Monday, December 26, 2011
This past year has been fraught with health challenges for me right up until Christmas. The worst time was between October and December 2011 when I was in excruciating pain 24/7 and I thought my back would come off its hinges. For instance, on a scale of 1-10, the pain was 100! That gives you some idea of what I was up against. Pain killers and muscle relaxants were useless! A CT scan and MRI were also useless.
December came, and I thought about what kind of a life I wanted to live in 2012. I knew I had to get out of this pain first. That was a top priority. Next came seeing myself in good health and walking 1-2 miles a day without oxygen and without a walking cane (as I did the Spring of 2009 before everything hit the fan). Pretty important stuff. Once again, I refused to accept that my age was the sole culprit for my present circumstances.
Well this week leading up to Christmas was a turning point in my life. After a lot of praying for help and relief I experienced miracles happening! Yes, folks, Santa is alive and well! Wednesday morning I had Physical Therapy and in afternoon I saw Dr. Patel, the pain specialist, expecting to have the first in a series of epidurals. (The day before, Tuesday) I saw two MDs. My co-payment for these (4) doctors in (2) days was $150.00.
Would you believe Dr. Patel said I didn’t need the epidural because the physical therapy was helping me and that I should cancel the next appointment on 12/28 but keep the 1/4/2012 appt. I went to check out and Danielle, the secretary, asked me what Dr. Patel did to me. I said “Nothing – he just talked to me.” She said “Wait a minute,” then came back and handed me back my co-payment check! I was stunned. I figured they’d keep it as a “consultation” fee.
So, three (3) miracles occurred:
1. I didn’t need the epidural because I’m not in the severe pain as before.
2. I got my co-payment check back.
3. I was able to give my newspaper carrier (woman) a nice check for Christmas.
Ain’t that something! I’m walking on air! To be out of that dreadful pain is a miracle in itself.
Yes, folks, Santa is alive and well and miracles are happening… Folks, I do hope you are experiencing similar miracles, or kindnesses from your fellow man. If so, do email me at: and let me know.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article please give me credit and a link back. Thank you.
Labels: Inspiration
Saturday, December 10, 2011
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
When I lived in San Francisco I always treated myself, at Christmas-time, to a performance of “The Nutcracker.” I’ve carried on that tradition since moving to Southern California December 1997. To me Christmas isn’t Christmas without seeing a production of The Nutcracker…
I’m happy to say that there are some wonderful productions here in San Diego County. A few years back I got to see it performed by the famous Kirov Ballet Company in Escondido. I’ve also seen it performed by many local Junior Ballet Companies. The costumes are so different, varied and colorful, as are the renditions.
Last night was no exception. I had the privilege of seeing a “dress rehearsal” with some friends of this wonderful ballet featuring The Junior Ballet Ensemble, a non-profit organization created in 1997. (Their mission is to provide under-privileged youth and under-served seniors with a beautiful, and enriching cultural experience).
The cast was superb. Playing Herr Drosselmeyer was Thomas Deak,
Clara was Jessie Fendler, and the Nutcracker was played by Jonathan Shapiro. Of course, the music by Tchaikovsky was exquisite.
Other performances throughout the weekend will be held at the Sunshine Brooks Theater, 217 North Coast Hwy, Oceanside. For more information please call: 760-433-8900,
I encourage you to set a new tradition for yourself at Christmas. If you already have one I’d love to hear from you.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article please contact me. Thank you.
Monday, October 24, 2011
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
Over the years I’ve complimented myself on making decisions that have improved my life, welfare, education, etc. But, there were some serious voids that I didn’t want to confront. For example, I found myself making decisions based on what I could afford rather than what I needed, especially when it came to vacations. Sadly, I still do this today but now understand what’s behind such vacation decisions …
For many weeks I’d had severe back pain (24/7) that left me incapacitated. All home remedies were useless. Finally, I sort chiropractic help. My health insurance does not cover chiropractors. But, I was in enough pain that I knew I could not put a price tag on my health! Luckily, the universe stepped in to help. The mail brought a flyer from Dr. Farthing, my chiropractor of many years, offering a new service of adjustments only. I quickly made an appointment and now after three visits feel like a new woman! I am ecstatic that I gave myself permission to take action based on what I needed versus on what I could afford.
