they express themselves (grammatically).
Members are never left floundering for ideas or feedback. They receive a speech manual from Toastmasters International outlining their first ten speeches, with topic suggestions, delivery, and specific objectives for each speech. An evaluator is assigned to give instant, positive, feedback on each speech given. Once the ten speeches are completed they receive a badge from TI with their new designation “Competent Communicator.”
Tick Talk Toastmasters is having a 6 week “SPEECHCRAFT” open to the public, starting in January. You’re invited! It’s a great opportunity to see firsthand how Toastmasters works, and how it can enhance your speaking, listening, writing and leadership skills! Yes, Toastmasters is more than just smacking your lips together and hoping something .
worthwhile comes out! We also have most professions represented: lawyers, chiropractors, therapists, teachers, etc. … those people who must address clients, students, etc.
Tick Talk Toastmasters meets every Thursday evening, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at Carlsbad-by-the Sea, 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. For more information: Our website is Our President, Doug Britton can be reached at: (619) 571-2263, or,
To Recap
When you join Toastmasters International you have joined one of the most prestigious, international, educational, organizations in the world! Not many organizations can boast this. It is among the largest, non-profit organization in the world! Members are committed to learning how to be better communicators, listeners and better leaders. This translates into being better workers, managers, leaders, teachers, parents, etc.
I look forward to meeting and greeting you at our next meeting!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Tick Talk Toastmasters Club is a new member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. This is quite remarkable since we are a microcosm of a huge, world wide, non-profit, educational organization. Our club is pro-active and seized the opportunity to join the Chamber when one of our members, Debra Simpson, also a Chamber member, presented us with the challenge to get out of our comfort zone and spread the word about Toastmasters, Tick Talk Toastmasters in particular.
HOW We Do It!
We believe we can help business owners and their sales staffs reach new heights and more business by taking advantage of what Toastmasters has to offer: the opportunity, in a safe, professional environment, to learn how to communicate effectively, before an audience of peers, who will then give positive feedback on how well the presentation was given, as well as concrete suggestions as to where and how the individual can improve. This is invaluable feedback and gives the individual an opportunity to grow, gain confidence, and avoid the same mistakes repeatedly.
A great tool and benefit of a Toastmasters meeting is that everything is timed, thus members learn to give a verbal presentation in a specific time frame. They also learn how to put a speech/presentation together so that it embodies the techniques of good public speaking: an Opening, Body, and a Close, followed by delivery, vocal variety, and gestures.
Getting Your Feet Wet
Newcomers are encouraged to participate in “Table Topics” and practice the fine art of impromptu speaking! Before long, their confidence soars and they are ready to give their “Icebreaker” speech, thus introducing themselves, their company, their goals and objectives to the Club.
A Grammarian and an Ah Counter give reports at the end of each meeting so that members can learn where they need to pay attention, and how well they express themselves (grammatically).
Members are never left floundering for ideas or feedback. They receive a speech manual from Toastmasters International outlining their first ten speeches, with topic suggestions, delivery, and specific objectives for each speech. An evaluator is assigned to give instant, positive, feedback on each speech given. Once the ten speeches are completed they receive a badge from TI with their new designation “Competent Communicator.”
Tick Talk Toastmasters is having a 6 week “SPEECHCRAFT” open to the public, starting in January. You’re invited! It’s a great opportunity to see firsthand how Toastmasters works, and how it can enhance your speaking, listening, writing and leadership skills! Yes, Toastmasters is more than just smacking your lips together and hoping something .
worthwhile comes out! We also have most professions represented: lawyers, chiropractors, therapists, teachers, etc. … those people who must address clients, students, etc.
Tick Talk Toastmasters meets every Thursday evening, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at Carlsbad-by-the Sea, 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. For more information: Our website is Our President, Doug Britton can be reached at: (619) 571-2263, or,
To Recap
When you join Toastmasters International you have joined one of the most prestigious, international, educational, organizations in the world! Not many organizations can boast this. It is among the largest, non-profit organization in the world! Members are committed to learning how to be better communicators, listeners and better leaders. This translates into being better workers, managers, leaders, teachers, parents, etc.
I look forward to meeting and greeting you at our next meeting!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
By Shirley Carolan, ATM-G
If you have a rocking chair and enjoy using it, then this article is for you! If you don’t have a rocking chair in your life yet, then I urge you to get one… whether you use it indoors or outdoors it’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself. It’s also very therapeutic for your physical, mental, and emotional well being. Now, I know why President Kennedy appreciated his.
This morning, after I walked my dog, I decided to read the morning papers while sitting on my porch and gently rocking in my rocker. It was a beautiful morning, with the sun’s rays gently streaming down my body, a light breeze fluttered, and a stillness, bordering on peacefulness, filled the air.
Today’s news was positive … gone were the snide and cutting remarks of political parties, the rattling of old skeletons s in the closet, the candidates jockeying for position, etc. It was quite a relief to have the presidential and local elections over with and the results finally announced.
No more would I have to worry about whether or not to switch my party and vote for the opposing candidate. No more would I have to feel guilty if I did so. No more would I have to worry about the sanctity of marriage. As a naturalized American citizen I am proud to have voted and, I am proud to see my “adopted” country mature. I feel truly relieved.
As I put the newspaper away, I chose to spend a few minutes, with eyes closed just rocking in my chair. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven! I started to unwind and just let my mind wander. I was amazed at how grateful and privileged I felt. I had no ax to grind, nothing to prove, no regrets about aging, or fretting over health issues or finances. It was like an out-of-body experience. I felt like I was floating in the air, The birds sounded chirpier, the traffic was muted, my little Shih-Tzu was behaving, all was peaceful as I gently rocked to and fro in my rocker. I didn’t want the experience to end.
How happy I am I made the decision to redo my front porch this summer. Gone is the old outdoor carpeting, being replaced by a bright terra-cotta coat of paint over the cement. Nice rattan furniture, a sofa, a king-sized rocker, a queen-sized rocker, a lovely rattan coffee table, all surrounded by geraniums, chrysanthemums, grape ivy, jade and assorted evergreen plants. It has made this little doll’s house come alive!
Ah yes, I can now experience a glimpse of heaven whenever I want as I sit quietly rocking in my old rocking chair! Do yourself a favor and invest in one too. The benefits are enormous!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
If you have a rocking chair and enjoy using it, then this article is for you! If you don’t have a rocking chair in your life yet, then I urge you to get one… whether you use it indoors or outdoors it’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself. It’s also very therapeutic for your physical, mental, and emotional well being. Now, I know why President Kennedy appreciated his.
This morning, after I walked my dog, I decided to read the morning papers while sitting on my porch and gently rocking in my rocker. It was a beautiful morning, with the sun’s rays gently streaming down my body, a light breeze fluttered, and a stillness, bordering on peacefulness, filled the air.
Today’s news was positive … gone were the snide and cutting remarks of political parties, the rattling of old skeletons s in the closet, the candidates jockeying for position, etc. It was quite a relief to have the presidential and local elections over with and the results finally announced.
No more would I have to worry about whether or not to switch my party and vote for the opposing candidate. No more would I have to feel guilty if I did so. No more would I have to worry about the sanctity of marriage. As a naturalized American citizen I am proud to have voted and, I am proud to see my “adopted” country mature. I feel truly relieved.
As I put the newspaper away, I chose to spend a few minutes, with eyes closed just rocking in my chair. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven! I started to unwind and just let my mind wander. I was amazed at how grateful and privileged I felt. I had no ax to grind, nothing to prove, no regrets about aging, or fretting over health issues or finances. It was like an out-of-body experience. I felt like I was floating in the air, The birds sounded chirpier, the traffic was muted, my little Shih-Tzu was behaving, all was peaceful as I gently rocked to and fro in my rocker. I didn’t want the experience to end.
How happy I am I made the decision to redo my front porch this summer. Gone is the old outdoor carpeting, being replaced by a bright terra-cotta coat of paint over the cement. Nice rattan furniture, a sofa, a king-sized rocker, a queen-sized rocker, a lovely rattan coffee table, all surrounded by geraniums, chrysanthemums, grape ivy, jade and assorted evergreen plants. It has made this little doll’s house come alive!
Ah yes, I can now experience a glimpse of heaven whenever I want as I sit quietly rocking in my old rocking chair! Do yourself a favor and invest in one too. The benefits are enormous!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
The last five weeks have been extremely stressful and a real challenge for me. In fact, I put much of my life on “hold.” I had a health scare that bordered on terrifying. It all began with a simple annual physical, including some blood work on September 29. That afternoon I received a call telling me that more blood tests needed to be taken and to fast and return the next day. A week later my doctor informed me that I needed to see an oncologist.
That was my 2nd experience in “hurry up and wait.” Getting approval from my insurance company to see an oncologist of their choosing took another week! Getting an appointment with the oncologist took almost 2 weeks. More examples of hurry up and wait!
The oncologist ordered more blood tests (which my insurance company would not give her permission to take. I had to go to an insurance company lab resulting in more delays). Then an ultrasound was ordered.
Another week passed and still no word on a diagnosis of what might be ailing me. Since so much cancer runs in my family, I was really feeling quite nervous and upset. Once in a while I would catch myself silently crying. It took effort to say to myself “Now, Shirley, how would a national treasure handle this?” That thought was enough to calm me down. The woman who called me a “national treasure” back in September will never know the precious gift she gave me!
Since there is just my little Shih-Tzu and me I don’t have much family to share things with. My twin brother was off to New York and had his own challenges to handle. Fortunately, I have a few close, caring, and wonderful friends. They told me to keep my thoughts positive and reminded me that we attract what we think, whether that’s something we want or not. They also said that everything happens when it is supposed to happen. Therefore, let go of “hurry up and wait!”
Be that as it may, I decided to be pro-active about my health. I was not comfortable in my own skin any more. So, I called the oncologist’s office wanting to know the results of all the tests on Monday, October 20. I was told the doctor’s Assistant would get back to me. That didn’t happen.
