Saturday, January 31, 2009


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

Maybe customer service is not dead after all but it’s certainly dormant in many cases. If you’ve ever experienced poor customer service from a company or institution that supposedly prides itself on good customer relations then you have a right to complain and let them know how you feel. Obviously, it pays to be clearheaded when you decide to let the “violators” know precisely what, when, where, how, who, happened, etc.

Last November I experienced very poor customer service at a local hospital, where I was rushed by paramedics in the early evening hours after a severe fall, requiring x-rays and medical treatment. The discharge was very sloppy, uncaring, and traumatic.

When I later received a letter from them asking me to complete a “patient satisfaction survey” on how well they performed their jobs, I decided to be honest and share what I experienced which meant reliving a painful experience. I thought that would be the end of it.

Lo and behold, on Friday, January 30, 2009, I received a phone call from Mike DeMott, Director of Performance Improvement at Tri City Hospital. He apologized profusely for the staff’s behavior. He also said he would like to read my letter aloud to the medical and office staff at their next meeting. He said it will go a long way to improve their customer relations since it was an actual experience and not a textbook lesson.

I told Mr. DeMott that since the survey wanted me to express my opinions honestly, and that they would be confidential I chose to answer it. I also thanked him for calling and expressing his concern and offering an apology again for the staff’s inadequate behavior.

This episode has restored my faith in this hospital. It wasn’t the first time I’ve received emergency medical treatment there and, it may not be the last. Now, I am over my misgivings and grateful that I took action.

Maybe that’s the lesson to learn – when you encounter bad or rude customer service speak up and let the powers to-be know about it!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker ● Writer ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

Monday, January 19, 2009


By Shirley M. Carlan, ATM-G

One of my goals for this year is to add a short video of meaningful clips and music that I feel represents the essence of who I am, what I am, and what I feel is important in my life today. .. my “philosophy of life.” A tall order you might say …very metaphysical indeed. Why that theme instead of something related to your writing and speaking skills? Good question!

After spending many hours at the end of last year assessing what I enjoy about my life and what no longer serves me, I decided to keep it simple and not promote the business side in my video Writing and speaking will always be an integral part of my life, like breathing, and I will continue those activities and promote them separately. .

Lo and behold, after looking at many videos out there and wondering if I should invest in one, I discovered a local source quite by accident. Darlene Siddons is a friend and business colleague who started a video clip business last year, as one of her many successful ventures. I found her website video very inspirational and uplifting and decided that I wanted my own video. What you just saw was created by Darlene. I supplied the sayings and Darlene provided the slides and music and put it all together for me. If you would like more information please contact Darlene directly at: www.spiritedboutique,com., or, 760-.726-8390. She is easy to work with, very professional, creative, reasonable, and wants you to be successful.

To view the video please click on the following link:

Your comments and emails are always welcome so feel free to leave me a note.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

My Toastmaster Club, Tick Talk Toastmasters of Carlsbad, CA, recently joined the local Chamber of Commerce. We wanted to build our membership and felt that business owners, companies, professionals, sales staff, etc. would benefit greatly from knowing how Toastmasters can help them communicate better, in both their professional and personal lives. Hence, the following is an article I wrote for their Business Journal.

"You know you’ve “arrived” when someone asks you to give a presentation to a live audience. Whether you talk about your business, products, services, new market trends, or hobbies, the rules are the same.

As a newbie, It is very tempting to want to tell your audience everything you know about your specific topic. But, a word of advice “Less is More!” It’s better to leave your audience clamoring for more than overdoing it with minutiae clichés, pet words, and jargon. The mind and the seat can only absorb so much. Better to save some material for a follow-up speech than to overdo it.

While the topic may be of utmost interest to you, if you’ve not engaged your audience, or given them something to think about, or take action on, then you run the risk of losing them!

Here are some tips, from a 28 year veteran of public speaking, to help you streamline your talk:
Organize your material. Make sure it has a strong opening, body, and conclusion!

Rehearse your speech! Make sure you “own the words” before getting in front of an audience. This will help you stay focused, handle nerves, stay within a specified time frame!

Start your presentation with a quote, statistic, or controversial idea … it’s a good way to grab your audience’s attention.

Use audio/visual aides: a handout, or miniature CD to give more details or examples.
Use slides, an overhead projector, flipchart, or music to create a mood.

Wrap it up by asking your audience a question, e.g., “Before I conclude, are there any questions?”

Tell your audience you’d be happy to send them more information, if they’d like to leave their name and email address at the end of your presentation.

The latter point is an excellent way to follow up with them and to assess if they have a genuine need of your products or services. It is a non-threatening way to market to a possible future client

These are just a few tools to help you streamline your presentation so that it flows, is interesting, and lets the audience know you are an expert on your subject. Hence, Less is More! If you’d like more information, please contact me at: 760-732-0663 or"

Happy Speaking!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2008 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.