As a result, I am more determined than ever to get my health back by eventually discarding the walker, cane, and oxygen tank. Relying daily on the walker means that I’ve let some muscles atrophy. Hence, I’m unable to walk without this help. I know I need more patience with myself and must not expect miracles overnight. I plan to chart some small progress daily instead of giving up too quickly because I can’t reach my goal fast enough.
This means that some day I will travel again to places I’ve longed to visit, particularly Ireland where my ancestors are from. In order to trudge through museums, castles, churches, pubs, the countryside, etc. I must be able to walk without any impediments. Today, I would plan such a vacation without worrying about affording it but based on what I need to accomplish to enjoy a richer, fuller, happier life! Yes, I now have two very worthwhile goals to pursue: better health and a wonderful vacation based upon what I need rather than what I can afford.
Take a look at your life. Are you making decisions based on what you can afford versus upon what you need? I urge you not to shortchange yourself. You can’t put a price tag on health or vacations. Both are necessary to stay rejuvenated. I’m NOT saying you should spend your life savings or go into massive debt with no way of paying it off. Rather, journal about it and see where you can make some creative changes, improvisations or short cuts to help you reach your dreams. I guarantee you’ll be glad you did! Let me know your thoughts on this subject.
Bon voyage!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article. Thank you.Sunday, October 09, 2011
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM
It would be remiss of me to let any more time go by without thanking all you wonderful people who have left such encouraging messages this past year on my website .
I want you to know that I sincerely I appreciate your taking the time to read my (website) articles and then writing me a comment, suggestion or two, and/or forwarding them on to your friends. Some of you even suggested that I sell my articles on-line and elsewhere. I am giving that some thought. What is fascinating is that you come from all over the globe, from various industries, and both sexes. I am deeply touched!
I’ve tried to reach some of you by email, but others just left their website address. Hence, I want to answer a few of your questions here.
Firstly, I started my website and blogs with different objectives in mind. Secondly, I write my own articles, about things that interest me, with each having an “a hah” moment. This way I don’t have to please someone else and I keep control of my writing. It’s amazing what lessons or new ideas can come from ordinary, everyday, events that happen. I feel the universe is teaching me there is more than one point of view, that I don’t need to be a captive of my emotions, or give my power away; that I can validate myself honestly and truthfully, that there are no coincidences but many realities… Little did I know this philosophy would resonate with so many of you…
Lastly the website was designed by a professional several years ago but has since been modified. Sorry, I do not know which software/platform she used.
In closing, I hope that you will continue to read and enjoy my articles, leave me a comment, or contact me directly with any pressing question and I will get back to you.
Cheerio, Ciao, Auf Weidersehen!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article. Thank you.
Friday, September 16, 2011
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
It’s that time of year when Toastmasters International Clubs all over the globe start having their two annual Fall contests: The Humorous Speech Contest, and the Evaluation Contest. The winners at the Club level than proceed to the Area level and compete with contestants from clubs within their Area. Next follows the Division level contest, and finally the big daddy of all, the District Speech Contests.
Right before the Labor Day holiday my club, Tick Talk Toastmasters, Carlsbad, Calif. held it’s two contests. The Humorous Speech contest lived up to its name with some top candidates vying for first place. The winner is Erik Huber, a former navy SEAL, who regaled us with stories from his life.
The Evaluation Contest is more serious. A guest speaker, usually one unknown to the contestants, delivers a 5-7 minute speech on a topic of their choice that they would like to get some feedback on. The participants in this contest get five (5) minutes to assess the speech, and deliver a report using highly technical criteria, and come up with an evaluation of how the speech impacted them, what the strengths and weaknesses were, with concrete suggestions for improvement. Some criteria used in judging the speech are: Body language, vocal variety, clarity, effectiveness, purpose, correct grammar, a clear opening, body, and conclusion with something the audience can take home with them, e.g., What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)?
All evaluators are sequestered as they write up their report. Then, all must hand in their reports and pens to the Sargent @ Arms while the first contestant is led back into the main room to give their report. The other evaluation contestants therefore, have no idea what each Evaluator has to say to the guest speaker and audience.