This Monday, October 27 Dr. Frakes told me I do not have cancer or leukemia but my thyroid needs further testing and more blood work! While emotionally, mentally, and spiritually I feel so relieved and grateful, physically I am exhausted ... Now, I look forward to the results of the latest blood work. Also, I am learning that “hurry up and wait” seems to be the normal pace for the medical world and I am learning to live with it.
Meanwhile, I have just taken my life off “Hold” and intend to live it with gusto!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
The last five weeks have been extremely stressful and a real challenge for me. In fact, I put much of my life on “hold.” I had a health scare that bordered on terrifying. It all began with a simple annual physical, including some blood work on September 29. That afternoon I received a call telling me that more blood tests needed to be taken and to fast and return the next day. A week later my doctor informed me that I needed to see an oncologist.
That was my 2nd experience in “hurry up and wait.” Getting approval from my insurance company to see an oncologist of their choosing took another week! Getting an appointment with the oncologist took almost 2 weeks. More examples of hurry up and wait!
The oncologist ordered more blood tests (which my insurance company would not give her permission to take. I had to go to an insurance company lab resulting in more delays). Then an ultrasound was ordered.
Another week passed and still no word on a diagnosis of what might be ailing me. Since so much cancer runs in my family, I was really feeling quite nervous and upset. Once in a while I would catch myself silently crying. It took effort to say to myself “Now, Shirley, how would a national treasure handle this?” That thought was enough to calm me down. The woman who called me a “national treasure” back in September will never know the precious gift she gave me!
Since there is just my little Shih-Tzu and me I don’t have much family to share things with. My twin brother was off to New York and had his own challenges to handle. Fortunately, I have a few close, caring, and wonderful friends. They told me to keep my thoughts positive and reminded me that we attract what we think, whether that’s something we want or not. They also said that everything happens when it is supposed to happen. Therefore, let go of “hurry up and wait!”
Be that as it may, I decided to be pro-active about my health. I was not comfortable in my own skin any more. So, I called the oncologist’s office wanting to know the results of all the tests on Monday, October 20. I was told the doctor’s Assistant would get back to me. That didn’t happen.
This Monday, October 27 Dr. Frakes told me I do not have cancer or leukemia but my thyroid needs further testing and more blood work! While emotionally, mentally, and spiritually I feel so relieved and grateful, physically I am exhausted ... Now, I look forward to the results of the latest blood work. Also, I am learning that “hurry up and wait” seems to be the normal pace for the medical world and I am learning to live with it.
Meanwhile, I have just taken my life off “Hold” and intend to live it with gusto!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
For those who love to speak, lead, or listen to excellent speakers, why not come to my Toastmaster Club’s Open House this Thursday, October 23? Tick Talk Toastmasters, Club #2113, is a dynamic group of men and women dedicated to self development and improving their communications skills, at work, at home, and at play! We are an eclectic mix of men and women, representing various industries and professions who meet every Thursday, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM to hone our skills and get feedback from our peers! This feedback is priceless and helps us to understand what worked well and where and how we can improve.
The theme of our Open House is “politics as unusual.” Yes, you heard that right. It’s a spoof on the national policital scene. We will have a fake Geiger county to frisk you at the door and you will be asked to remove your shoes.
Come early because we will also have a scrumptious pot luck dinner starting at 6:30 PM. Yes, we have professional bakers as members. And, there will be drinks served too.
Once you see how talented and helpful our members are you may want to participate in our 6 week mini-course known as a “Speechcraft.” This is at a nominal fee and the money can also be applied to a regular membership in Toastmasters International. You will get to write, structure, and deliver a speech on a topic of your choosing and then get an oral and written evaluation. You will participate in “Table Topics” and see how much fun it is to speak extemporaneously! You will also learn the many functions of Toastmastering that come into play at every meeting.
You’re invited to our Open House on October 23, at Carlsbad by the Sea, 2855 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad from 6:30PM to 9 PM. Best of all, it’s free!
What a wonderful opportunity to let go of your fear of public speaking, learn from some pros, have fun and good food in the process. For more information call Sal de Casas at 760-224-1199, or visit
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
For those who love to speak, lead, or listen to excellent speakers, why not come to my Toastmaster Club’s Open House this Thursday, October 23? Tick Talk Toastmasters, Club #2113, is a dynamic group of men and women dedicated to self development and improving their communications skills, at work, at home, and at play! We are an eclectic mix of men and women, representing various industries and professions who meet every Thursday, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM to hone our skills and get feedback from our peers! This feedback is priceless and helps us to understand what worked well and where and how we can improve.
The theme of our Open House is “politics as unusual.” Yes, you heard that right. It’s a spoof on the national policital scene. We will have a fake Geiger county to frisk you at the door and you will be asked to remove your shoes.
Come early because we will also have a scrumptious pot luck dinner starting at 6:30 PM. Yes, we have professional bakers as members. And, there will be drinks served too.
Once you see how talented and helpful our members are you may want to participate in our 6 week mini-course known as a “Speechcraft.” This is at a nominal fee and the money can also be applied to a regular membership in Toastmasters International. You will get to write, structure, and deliver a speech on a topic of your choosing and then get an oral and written evaluation. You will participate in “Table Topics” and see how much fun it is to speak extemporaneously! You will also learn the many functions of Toastmastering that come into play at every meeting.
You’re invited to our Open House on October 23, at Carlsbad by the Sea, 2855 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad from 6:30PM to 9 PM. Best of all, it’s free!
What a wonderful opportunity to let go of your fear of public speaking, learn from some pros, have fun and good food in the process. For more information call Sal de Casas at 760-224-1199, or visit
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
If you missed Sunday’s live performance of “Rumpelstiltskin” by the San Diego Opera ensemble you missed a rare treat indeed! This wonderful and talented cast of six thrilled the audience with this classic children’s fairytale by the Brothers Grimm. It literally springs to life!
This lovely fairytale was transformed into a one act opera written by Opera’s own Geisel Director of Education, Dr. Nicholas Reveles , and Librettist /Stage Director J. Sherwood Montgomery. The six Ensemble artists accompanied by their Music Director, perform for a diverse audience, from kindergarten through college students and senior citizens. This outstanding group of artists brings the excitement of live performances to more than 35,000 students and adults each season.
The six Ensemble singers are chosen from auditions held in San Diego every Spring They bring significant professional credits with them, e.g., the Tanglewood and Aspen festivals, Santa Fe Opera, Los Angeles Music Center Opera, Seattle Opera, and Long Beach Opera, Many artists who participate in the Ensemble perform roles in the San Diego Opera’s International Season. Some go on to contracts with such major companies as the New York Metropolitan Opera. All members of this Ensemble have master’s degrees and above.
For those who may have forgotten the Rumpelstiltskin story I offer the following: A poor miller tells a fateful lie to the king” his daughter can spin straw into gold! When Nell discovers what her father has done. She turns to the bad tempered, magical creature Rumpelstiltskin to do her spinning for her. But, in doing so he extracts a terrible demand: her first-born child. He offers the one means of escape: discover his true identity and he will relent. Fortunately, Nell guesses correctly and the opera ends on a triumphant note!
Let’s keep music alive in our community! It’s not too late to purchase tickets to any performance of the rest of this short season. You can purchase tickets through Genevieve Wunder at 760-433-3632, or email, or you can purchase tickets at the door.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
If you missed Sunday’s live performance of “Rumpelstiltskin” by the San Diego Opera ensemble you missed a rare treat indeed! This wonderful and talented cast of six thrilled the audience with this classic children’s fairytale by the Brothers Grimm. It literally springs to life!
This lovely fairytale was transformed into a one act opera written by Opera’s own Geisel Director of Education, Dr. Nicholas Reveles , and Librettist /Stage Director J. Sherwood Montgomery. The six Ensemble artists accompanied by their Music Director, perform for a diverse audience, from kindergarten through college students and senior citizens. This outstanding group of artists brings the excitement of live performances to more than 35,000 students and adults each season.
The six Ensemble singers are chosen from auditions held in San Diego every Spring They bring significant professional credits with them, e.g., the Tanglewood and Aspen festivals, Santa Fe Opera, Los Angeles Music Center Opera, Seattle Opera, and Long Beach Opera, Many artists who participate in the Ensemble perform roles in the San Diego Opera’s International Season. Some go on to contracts with such major companies as the New York Metropolitan Opera. All members of this Ensemble have master’s degrees and above.
For those who may have forgotten the Rumpelstiltskin story I offer the following: A poor miller tells a fateful lie to the king” his daughter can spin straw into gold! When Nell discovers what her father has done. She turns to the bad tempered, magical creature Rumpelstiltskin to do her spinning for her. But, in doing so he extracts a terrible demand: her first-born child. He offers the one means of escape: discover his true identity and he will relent. Fortunately, Nell guesses correctly and the opera ends on a triumphant note!
Let’s keep music alive in our community! It’s not too late to purchase tickets to any performance of the rest of this short season. You can purchase tickets through Genevieve Wunder at 760-433-3632, or email, or you can purchase tickets at the door.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
For all you music lovers out there who are thinking of buying tickets to the October Oceanside Music Festival, here’s an item hot off the press: The price for the ‘Gala Reception’ has just been reduced to $30/per person!
The ‘Gala Reception’ will kick off the Festival on October 11, 2008 at 6:00 PM with a champagne reception in the Oceanside Museum School of Art, and then at 7:00 PM move to the Sunshine Brooks Theatre where Rich Langen, Don Megill, Dave Megill and Elaine Weidauer will be honored by the Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation for their lifetime achievements in promoting and supporting young artists. This will be followed by preview performances from several OMFest concerts.
Let’s keep music alive in our community! You can purchase tickets through Genevieve Wunder at 760-433-3632, or email, or you can purchase tickets at the door.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
For all you music lovers out there who are thinking of buying tickets to the October Oceanside Music Festival, here’s an item hot off the press: The price for the ‘Gala Reception’ has just been reduced to $30/per person!