This year, we had three very three very competent evaluators: Our Club President, Carole Sheckler, a seasoned Toastmaster, Dan McKeon, and a 30 year veteran, yours truly, Shirley Carolan. I was very happy to compete in this contest having been absent during August due to cataract surgery. Even though I have 30 years’ of experience behind me, it is surprising how rusty one can get.
I am pleased to say that I won the Evaluation Contest. I used the “Three P’s” method for evaluating: “Posture, Pausing, and Pacing.” For posture I described how the speaker used his hands, with the no-no fig leaf position, then rubbing his hands together, etc. I complimented him on his pausing and pacing throughout and his excellent slides. Lastly, I gave him three suggestions for improvement: Get a laser pointer for his slides, thus avoiding talking to his slides with his back to the audience, which muffled his voice. Next, to watch his body language, particularly his hand movements which were a bit distracting, and lastly, to watch his grammar, particularly his word endings which were a bit slurred.
Now it’s off to the Area Contest and competing with all the clubs in our Area! What fun! Maybe I’ll see you there?
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article please give me credit and a link back. Thank you.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Thank God I am now over the fear of cataract surgery! Despite the good wishes, and advice from family, friends and neighbors that cataract surgery is a “piece of cake” I could not get my head around the fact that I was facing it last Monday morning. I truly was dragged kicking and screaming to surgery. I have a fear of pain. You might call me a professional coward. And, you’d be right. I even told the nurse to have that “piece of cake” ready for me when I came out of surgery! Now, I can honestly say the fear of that surgery was the worst part and I’m sure glad it’s over.
This is turning out to be a noteworthy summer... one I never would or could have planned myself. Had I known ahead of time some of the events that would transpire I doubt I would have had the courage to face them. I say this because it all started at the end of May, with the loss of my beloved little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, to being attacked and killed by a coyote. I had her for 10 wonderful years. She was almost like the daughter I never had. Her loss still weighs heavily on me but I am learning to forgive myself and stop blaming myself for what happened.
A month later I adopted an adorable, golden, one year old, cocker/poodle named Teddy from the animal shelter. He is very active and so lovable and I am truly blessed to have him in my life. I’ve made a few adjustments to help him fit in although he is still afraid of riding in the car. I am working on this because my other two dogs went everywhere with me. He wants a lot of loving but he also gives a lot of loving too. He is teaching me new lessons, particularly Patience!
I am working on raising my energy vibrations, doing meditations, affirmations and journaling so I can clear out all the old and sad memories. Hence, I am working with an energy healer is this regard. My dream is to be able to able to walk 1-2 miles daily without oxygen or walker!
Perhaps I will look back on the summer of 2011 some day and say “that was the summer that was!”
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article. Thank you.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Grief is so personal and yet a necessary part of the human condition. I’m sure it’s there to teach us to live, laugh and enjoy each day to the fullest that we have on this beautiful planet … to focus on the NOW instead of spending time and energy focusing on our loss... Without grief, we probably would not appreciate all the other wonderful things happening around and in us. Even animals are not immune to loss and suffering …
Yes, the opposite of grief is joy. But I am not there yet! Somehow, I still mourn the loss of my little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, on May 25, 2011. I blame myself for what happened to her even though I am aware that will not bring her back, or, change what happened. I don’t feel that I’m on the pitty-pot, but rather expressing my loss in the only way I know how. How long will it take me to get over her? Perhaps never … but I’m sure over time the pain will lessen and I will understand or see what lesson I can learn from the tragedy. Therein lies my liberation.
What happened in Oslo this weekend, and the incredible loss of human life is inconceivable. I can’t get my mind around it. The loss and grief families, friends, teachers, leaders, neighbors, etc. must be experiencing is mind blowing. How they mourn, and try to rebuild their lives is entirely up to them and my heart goes out to them.
Also, the tragic loss of Amy Winehouse, at such a young age, in London leaves thousands mourning and asking WHY? Why did this happen?
We may never know the full answers to any of the above, but it’s important to acknowledge those we loved and be grateful they were an important part of our life. We are the person we are today because they touched our lives in some meaningful way!