The ‘Gala Reception’ will kick off the Festival on October 11, 2008 at 6:00 PM with a champagne reception in the Oceanside Museum School of Art, and then at 7:00 PM move to the Sunshine Brooks Theatre where Rich Langen, Don Megill, Dave Megill and Elaine Weidauer will be honored by the Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation for their lifetime achievements in promoting and supporting young artists. This will be followed by preview performances from several OMFest concerts.
Let’s keep music alive in our community! You can purchase tickets through Genevieve Wunder at 760-433-3632, or email, or you can purchase tickets at the door.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Friday, September 26, 2008
BY Shirley M. Carolan
For me, work is fun. And, in my free time I enjoy writing, journaling, painting, and of course, music, to name a few diversions. Sometimes I plan for these ahead of time while others are spontaneous. If you love music, then why not plan ahead to attend the Oceanside October Music Festival.
This wonderful annual Music Festival starts on October 11 and runs through October 24, 2008! How fortunate we are to have this lively Festival, now in its 7th year, on our doorstep! It is sponsored by the Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation.
The Festival has something for everyone’s musical taste, from opera to dixieland jazz to beautiful classical and liturgical music! What’s more the Festival will have performances at several, convenient Oceanside locations.
The Festival kicks off with the Gala Scholarship Reception at the Sunshine Brooks Theater on October 11, followed by the San Diego Opera Ensemble in “Rumplestiltskin,” at the Truax Theatre, El Camino High School on October 12. On October 14 there is the High School Showcase at the same theatre. Things heat up on October 18 with the Cuban salsa group at the Sunshine Brooks Theatre, followed on Sunday, October 19 with the Pacific Concert Band, performing “Peter and the Wolf” at Mission San Luis Rey. On October 24 there will be a “Distinctly American” vocal and jazz theme at the Sunshine Brooks Theatre, wrapping up on Sunday, October 26 with a Festival of classical and liturgical/music at St. Mary’s Star of the Sea! Wow, did I not say there was something for everyone’s taste!
Tickets are reasonably priced. You can purchase them individually or buy the complete set at a great discount!
Keep in mind that all profits go to support local arts and artists. The funds raised at the Gala Scholarship Reception, as well as additional donations, will be used to establish scholarships for local high school seniors who demonstrate excellence in music, and plan to continue their musical careers. This is tax deductible to you. What a great win-win situation!
For more information, please call 760/433-3632
Looking forward to seeing you at one of the concerts!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
For me, work is fun. And, in my free time I enjoy writing, journaling, painting, and of course, music, to name a few diversions. Sometimes I plan for these ahead of time while others are spontaneous. If you love music, then why not plan ahead to attend the Oceanside October Music Festival.
This wonderful annual Music Festival starts on October 11 and runs through October 24, 2008! How fortunate we are to have this lively Festival, now in its 7th year, on our doorstep! It is sponsored by the Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation.
The Festival has something for everyone’s musical taste, from opera to dixieland jazz to beautiful classical and liturgical music! What’s more the Festival will have performances at several, convenient Oceanside locations.
The Festival kicks off with the Gala Scholarship Reception at the Sunshine Brooks Theater on October 11, followed by the San Diego Opera Ensemble in “Rumplestiltskin,” at the Truax Theatre, El Camino High School on October 12. On October 14 there is the High School Showcase at the same theatre. Things heat up on October 18 with the Cuban salsa group at the Sunshine Brooks Theatre, followed on Sunday, October 19 with the Pacific Concert Band, performing “Peter and the Wolf” at Mission San Luis Rey. On October 24 there will be a “Distinctly American” vocal and jazz theme at the Sunshine Brooks Theatre, wrapping up on Sunday, October 26 with a Festival of classical and liturgical/music at St. Mary’s Star of the Sea! Wow, did I not say there was something for everyone’s taste!
Tickets are reasonably priced. You can purchase them individually or buy the complete set at a great discount!
Keep in mind that all profits go to support local arts and artists. The funds raised at the Gala Scholarship Reception, as well as additional donations, will be used to establish scholarships for local high school seniors who demonstrate excellence in music, and plan to continue their musical careers. This is tax deductible to you. What a great win-win situation!
For more information, please call 760/433-3632
Looking forward to seeing you at one of the concerts!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
There’s something about being called, or named, a “National Treasure,” as I was recently, that changes the dynamics of how one lives one’s life, perceives their fellow man, and gets to eradicate all negative behavior … or, at least decide if the ego is right, and reward it! H’m, how can that be?
Since this is a new phenomenon to me, I am intrigued by what I am discovering about myself. The “national treasure” bit is starting to sink in! After all, one must be at least in their 70s to be even considered for such a noble title! . Furthermore, one must at least have a modicum of sensory acuity, as my dear friend, Tony Robbins, would say. And, one must be willing to say “NO” when appropriate, not buy into other’s treatment of you and above all get rid of the need to major in minor matters! Wow, all this from just once being called an “NT!” .
Quirky as that may seem, that’s what I’m discovering on a daily basis! For example, before being called an “NT” I would rise to the bait if I heard something unsavory being said about me or someone else. Now, it seems I’m getting dozens of emails telling me to vote NO for Governor Sarah Palin, even before the election. I truly do not like being told what to do! I am quite capable of making up my own mind, especially with politics, without succumbing to being a sheep!
Another huge benefit of being called an “NT” is that I don’t have to fall into someone else’s agenda for my life. If someone reneges on something they told me earlier I don’t get into a snit anymore. Instead, I stop and ask myself “How would a “National Treasure” handle this!? Sometimes the answer surprises me! The end result is I get to see how much I’ve let my ego control my life! This is the latest in behavior modification!
How about you? Even if you’re not yet an “NT” how do you live your life? If you’re not sure how often you let your ego rule you, try Journaling the next time you are faced with an important decision!
Stay tuned for more golden nuggets.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
There’s something about being called, or named, a “National Treasure,” as I was recently, that changes the dynamics of how one lives one’s life, perceives their fellow man, and gets to eradicate all negative behavior … or, at least decide if the ego is right, and reward it! H’m, how can that be?
Since this is a new phenomenon to me, I am intrigued by what I am discovering about myself. The “national treasure” bit is starting to sink in! After all, one must be at least in their 70s to be even considered for such a noble title! . Furthermore, one must at least have a modicum of sensory acuity, as my dear friend, Tony Robbins, would say. And, one must be willing to say “NO” when appropriate, not buy into other’s treatment of you and above all get rid of the need to major in minor matters! Wow, all this from just once being called an “NT!” .
Quirky as that may seem, that’s what I’m discovering on a daily basis! For example, before being called an “NT” I would rise to the bait if I heard something unsavory being said about me or someone else. Now, it seems I’m getting dozens of emails telling me to vote NO for Governor Sarah Palin, even before the election. I truly do not like being told what to do! I am quite capable of making up my own mind, especially with politics, without succumbing to being a sheep!
Another huge benefit of being called an “NT” is that I don’t have to fall into someone else’s agenda for my life. If someone reneges on something they told me earlier I don’t get into a snit anymore. Instead, I stop and ask myself “How would a “National Treasure” handle this!? Sometimes the answer surprises me! The end result is I get to see how much I’ve let my ego control my life! This is the latest in behavior modification!
How about you? Even if you’re not yet an “NT” how do you live your life? If you’re not sure how often you let your ego rule you, try Journaling the next time you are faced with an important decision!
Stay tuned for more golden nuggets.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan
Recently I addressed the Women’s Aviara Club in Carlsbad, California. The original invitation was for March but unfortunately I had a nasty accident where I “kissed the ground” again and ended up with a fractured nose, and multiple cuts and bruises, resulting in my looking like a giant panda, and having to cancel the engagement.
Last week when I arrived at the speaking engagement facility I discovered to my horror that I had left all my notes behind! My first reaction was akin to panic, even though I had rehearsed repeatedly that day, and even days before, what I was going to say. Next, I told myself to stay calm because I had a good message to deliver, and a nice gift for them.
As their business meeting progressed, I quickly made some notes of the key points and stories I wanted to cover. Fortunately, I had arrived early, and had spoken to several women before things got underway and who warmed up to me when I told them who I was. When they heard the title of my speech was “Life Is A Firewalk” they were even more intrigued.
Once I was introduced by the president, Nancy Conti, (an introduction I had written earlier for her) my adrenalin, and 27 year's Toastmasters International experience kicked in! I was able to tie in how my first firewalk, in 1989, with Tony Robbins changed my life! I was 56 years old at the time. I explained how we all have a “firewalk” to overcome in our lives, whether it be the loss of a relationship, family member, job, home, pet, etc. That then becomes our “story.”
Our “story” becomes how we live our lives! The stories I selected to share were powerful and personal: the women in jail that I taught and got permission from the Sheriff’s Dept., ROP, and the San Mateo County Bd. Of Education, to teach some Tony Robbins skills. How we can live in two different time zones simultaneously, as I did when my family and I emigrated from England to the United States but I left one foot back in England (and only had one foot here!) How living in the past can zap our energy and impede us from living life fully in the NOW! I think you get the message.
I did not hold back anything that I felt would serve the goal of showing these women how to overcome any adversity that life throws at us. I explained how “Journaling” has helped me to overcome many adversities, including loss of a job, a fractured back, and an escalating mortgage all in the same year! I shared who my heroes are and why I enjoy teaching “Journaling for Success” workshops.
Right in the middle of my presentation a woman yelled out “You’re a National Treasure!” Now I know I’m only 75 years old but I’ve never been called a “National Treasure!” This woman inadvertently made my day! They loved it when they found out I had a website and two blogs, that I’m an avid oil painter and pet lover. As a result, I am mulling over my priorities. Have I missed my calling?
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Recently I addressed the Women’s Aviara Club in Carlsbad, California. The original invitation was for March but unfortunately I had a nasty accident where I “kissed the ground” again and ended up with a fractured nose, and multiple cuts and bruises, resulting in my looking like a giant panda, and having to cancel the engagement.
Last week when I arrived at the speaking engagement facility I discovered to my horror that I had left all my notes behind! My first reaction was akin to panic, even though I had rehearsed repeatedly that day, and even days before, what I was going to say. Next, I told myself to stay calm because I had a good message to deliver, and a nice gift for them.
As their business meeting progressed, I quickly made some notes of the key points and stories I wanted to cover. Fortunately, I had arrived early, and had spoken to several women before things got underway and who warmed up to me when I told them who I was. When they heard the title of my speech was “Life Is A Firewalk” they were even more intrigued.
Once I was introduced by the president, Nancy Conti, (an introduction I had written earlier for her) my adrenalin, and 27 year's Toastmasters International experience kicked in! I was able to tie in how my first firewalk, in 1989, with Tony Robbins changed my life! I was 56 years old at the time. I explained how we all have a “firewalk” to overcome in our lives, whether it be the loss of a relationship, family member, job, home, pet, etc. That then becomes our “story.”
Our “story” becomes how we live our lives! The stories I selected to share were powerful and personal: the women in jail that I taught and got permission from the Sheriff’s Dept., ROP, and the San Mateo County Bd. Of Education, to teach some Tony Robbins skills. How we can live in two different time zones simultaneously, as I did when my family and I emigrated from England to the United States but I left one foot back in England (and only had one foot here!) How living in the past can zap our energy and impede us from living life fully in the NOW! I think you get the message.
I did not hold back anything that I felt would serve the goal of showing these women how to overcome any adversity that life throws at us. I explained how “Journaling” has helped me to overcome many adversities, including loss of a job, a fractured back, and an escalating mortgage all in the same year! I shared who my heroes are and why I enjoy teaching “Journaling for Success” workshops.
Right in the middle of my presentation a woman yelled out “You’re a National Treasure!” Now I know I’m only 75 years old but I’ve never been called a “National Treasure!” This woman inadvertently made my day! They loved it when they found out I had a website and two blogs, that I’m an avid oil painter and pet lover. As a result, I am mulling over my priorities. Have I missed my calling?
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
If you ever get the opportunity to be the Toastmaster for any of the Annual Contests, Area, Division or District, I urge you to accept it! Regardless of how long you’ve been in Toastmasters it’s a special learning experience. Put all fears aside and tell your ego to be quiet, you can do it!
Last weekend, September 6, 2008 we held Area 18 and Area 23 Humorous and Table Topics Contests at the Tri City Hospital classrooms. Magic was in the air as folks gathered about sharing stories, friendship and rehearsing their Humorous speeches. There’s something about competing that changes the energy in a room! It is truly an exciting experience!
I was the Toastmaster for the Area 18 Humorous and Table Topics Contests! At first, I wasn’t sure my energy would hold up because we had a full contingent, 5 contestants in each contest! This also meant I had to keep proceedings moving if I wanted to bring the Contests in on time!
Once I hit the stage, I need not have worried however. My adrenaline and Toastmaster experience kicked in, I let go of my ego, and concentrated on the task at hand. It was pure joy being on the other side of the fence for a change. After years of being “trotted out” by my Toastmaster Club to be a participant in any contest, I was now playing the reverse role!
When you see and hear every contestant giving it their “all” you realize we are all winners regardless of where we place in a contest! A highlight for me was having a total stranger, a man in his 40’s, jump up on the stage early in the Contest, to tell me he “loved my energy!” Then, he said “look around you, it’s contagious!“ Not too shabby for a 75 year old recovering from some broken bones!
At the interval, between contests, some folks came up to me to tell me how much they enjoyed my energy and handling the job of Toastmaster! H’m, more music to my ears! And, to think I was concerned I was too slow entering and exiting the stage without my cane! When it was all over, other folks lined up to shake my hand and tell me how much they enjoyed my Toastmastering and humor! OK, ego, that’s enough for now!
I truly believe one of the highlights for me was “interviewing” the contestants after each Contest. I was struck by how many folks were self employed … the backbone of America! They recognized the value of what Toastmasters is all about … the listening, writing, feedback, speaking and leadership skills! These skills would help them in relating to their clients and living the American dream! My hat is off to them!
You can be sure I have happy memories to fall back on when life gets tough! I can’t wait to be Toastmaster of a Contest again! If this septuagenarian can do it, you can too!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
If you ever get the opportunity to be the Toastmaster for any of the Annual Contests, Area, Division or District, I urge you to accept it! Regardless of how long you’ve been in Toastmasters it’s a special learning experience. Put all fears aside and tell your ego to be quiet, you can do it!
Last weekend, September 6, 2008 we held Area 18 and Area 23 Humorous and Table Topics Contests at the Tri City Hospital classrooms. Magic was in the air as folks gathered about sharing stories, friendship and rehearsing their Humorous speeches. There’s something about competing that changes the energy in a room! It is truly an exciting experience!
I was the Toastmaster for the Area 18 Humorous and Table Topics Contests! At first, I wasn’t sure my energy would hold up because we had a full contingent, 5 contestants in each contest! This also meant I had to keep proceedings moving if I wanted to bring the Contests in on time!
Once I hit the stage, I need not have worried however. My adrenaline and Toastmaster experience kicked in, I let go of my ego, and concentrated on the task at hand. It was pure joy being on the other side of the fence for a change. After years of being “trotted out” by my Toastmaster Club to be a participant in any contest, I was now playing the reverse role!
When you see and hear every contestant giving it their “all” you realize we are all winners regardless of where we place in a contest! A highlight for me was having a total stranger, a man in his 40’s, jump up on the stage early in the Contest, to tell me he “loved my energy!” Then, he said “look around you, it’s contagious!“ Not too shabby for a 75 year old recovering from some broken bones!
At the interval, between contests, some folks came up to me to tell me how much they enjoyed my energy and handling the job of Toastmaster! H’m, more music to my ears! And, to think I was concerned I was too slow entering and exiting the stage without my cane! When it was all over, other folks lined up to shake my hand and tell me how much they enjoyed my Toastmastering and humor! OK, ego, that’s enough for now!
I truly believe one of the highlights for me was “interviewing” the contestants after each Contest. I was struck by how many folks were self employed … the backbone of America! They recognized the value of what Toastmasters is all about … the listening, writing, feedback, speaking and leadership skills! These skills would help them in relating to their clients and living the American dream! My hat is off to them!
You can be sure I have happy memories to fall back on when life gets tough! I can’t wait to be Toastmaster of a Contest again! If this septuagenarian can do it, you can too!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
BY Shirley M. Carolan
This year I will not be sorry to see summer come to a close. I never thought I’d ever say that but for me, this year, it’s true. August was a very busy month and took up a lot of time and energy doing press releases for several professional organizations to which I belong.
Also, I started a paper newsletter for my Carlsbad Tick Talk Toastmaster Club, coming up with a title, the “Tick Talk Tatler.” Designing, and laying out columns reflecting the diversity of our club has also been a challenge. I’ve initiated a column entitled “Toastmasters on the Go!” to honor those Toastmasters who are using their public speaking. writing and leadership skills beyond the club level. However, I think the challenge and time expended will pay off for our club in attracting new members, and rewarding current ones. It’s really a great public relations tool and a labor of love!
The Labor Day weekend will see the first annual Village Faire Art Festival, co-sponsored by the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League, of which I am VP of Public Relations. I wrote several newspaper press releases on this event as well as delivering flyers to various businesses around town. It promises to be a popular attraction because there is something for every age group. Families are particularly welcome. There will be a live model and live drawing and painting demonstrations. Folks can buy art supplies at a small fee and participate in the fun.
Artists, using a variety of media, e.g., paints, watercolors, oils, acrylics, sculpture and photography will demonstrate their work and skills. I will be sharing a booth with another artist and displaying some of my oil paintings on Saturday, August 30.
There will be live music throughout. It is open to the public and is free. So, come on down to the Carlsbad Village Faire Shopping Center at 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, from 10 AM to 4 PM both days and enjoy a fun Labor Day Weekend!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
This year I will not be sorry to see summer come to a close. I never thought I’d ever say that but for me, this year, it’s true. August was a very busy month and took up a lot of time and energy doing press releases for several professional organizations to which I belong.
Also, I started a paper newsletter for my Carlsbad Tick Talk Toastmaster Club, coming up with a title, the “Tick Talk Tatler.” Designing, and laying out columns reflecting the diversity of our club has also been a challenge. I’ve initiated a column entitled “Toastmasters on the Go!” to honor those Toastmasters who are using their public speaking. writing and leadership skills beyond the club level. However, I think the challenge and time expended will pay off for our club in attracting new members, and rewarding current ones. It’s really a great public relations tool and a labor of love!
The Labor Day weekend will see the first annual Village Faire Art Festival, co-sponsored by the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League, of which I am VP of Public Relations. I wrote several newspaper press releases on this event as well as delivering flyers to various businesses around town. It promises to be a popular attraction because there is something for every age group. Families are particularly welcome. There will be a live model and live drawing and painting demonstrations. Folks can buy art supplies at a small fee and participate in the fun.
Artists, using a variety of media, e.g., paints, watercolors, oils, acrylics, sculpture and photography will demonstrate their work and skills. I will be sharing a booth with another artist and displaying some of my oil paintings on Saturday, August 30.
There will be live music throughout. It is open to the public and is free. So, come on down to the Carlsbad Village Faire Shopping Center at 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, from 10 AM to 4 PM both days and enjoy a fun Labor Day Weekend!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan
For all you writers, speakers, and others who may need some uplifting thoughts today, I think you will enjoy this article. Hopefully, it will take you back to your childhood to discover what your favorite book from childhood was and how it may have impacted your life! It’s something you can write an article about, include in a speech, and lift your spirits.
Recently, I was reading Writer’s Digest on-line and really enjoying it. Then I saw a question that rang a bell with me. The author was feeling nostalgic and wanted to know what childhood books had had an impact on us. Without skipping a beat, I decided to respond.
Without a doubt, for me, it had to be “Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame. I loved how he introduced little animals into the story and gave each its own unique personality and character, as well as the way he painted word pictures of each character and scene. Some characters are easy to understand like “Ratty” and “Mole,” others like Mr. Toad, were more complex; he was a bit of a braggard and I identified with him. The story is fun, easy to read, and a wonderful adventure.
To this day, I lovingly pull out this book, read it and transport myself back in time. It has had a profound effect on my life. I remember visiting Disneyland in Anaheim in my forties, years after I’d emigrated from Great Britain to America.
I chose to go on the river/canal ride that takes you along river banks and childhood stories and events. I distinctly remember the guide calling out “Toad Hall Ahead!” I could hardly believe my ears. Quickly, I jumped up, nearly capsizing the boat and the rest of the passengers, and screamed “Let me out! Let me out! I want to see Toad Hall and talk to Mr. Toad.” My eyes caressed the rolling green hills and what I perceived as Toad Hall in the distance.
To my chagrin, and everyone else’s utter annoyance, I was unceremoniously told by the guide to “Please sit down before your capsize this boat!” Then it dawned upon me that there was no way I was going to see Toad Hall or have a one-on-one chat with Mr. Toad and tell him how much I enjoyed his adventures as a child and how much I identified with his personality...
I think it’s safe to say I’d still be there now if the guide at let me off at Toad Hall and who knows the mischief Toad and I would have fallen into... my kind of mischief! But, I can dream can’t I? That incident happened over 30 years ago but I still remember it fondly to this day So what childhood book has had a significant impact on your life…why?
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
For all you writers, speakers, and others who may need some uplifting thoughts today, I think you will enjoy this article. Hopefully, it will take you back to your childhood to discover what your favorite book from childhood was and how it may have impacted your life! It’s something you can write an article about, include in a speech, and lift your spirits.
Recently, I was reading Writer’s Digest on-line and really enjoying it. Then I saw a question that rang a bell with me. The author was feeling nostalgic and wanted to know what childhood books had had an impact on us. Without skipping a beat, I decided to respond.
Without a doubt, for me, it had to be “Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame. I loved how he introduced little animals into the story and gave each its own unique personality and character, as well as the way he painted word pictures of each character and scene. Some characters are easy to understand like “Ratty” and “Mole,” others like Mr. Toad, were more complex; he was a bit of a braggard and I identified with him. The story is fun, easy to read, and a wonderful adventure.
To this day, I lovingly pull out this book, read it and transport myself back in time. It has had a profound effect on my life. I remember visiting Disneyland in Anaheim in my forties, years after I’d emigrated from Great Britain to America.
I chose to go on the river/canal ride that takes you along river banks and childhood stories and events. I distinctly remember the guide calling out “Toad Hall Ahead!” I could hardly believe my ears. Quickly, I jumped up, nearly capsizing the boat and the rest of the passengers, and screamed “Let me out! Let me out! I want to see Toad Hall and talk to Mr. Toad.” My eyes caressed the rolling green hills and what I perceived as Toad Hall in the distance.
To my chagrin, and everyone else’s utter annoyance, I was unceremoniously told by the guide to “Please sit down before your capsize this boat!” Then it dawned upon me that there was no way I was going to see Toad Hall or have a one-on-one chat with Mr. Toad and tell him how much I enjoyed his adventures as a child and how much I identified with his personality...
I think it’s safe to say I’d still be there now if the guide at let me off at Toad Hall and who knows the mischief Toad and I would have fallen into... my kind of mischief! But, I can dream can’t I? That incident happened over 30 years ago but I still remember it fondly to this day So what childhood book has had a significant impact on your life…why?
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
FINIS! A Labor of Love Completed
by Shirley M. Carolan
IT FINALLY HAPPENED! THE END OF A PROJECT! Today, July 13, 2008. All you writers out there will appreciate my excitement and enthusiasm.
YIPPEE! It’s over! It’s been a work in progress for a long time. I never thought I’d see the day when I would finally finish an eBook that I hope will inspire others, get them to think about how they are living their life, be honest with themselves, especially if something needs changing, not expecting others to change for them, and then taking the appropriate action to live a richer, fuller life!
It's been enlightening, sometimes sad, sometimes painful, sometimes humorous writing about the myriad events and people in my life and what I discovered needed changing and daring to go for it! I am truly grateful to all the folks who gave me feedback, they didn't hold back anything! Even my doctor said "Shirley, folks of all ages will enjoy these insights but I hope you will address the senior citizen population too!"
Culling all the articles was perhaps the hard part and selecting those that had a true, viable message for others to enjoy was a huge challenge. I have enough chapters and articles left over to either do another eBook or think of converting into a full blown book!
Right now my focus is on editing the material and getting an ISBN number then loading it onto my website for others to see, download and enjoy!
My labor of love is entitled: “IT AIN'T OVER... TILL IT'S OVER!"
IT FINALLY HAPPENED! THE END OF A PROJECT! Today, July 13, 2008. All you writers out there will appreciate my excitement and enthusiasm.
YIPPEE! It’s over! It’s been a work in progress for a long time. I never thought I’d see the day when I would finally finish an eBook that I hope will inspire others, get them to think about how they are living their life, be honest with themselves, especially if something needs changing, not expecting others to change for them, and then taking the appropriate action to live a richer, fuller life!
It's been enlightening, sometimes sad, sometimes painful, sometimes humorous writing about the myriad events and people in my life and what I discovered needed changing and daring to go for it! I am truly grateful to all the folks who gave me feedback, they didn't hold back anything! Even my doctor said "Shirley, folks of all ages will enjoy these insights but I hope you will address the senior citizen population too!"
Culling all the articles was perhaps the hard part and selecting those that had a true, viable message for others to enjoy was a huge challenge. I have enough chapters and articles left over to either do another eBook or think of converting into a full blown book!
Right now my focus is on editing the material and getting an ISBN number then loading it onto my website for others to see, download and enjoy!
My labor of love is entitled: “IT AIN'T OVER... TILL IT'S OVER!"
Thursday, June 26, 2008
BY Shirley M. Carolan
When folks find out I’ve been in Toastmasters International since 1981 they often ask why do you stay in Toastmasters? My immediate response is that for me it is a way of life! It has been one of the few constants for the last 27 years!
I feel this can further be broken down into three significant benefits: Membership, Mentors and Magazine.
When you join Toastmasters International you have joined one of the most prestigious, international, educational, organizations in the world! Not many organizations can boast this. I believe it is the largest, non-profit organization in the world! Members are committed to learning how to be better communicators, listeners and better leaders. This translates into being better workers, managers, leaders, teachers, parents, etc.
You immediately have access to the finest mentors in the communications field at no cost!. Whether you avail yourself of that expertise is up to you. I suggest that you do because it will speed up your learning curve in communicating your thoughts and ideas substantially. My club has mentoring program and I consider it an honor and a joy to mentor others. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.
The Toastmaster magazine is one of the finest, glossy, educational magazines in the world. It is printed in over 30 languages and distributed throughout the free world. Forbes magazine would envy us. A visit to world headquarters in Mission Viejo, which I highly recommend, will bear this out. It’s a thrill to see our magazine in so many different languages waiting to be shipped out.
If you would like a copy of the complete article, please contact me at Thank you!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
BY Shirley M. Carolan
When folks find out I’ve been in Toastmasters International since 1981 they often ask why do you stay in Toastmasters? My immediate response is that for me it is a way of life! It has been one of the few constants for the last 27 years!
I feel this can further be broken down into three significant benefits: Membership, Mentors and Magazine.
When you join Toastmasters International you have joined one of the most prestigious, international, educational, organizations in the world! Not many organizations can boast this. I believe it is the largest, non-profit organization in the world! Members are committed to learning how to be better communicators, listeners and better leaders. This translates into being better workers, managers, leaders, teachers, parents, etc.
You immediately have access to the finest mentors in the communications field at no cost!. Whether you avail yourself of that expertise is up to you. I suggest that you do because it will speed up your learning curve in communicating your thoughts and ideas substantially. My club has mentoring program and I consider it an honor and a joy to mentor others. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.
The Toastmaster magazine is one of the finest, glossy, educational magazines in the world. It is printed in over 30 languages and distributed throughout the free world. Forbes magazine would envy us. A visit to world headquarters in Mission Viejo, which I highly recommend, will bear this out. It’s a thrill to see our magazine in so many different languages waiting to be shipped out.
If you would like a copy of the complete article, please contact me at Thank you!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Friday, May 30, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan
Here's a simple, painless and fun way to expand your vocabulary! Read on.
Whenever I am the Table Topics Master, at my Toastmaster Club, I choose the “word of the day” to accompany my Table Topics, which Toastmasters must use in their Table Topics. Often I am told “that’s an interesting word! Where of how did you find it?”
I have to give credit to doing daily crossword puzzles. Nary a day goes by that I don’t complete at least one crossword puzzle. Even if it’s midnight, I cannot go to sleep without doing a puzzle! Since words are my passion, I am fascinated by uncovering new words and meanings to words. I don’t always agree with the choice of word in the puzzle but I learn volumes because this gets me to think about what word I would prefer to use. Hence, I am always building or adding to my vocabulary.
If you are not an aficionado about crossword puzzles now, I urge you to try completing one and see what new words you will learn as a result. It’s an overlooked pastime, or game, that can pay dividends in your career, especially if you are in a management position. Take the daily newspaper with you wherever you go and find a few minutes here and there to complete the crossword puzzle.
This wonderfully overlooked learning tool can work for you especially if you are sitting in a doctor’s, dentist’s office, waiting for a bus or train, eating lunch alone, or are even on a coffee break. You learn while you wait! Once you’ve completed one crossword puzzle don’t give up. The following day try another puzzle. The fun of completing and “outwitting” the experts can gradually become a daily habit with you too! Before you know it, you will be amazed by how much your vocabulary has improved!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Here's a simple, painless and fun way to expand your vocabulary! Read on.
Whenever I am the Table Topics Master, at my Toastmaster Club, I choose the “word of the day” to accompany my Table Topics, which Toastmasters must use in their Table Topics. Often I am told “that’s an interesting word! Where of how did you find it?”
I have to give credit to doing daily crossword puzzles. Nary a day goes by that I don’t complete at least one crossword puzzle. Even if it’s midnight, I cannot go to sleep without doing a puzzle! Since words are my passion, I am fascinated by uncovering new words and meanings to words. I don’t always agree with the choice of word in the puzzle but I learn volumes because this gets me to think about what word I would prefer to use. Hence, I am always building or adding to my vocabulary.
If you are not an aficionado about crossword puzzles now, I urge you to try completing one and see what new words you will learn as a result. It’s an overlooked pastime, or game, that can pay dividends in your career, especially if you are in a management position. Take the daily newspaper with you wherever you go and find a few minutes here and there to complete the crossword puzzle.
This wonderfully overlooked learning tool can work for you especially if you are sitting in a doctor’s, dentist’s office, waiting for a bus or train, eating lunch alone, or are even on a coffee break. You learn while you wait! Once you’ve completed one crossword puzzle don’t give up. The following day try another puzzle. The fun of completing and “outwitting” the experts can gradually become a daily habit with you too! Before you know it, you will be amazed by how much your vocabulary has improved!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Friday, May 23, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan
When you first join Toastmasters International it is very tempting to want to tell your audience everything you know about a specific topic. Take it from a 27 year veteran, that isn’t the best way to go!
One of the toughest lessons I had to learn is that “Less is More!” I didn’t conquer this lesson overnight. It took several years to appreciate and understand the benefits of this. First, I had to conquer the fear that others would think I didn’t know my subject if I didn’t include everything I knew about it. Then I ran l amuck trying to select only the salient points. Organizing them into a logical flow was another challenge. After all, everything in Toastmasters is timed and I needed to be sure the material I did select would hold up under scrutiny with an opening, body, and close!
It is far better to leave your audience clamoring for more than to overdo it with minutiae , especially with clichés, pet words, and jargon. The mind and the seat can only absorb so much. Better to save some material for a follow-up speech than to overdo it.
Boredom can also cause you audience to tune you out. While the topic may be of utmost interest to you, if you’ve not engaged your audience, or given them something to think about or take action on, then you run the risk of losing them!
Here are a few tips to help you streamline your talk:
• Start your presentation with a quote, statistic, or controversial idea is a good way to grab their attention.
• Use a handout to give more details or examples.
• Use slides, an overhead projector, flipchart, or music to create a mood.
• Ask your audience a question(s ) at the start or even conclusion..
• Tell your audience you’d be happy to send them more information if they’d like to leave their name and email address at the end of your presentation.
These are just a few tools to help you streamline your presentation so that it flows, is interesting and lets the audience know you are an expert on your subject. Hence, Less is More!
Stay tuned for more tips!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
When you first join Toastmasters International it is very tempting to want to tell your audience everything you know about a specific topic. Take it from a 27 year veteran, that isn’t the best way to go!
One of the toughest lessons I had to learn is that “Less is More!” I didn’t conquer this lesson overnight. It took several years to appreciate and understand the benefits of this. First, I had to conquer the fear that others would think I didn’t know my subject if I didn’t include everything I knew about it. Then I ran l amuck trying to select only the salient points. Organizing them into a logical flow was another challenge. After all, everything in Toastmasters is timed and I needed to be sure the material I did select would hold up under scrutiny with an opening, body, and close!
It is far better to leave your audience clamoring for more than to overdo it with minutiae , especially with clichés, pet words, and jargon. The mind and the seat can only absorb so much. Better to save some material for a follow-up speech than to overdo it.
Boredom can also cause you audience to tune you out. While the topic may be of utmost interest to you, if you’ve not engaged your audience, or given them something to think about or take action on, then you run the risk of losing them!
Here are a few tips to help you streamline your talk:
• Start your presentation with a quote, statistic, or controversial idea is a good way to grab their attention.
• Use a handout to give more details or examples.
• Use slides, an overhead projector, flipchart, or music to create a mood.
• Ask your audience a question(s ) at the start or even conclusion..
• Tell your audience you’d be happy to send them more information if they’d like to leave their name and email address at the end of your presentation.
These are just a few tools to help you streamline your presentation so that it flows, is interesting and lets the audience know you are an expert on your subject. Hence, Less is More!
Stay tuned for more tips!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Two major projects are taking up my time right now.
1. Recently I received several phone calls about my "Journaling For Success" classes. Yes, I am going to conduct them again! I am looking for an appropriate meeting room to hold these classes. I want it to be easily accessible from a freeway. Also, I want to keep the fee down and so want to find a venue that will pick up the insurance, in case of accident or injury. If you know of any places I might check out please contact me immediately, either by phone (760) 732-0663 or email:!
2. I am in the throes of combining several of my blog articles with other unpublished articles I've written and am creating an "inspirational/motivational" book for women over 40 to read, enjoy, and start making better choices for their life styles. The baby boomers will definitely benefit from it. It will start with my first "Firewalk" with Tony Robbins in San Francisco when I was 56 years old and how it changed my life right up until I'm ready for Eternal Hills, together with the ashes of my little Pug/Terrier "Jake."
Stay tuned for more!
1. Recently I received several phone calls about my "Journaling For Success" classes. Yes, I am going to conduct them again! I am looking for an appropriate meeting room to hold these classes. I want it to be easily accessible from a freeway. Also, I want to keep the fee down and so want to find a venue that will pick up the insurance, in case of accident or injury. If you know of any places I might check out please contact me immediately, either by phone (760) 732-0663 or email:!
2. I am in the throes of combining several of my blog articles with other unpublished articles I've written and am creating an "inspirational/motivational" book for women over 40 to read, enjoy, and start making better choices for their life styles. The baby boomers will definitely benefit from it. It will start with my first "Firewalk" with Tony Robbins in San Francisco when I was 56 years old and how it changed my life right up until I'm ready for Eternal Hills, together with the ashes of my little Pug/Terrier "Jake."
Stay tuned for more!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan
We’ve all been around folks who are not very happy, either with themselves, or with life. As a result, we can often get sucked into their negative energy (aura) and start feeling down too, if we are not careful, or are unaware of what’s happening.
How refreshing it is then, to meet someone with a positive attitude, no hidden agenda, and a joy for life! Just being around someone like this is a blessing! One quickly forgets what might not be working in one’s life when we encounter someone with a joie de vivre ! Our energy is improved and so is our outlook. We literally savor the experience.
The latter happened to me recently when I ventured out to meet the public for the first time, after a dreadful accident almost 4 weeks prior, when I had a nasty fall, smashing my face, breaking my nose, and pulling some tendons in hands and legs and ended up in an ambulance being rushed to the local hospital. The fact that the huge black and purple circles around my eyes were still visible troubled me. I still had quite a swollen lip, my teeth hurt, and the skin was pulling all down the left side of my face so I had to forego makeup. That also bothered me. I hadn’t left the house without makeup since my pre-teen years and now I was a septuagenarian! I remember vividly asking the E/R doctor how I looked because I am quite vain, and there were no mirrors around, and he said “beautiful!” H’m. This guy was in the wrong profession!
But, as fate would have it, it was my turn to “sit the gallery. “ I’m a member of the Carlsbad Oceanside Art Leauge (COAL) and part of our dues, if we hang a painting at the gallery, is to pay a small hanging fee and sit the gallery for one session. Officers are exempt from sitting (the gallery), and, being an officer (Publicity Chairperson) I could easily have passed on this. However, I love to meet and talk to the public, find out what they are interested in, which paintings, sculptures, photos, etc. appeal to them and why. I love it when folks come in from other parts of the country too and I get to know what it’s like to live in another state or region.
This was the scenario two weeks ago when it was my turn to sit the gallery. I was settled in at the front desk when in bounced these two women. They whizzed through the gallery and returned to the section reserved for the “Artist of the Month” exhibition. This month it was a famous watercolor artist. They were in animated conversation when in worked the artist in the flesh! Apparently the three were friends.
After a few minutes I heard one woman say “I’ll take that one! My husband will love it too.” Hello, was I experiencing a fantastic sale so early in the day or, was it a joke? Further conversation ensued and I heard the woman say I just love this “Phoenix and the Mission” watercolor. Sure enough the woman was serious and I got to write up the purchase.
As I completed the paperwork I congratulated her, and asked her where she intended to hang the painting. She smiled, a bit sheepishly, and said that she had lost her house and all her belongings in the wildfires last fall in Fallbrook and that she had nowhere to hang it at the moment. Again, I took in a deep breath as I weighed the situation. This was pretty heady stuff. The painting was quite expensive, just under a thousand dollars and the buyer didn’t even have a wall to hang it on!
H’m what to do … I quickly called the Gallery Manager and asked him where they kept the “sold” stickers at the gallery. Whereupon he told me the client could take the painting with her once it was paid for. Then I told him the dilemma and there was a pregnant pause at his end. It was agreed the client could leave the painting at the gallery until the end of the month when a new exhibition would take over. I quickly made up a “sold” sign for her and placed it on the painting. The woman was overjoyed with her purchase, just like a kid in a candy shop. I just had to admire her courage and gift of life.
I asked her was she going to rebuild in Fallbrook and she said “Yes!” However, things were moving slowly and the Fire Department had come up with new regulations to make fighting such dreadful blazes more easy. It also meant thousands more dollars would be added to the price of the new home. She seemed undaunted ... almost matter of fact. Then she said her husband was a collector and had lost everything in the fire. But they were going to pick up the pieces and start anew. Again, I congratulated her on her positive outlook and philosophy and wished her well.
After the three friends departed I sat quietly and reflected on the scene of a few minutes ago. I was feeling euphoric and then it hit me. How would I act, or react, if I had just lost my beautiful home and all my possessions? Would I feel like buying a beautiful, expensive, watercolor with nowhere to hang it? Would I even be out gallivanting with friends? I think not. My reaction would probably be much more somber.
However, I’ve discovered a very important lesson from this experience. Since then, whenever I’ve felt down in the dumps, disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, or angry at anyone or anything, I’ve thought about the woman who has lost everything she ever loved, bought, or collected in one fell swoop, and how her spirit has remained positive, friendly, and almost childlike! If she can exhibit such joy and pleasure at life after losing everything, then I can certainly handle the minor, ego-driven things in my life! She has certainly helped me to put things into perspective and, for that, I am eternally grateful!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
We’ve all been around folks who are not very happy, either with themselves, or with life. As a result, we can often get sucked into their negative energy (aura) and start feeling down too, if we are not careful, or are unaware of what’s happening.
How refreshing it is then, to meet someone with a positive attitude, no hidden agenda, and a joy for life! Just being around someone like this is a blessing! One quickly forgets what might not be working in one’s life when we encounter someone with a joie de vivre ! Our energy is improved and so is our outlook. We literally savor the experience.
The latter happened to me recently when I ventured out to meet the public for the first time, after a dreadful accident almost 4 weeks prior, when I had a nasty fall, smashing my face, breaking my nose, and pulling some tendons in hands and legs and ended up in an ambulance being rushed to the local hospital. The fact that the huge black and purple circles around my eyes were still visible troubled me. I still had quite a swollen lip, my teeth hurt, and the skin was pulling all down the left side of my face so I had to forego makeup. That also bothered me. I hadn’t left the house without makeup since my pre-teen years and now I was a septuagenarian! I remember vividly asking the E/R doctor how I looked because I am quite vain, and there were no mirrors around, and he said “beautiful!” H’m. This guy was in the wrong profession!
But, as fate would have it, it was my turn to “sit the gallery. “ I’m a member of the Carlsbad Oceanside Art Leauge (COAL) and part of our dues, if we hang a painting at the gallery, is to pay a small hanging fee and sit the gallery for one session. Officers are exempt from sitting (the gallery), and, being an officer (Publicity Chairperson) I could easily have passed on this. However, I love to meet and talk to the public, find out what they are interested in, which paintings, sculptures, photos, etc. appeal to them and why. I love it when folks come in from other parts of the country too and I get to know what it’s like to live in another state or region.
This was the scenario two weeks ago when it was my turn to sit the gallery. I was settled in at the front desk when in bounced these two women. They whizzed through the gallery and returned to the section reserved for the “Artist of the Month” exhibition. This month it was a famous watercolor artist. They were in animated conversation when in worked the artist in the flesh! Apparently the three were friends.
After a few minutes I heard one woman say “I’ll take that one! My husband will love it too.” Hello, was I experiencing a fantastic sale so early in the day or, was it a joke? Further conversation ensued and I heard the woman say I just love this “Phoenix and the Mission” watercolor. Sure enough the woman was serious and I got to write up the purchase.
As I completed the paperwork I congratulated her, and asked her where she intended to hang the painting. She smiled, a bit sheepishly, and said that she had lost her house and all her belongings in the wildfires last fall in Fallbrook and that she had nowhere to hang it at the moment. Again, I took in a deep breath as I weighed the situation. This was pretty heady stuff. The painting was quite expensive, just under a thousand dollars and the buyer didn’t even have a wall to hang it on!
H’m what to do … I quickly called the Gallery Manager and asked him where they kept the “sold” stickers at the gallery. Whereupon he told me the client could take the painting with her once it was paid for. Then I told him the dilemma and there was a pregnant pause at his end. It was agreed the client could leave the painting at the gallery until the end of the month when a new exhibition would take over. I quickly made up a “sold” sign for her and placed it on the painting. The woman was overjoyed with her purchase, just like a kid in a candy shop. I just had to admire her courage and gift of life.
I asked her was she going to rebuild in Fallbrook and she said “Yes!” However, things were moving slowly and the Fire Department had come up with new regulations to make fighting such dreadful blazes more easy. It also meant thousands more dollars would be added to the price of the new home. She seemed undaunted ... almost matter of fact. Then she said her husband was a collector and had lost everything in the fire. But they were going to pick up the pieces and start anew. Again, I congratulated her on her positive outlook and philosophy and wished her well.
After the three friends departed I sat quietly and reflected on the scene of a few minutes ago. I was feeling euphoric and then it hit me. How would I act, or react, if I had just lost my beautiful home and all my possessions? Would I feel like buying a beautiful, expensive, watercolor with nowhere to hang it? Would I even be out gallivanting with friends? I think not. My reaction would probably be much more somber.
However, I’ve discovered a very important lesson from this experience. Since then, whenever I’ve felt down in the dumps, disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, or angry at anyone or anything, I’ve thought about the woman who has lost everything she ever loved, bought, or collected in one fell swoop, and how her spirit has remained positive, friendly, and almost childlike! If she can exhibit such joy and pleasure at life after losing everything, then I can certainly handle the minor, ego-driven things in my life! She has certainly helped me to put things into perspective and, for that, I am eternally grateful!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Monday, March 31, 2008
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
The fickle finger of fate can impact anyone of us unexpectedly at any time. We never know when adversity is going to hit, and if you’re like me, you certainly don’t go around expecting it or preparing for it. It can happen in an instant, even on a bright, warm, sunshiny day, while walking your dog, with birds chirping and blossoms opening and sharing their fragrance with a promising world.
That’s what happened to me on Sunday, March 16 (Palm Sunday) when adversity reared its ugly head and literally struck me in the face!
Voila, my right foot hit an uneven chink in the sidewalk sending me unceremoniously, catapulting head first to kiss the pavement! The impact was sudden, loud, and excruciatingly painful. I knew I was in trouble when I saw the blood flowing down the sidewalk into the street. My head was pounding but I was able to see out of one eye and finally was able to hear my voice cry out for help. Unable to move a muscle I saw my little dog bend over me and lick me. I knew she was OK and then I realized I am alive, I am alive!
Returning home from Tri-City Hospital emergency room was an ordeal and I was now faced with some unexpected downtime while my broken nose, ribs, and assorted bones healed. I was now determined to make the most of my recovery time. I share that journey with you now:
1. Doing a daily crossword puzzle became my favorite pastime. It was a positive experience because I learned new words, improved my vocabulary. As a speaker and writer, this was a definite win-win “situation.” I am a daily “crossworder” anyway but this extra downtime helped further increase my arsenal of “words!” No speaker or writer could want for more and the daily newspaper costs so little!
2. Reading one of the numerous books I’d purchased on Amazon was one option. Alas, I found my attention span wandered and I was not able to concentrate … so serious reading was replaced with more frivolous stuff!
3. In my head I wrote rough drafts of future speeches, articles, and blogs. Thoughts and ideas just seemed to flow to me non-stop. Writer’s cramp would not be a problem for me!
4. As each day passed and I was able to do more physically, I sat at my computer and banged out my wonderful thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc. Seeing them take more concrete shape inspired me and impelled me on.
5. Daily seeing and experiencing improvement physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually had a profound positive impact on my state of mind and well being. My energy was gradually returning. My sense of gratitude multiplied as I vowed never to take my life for granted again, or for that matter the world around me! Taking time to smell the roses, admire nature at her best, being cognizant of the wonderful gifts, talents, hobbies and friends that make up my life.
Vital Lessons I Learned While Convalescing!
Healing time after any accident or loss can vary from individual to individual. It depends on each person’s mindset (physical and mental makeup). Hence, I want to share some important observations I made and perhaps they will help you if you ever become momentarily disabled. Since I can be a workaholic, I learned not to set impossible standards/tasks for myself at this time of great incapacity. I learned to be grateful each day for what I could accomplish! Just seeing a small improvement in daily activities can bring a smile of acceptance to even the most jaded among us.
Here are some other gems.
For those who can’t say “No” This is for the “people pleasers” among us, myself included! I was amazed how often I would give in to others requests of my time, energy, skills, expertise, etc. when interrupted by a phone call or email from someone. Wow, this had to stop. I needed to respect and appreciate my time and talents more. I made up my mind to do that henceforth, especially after I recovered. While, I don’t like to say NO, whether to a client, friend, neighbor, Toastmaster, or someone from my volunteer activities, I quickly discovered that not everything has to be handled right then and there when asked to do so.
For example, if some writing project was expected of me, such as a press release or newspaper article, and the event was way in the future, I suggested that the caller e-mail me all the details so I could absorb it in more detail (and at my leisure). This cut down the time listening on the phone when I was not feeling up to par. It also conveyed to them I was interested in their project, and it left me feeling more professional! Yea, it bought me time to heal and not expend valuable energy!
This downtime certainly made me aware of some behavior I needed to change and incorporate when healed and dealing with others in the future. So, let me recap here what I learned:
1. Set boundaries on your time, energy, people, priorities!
2. Be firm with yourself and others … this may take practice but will pay dividends!
3. Be aware of what you can do at this time and prioritize those things
4. Do keep a Journal of your thoughts, feelings, and progress – it could be worse!
5. Learn to compromise. You can’t always say “yes” to others. Find new ways to handle others’ requests and get results without compromising your own healing time!
1. Say YES to every request. Choose wisely what you can handle, let go of the rest.
2. Don’t let others sidetrack you, or start feeling sorry for you! You are not a victim! You are merely choosing to use your time/skills/energy/money, etc. more purposefully!!
3. Feel guilty because you’re taking care of yourself (for a change) you deserve it.
4. Trade war/horror stories with callers, neighbors, friends – it drains you of energy, and nothing gets resolved
5. Play the victim role or obsess over why this accident happened!
You can Convalesce In Style! Regardless of your occupation, writer, speaker, artist, etc. there is something to be learned while going through recovery from any situation. Use your downtime to do some real soul-searching on how you live your life, how you see yourself and who and what’s truly important to you!
A votre santé!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
The fickle finger of fate can impact anyone of us unexpectedly at any time. We never know when adversity is going to hit, and if you’re like me, you certainly don’t go around expecting it or preparing for it. It can happen in an instant, even on a bright, warm, sunshiny day, while walking your dog, with birds chirping and blossoms opening and sharing their fragrance with a promising world.
That’s what happened to me on Sunday, March 16 (Palm Sunday) when adversity reared its ugly head and literally struck me in the face!
Voila, my right foot hit an uneven chink in the sidewalk sending me unceremoniously, catapulting head first to kiss the pavement! The impact was sudden, loud, and excruciatingly painful. I knew I was in trouble when I saw the blood flowing down the sidewalk into the street. My head was pounding but I was able to see out of one eye and finally was able to hear my voice cry out for help. Unable to move a muscle I saw my little dog bend over me and lick me. I knew she was OK and then I realized I am alive, I am alive!
Returning home from Tri-City Hospital emergency room was an ordeal and I was now faced with some unexpected downtime while my broken nose, ribs, and assorted bones healed. I was now determined to make the most of my recovery time. I share that journey with you now:
1. Doing a daily crossword puzzle became my favorite pastime. It was a positive experience because I learned new words, improved my vocabulary. As a speaker and writer, this was a definite win-win “situation.” I am a daily “crossworder” anyway but this extra downtime helped further increase my arsenal of “words!” No speaker or writer could want for more and the daily newspaper costs so little!
2. Reading one of the numerous books I’d purchased on Amazon was one option. Alas, I found my attention span wandered and I was not able to concentrate … so serious reading was replaced with more frivolous stuff!
3. In my head I wrote rough drafts of future speeches, articles, and blogs. Thoughts and ideas just seemed to flow to me non-stop. Writer’s cramp would not be a problem for me!
4. As each day passed and I was able to do more physically, I sat at my computer and banged out my wonderful thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc. Seeing them take more concrete shape inspired me and impelled me on.
5. Daily seeing and experiencing improvement physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually had a profound positive impact on my state of mind and well being. My energy was gradually returning. My sense of gratitude multiplied as I vowed never to take my life for granted again, or for that matter the world around me! Taking time to smell the roses, admire nature at her best, being cognizant of the wonderful gifts, talents, hobbies and friends that make up my life.
Vital Lessons I Learned While Convalescing!
Healing time after any accident or loss can vary from individual to individual. It depends on each person’s mindset (physical and mental makeup). Hence, I want to share some important observations I made and perhaps they will help you if you ever become momentarily disabled. Since I can be a workaholic, I learned not to set impossible standards/tasks for myself at this time of great incapacity. I learned to be grateful each day for what I could accomplish! Just seeing a small improvement in daily activities can bring a smile of acceptance to even the most jaded among us.
Here are some other gems.
For those who can’t say “No” This is for the “people pleasers” among us, myself included! I was amazed how often I would give in to others requests of my time, energy, skills, expertise, etc. when interrupted by a phone call or email from someone. Wow, this had to stop. I needed to respect and appreciate my time and talents more. I made up my mind to do that henceforth, especially after I recovered. While, I don’t like to say NO, whether to a client, friend, neighbor, Toastmaster, or someone from my volunteer activities, I quickly discovered that not everything has to be handled right then and there when asked to do so.
For example, if some writing project was expected of me, such as a press release or newspaper article, and the event was way in the future, I suggested that the caller e-mail me all the details so I could absorb it in more detail (and at my leisure). This cut down the time listening on the phone when I was not feeling up to par. It also conveyed to them I was interested in their project, and it left me feeling more professional! Yea, it bought me time to heal and not expend valuable energy!
This downtime certainly made me aware of some behavior I needed to change and incorporate when healed and dealing with others in the future. So, let me recap here what I learned:
1. Set boundaries on your time, energy, people, priorities!
2. Be firm with yourself and others … this may take practice but will pay dividends!
3. Be aware of what you can do at this time and prioritize those things
4. Do keep a Journal of your thoughts, feelings, and progress – it could be worse!
5. Learn to compromise. You can’t always say “yes” to others. Find new ways to handle others’ requests and get results without compromising your own healing time!
1. Say YES to every request. Choose wisely what you can handle, let go of the rest.
2. Don’t let others sidetrack you, or start feeling sorry for you! You are not a victim! You are merely choosing to use your time/skills/energy/money, etc. more purposefully!!
3. Feel guilty because you’re taking care of yourself (for a change) you deserve it.
4. Trade war/horror stories with callers, neighbors, friends – it drains you of energy, and nothing gets resolved
5. Play the victim role or obsess over why this accident happened!
You can Convalesce In Style! Regardless of your occupation, writer, speaker, artist, etc. there is something to be learned while going through recovery from any situation. Use your downtime to do some real soul-searching on how you live your life, how you see yourself and who and what’s truly important to you!
A votre santé!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Friday, February 29, 2008
by Shirley M. Carolan
How wonderful to get a year with an extra day in it! It’s like getting a bonus. I wonder how many people are taking advantage of today and what they are doing to celebrate it?
I remember when I was a young girl we were taught that Leap Year was very special because if you were unattached, or did not have a steady boyfriend, when Leap Year came around you could ask the boy, or man of your dreams for a date, a dance, a favor without feeling the least bit forward or out of place. You could even ask him to marry you!
How quickly time, and customs change. With female emancipation has come the freedom of asking for what we want, when we want it, without having to wait four years to have “permission” to do so. Yes, the 21st century has changed a lot of customs and yesteryear seems quaint by today’s standards.
Be that as it may, I intend to honor Leap Year, not just February 29, but the entire year! I have a feeling that some wonderful events, happenings, and opportunities will occur for me this year. Hence, I know my Journal will be kept busy recording these wonderful events,
When the year is over I will be able to look back on my writing and speaking gigs and see what interesting events and opportunities unfolded and what new friends and customs came into my life as a result. I might be tempted to ask would these things have happened had it not been Leap Year? Who knows, but it’s fun to dream, isn’t it.
Meanwhile, I wish you all a very happy and productive Leap Year!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
How wonderful to get a year with an extra day in it! It’s like getting a bonus. I wonder how many people are taking advantage of today and what they are doing to celebrate it?
I remember when I was a young girl we were taught that Leap Year was very special because if you were unattached, or did not have a steady boyfriend, when Leap Year came around you could ask the boy, or man of your dreams for a date, a dance, a favor without feeling the least bit forward or out of place. You could even ask him to marry you!
How quickly time, and customs change. With female emancipation has come the freedom of asking for what we want, when we want it, without having to wait four years to have “permission” to do so. Yes, the 21st century has changed a lot of customs and yesteryear seems quaint by today’s standards.
Be that as it may, I intend to honor Leap Year, not just February 29, but the entire year! I have a feeling that some wonderful events, happenings, and opportunities will occur for me this year. Hence, I know my Journal will be kept busy recording these wonderful events,
When the year is over I will be able to look back on my writing and speaking gigs and see what interesting events and opportunities unfolded and what new friends and customs came into my life as a result. I might be tempted to ask would these things have happened had it not been Leap Year? Who knows, but it’s fun to dream, isn’t it.
Meanwhile, I wish you all a very happy and productive Leap Year!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Monday, January 28, 2008

By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Often folks who know I’ve been around Toastmasters for a few years ask me “What’s the best way to improve my speaking skills?” Without skipping a beat I usually say “One of the best tips I’ve learned, as a Toastmaster and would-be speaker, is to tape record my speeches after I’ve written a final draft.” It helps me to hear how my voice sounds and whether the material flows.
Here’s a short list of questions I ask myself: Is it well organized or does it need some more editing? Does it address the objectives of the manual speech? How is the pitch and the tone, too fast, too slow? Does it have too many repeat words or phrases? Can an audience understand the flow and purpose? Did I include something for the audience to chew on?
Once I’m satisfied with the material I try to listen to it whenever I can.... sometimes driving to work, getting caught in traffic, or driving down the freeway are good times to play it. Each time I play it and hear it I get more comfortable with it, until finally, I feel I own the words. This doesn’t mean that I sound like a parrot but it cuts down my fear of public speaking and gives me confidence in knowing that I am well prepared.
When it’s time to give my speech to a live audience I like to tape record it again. However, if you belong to a Toastmaster Club that is lucky enough to have a video camera you may want to use that as well. I know Toastmasters who then post their speeches on their websites or have copies made to sell down the road.
And, over the years, I’ve even learned to tape record my Evaluator’s comments too. It’s another educational tool or bonus to help me improve my speaking skills. So why not take advantage of everything Toastmasters has to offer?
Regardless of why you joined Toastmasters, whether you aspire to become a professional speaker, are an entrepreneur who must market yourself to others, or have received a promotion and now must conduct meetings, your credibility and success will be greatly improved when you take the trouble to record yourself.
The next time you prepare to give a speech, I urge you to take a few minutes during rehearsal and ask yourself the above questions about your material. When you are comfortable and sure that you’ve covered all the bases the next step is to tape record your material. Only you will know when you are ready to do this. If necessary, remind yourself of the benefits you will gain from taping your speech:
Here are a few benefits to consider:
• You will cut down on rambling
• You will hear how you sound delivering your material
• You will stop needlessly repeating yourself
• You will avoid jargon, slang and misunderstood terminology
• You will avoid crutch words and overuse of pet phrases
• You will avoid outworn or overused clichés
• you will be able to adjust your pitch, volume, pace!
I leave you with these thoughts: “Words are the poetry of the soul! They are as unique as your fingerprints. You owe it to yourself to leave the finest imprint!™ Stay tuned. My next session deals with “Why You Should Use A Videocam in Your Presentations.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2008 by Shirley Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any portion of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at
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