Perhaps if I had Krissy in my life today I would not have my little cocker/poodle, Teddy and he might still be living in that animal shelter. He is truly a joy to have and be around and brings new meaning to my life. He is totally unaware of my loss and that’s OK! I continue to miss Krissy but am grateful for all the wonderful things she brought into my life… especially unconditional love!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article. Thank you.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Yesterday, July 10, 2011, I celebrated 3 three weeks with my new, adorable, rescue shelter dog! Teddy is one year 3 weeks old. He is a golden cocker/poodle, very calm and low key. I must learn how to get pictures of him posted because he is truly adorable.
I had not realized the benefits of having a rescue shelter dog before. The fee ($105.00) is well worth it because Teddy has been neutered, microchipped, checked over by a shelter vet for an ear infection, his one-year license, and his first visit to an outside vet all included.
My biggest challenge todate is to get Teddy in my car. He is petrified of it, but I hope I can help him overcome his fears! Before I had him groomed he looked like a sheep dog and you could not see his beautiful eyes. His fur was badly matted too. When I went back to the groomer to pick Teddy up I did not recognize him. I saw the groomer with this cute dog and said: “Oh, isn’t he cute?” She said “You think so?” I said “Yes!” She said “Well, you should like him, he’s yours!”
Teddy loves other animals, all shapes, sizes and gender. I don’t think he has a mean bone in his body. He likes people too, not kids and some men scare him if they move too quickly… I’ve only heard him bark 5 times in three weeks and all for a good reason!
I’m still healing over the loss of my little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, when she was attacked and killed by a coyote on May 25. She was the daughter I never had. I think she would approved of Teddy and I know he would love her to death!
Thank you God for giving me the courage and wisdom to adopt Teddy. I pray we will have many happy and rewarding years together!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article. Thank you.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I am a golden Cocker/Poodle, 1 year-old male whose name is TEDDY. My hair is a mess, I have an ear infection, but see the Vet this Friday! I met Shirley last weekend at the SDSPCA. She came back Sunday and took me home with her. Boy am I glad because I need a lot of loving and I give a lot of loving too.
Shirley needs to be with me and train me this week, so she can't come to TOASTMASTERS. Can someone fill her place as General Evaluator?
Thank you very much. I hope to meet you all soon because she doesn't stop talking about you!
Friday, June 03, 2011
My name is Krissy and I am writing this post from “Doggie Heaven.” I am a pure bred, 12 pound, black and white Shih-Tzu who was brought here to California from Texas. My first owners were a lovely young couple who lived in an upstairs apartment in Vista. I shared this space with another little dog. Things were OK until the new baby arrived. My young mistress found she could not handle all three of us in this small space. Hence, at age two I was put up for adoption.
Don’t you know I lucked out. My next caretaker, Shirley, had just lost her little male, Pug-Terrier, Jake. She had no intention of getting another dog so soon after Jakey passing. After all, it not even been a week since his passing.
However, God works in mysterious ways. Shirley came, saw me, and took me home with her! That was 10 wonderful years ago.
All my love, Krissy-Pooh!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
I am writing this post from “Doggie Heaven.” My wonderful owner, Shirley, is grieving over my loss on Tuesday, May 25, 2011, when a coyote attacked and killed me at 11 PM. I want her to know it was not her fault. I had a habit of wanting to tinkle before I got up on her bed for the night. She had no idea the coyote was there and neither did I.
I had over 10 wonderful years with Shirley and I believe I came into her life to show her how to live each day to the fullest, with kindness, respect, compassion, and love for all God’s creatures. She was a good learner. When she is over her grief, I know she will write about me, because that is what she does. You see she’s a writer.
Meantime, she knows I love her and am looking down on her from “Doggie Heaven” and hoping she is not blaming herself and will heal soon.
All my love, from “Krissy-Pooh!
Labels: grief
posted by Carolan's Corner at 9:51 AM
Friday, May 13, 2011
Once again, it's a joy to share the wonderful communications and leadership skills I have fine-tuned through my 31 years with Toastmasters International! And, I cannot think of a more worthy audience than our wounded warriors who are trying to regain some semblance of order in their lives after serving our country in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan, some even serving several tours of duty.
The wounded warriors battalion at Camp Pendleton invited Carlsbad’s Tick Talk Toastmaster Club to the base, on Tuesday. May 10, 2011, to demonstrate how Toastmaster meetings work, while highlighting the different roles and functions each Toastmaster plays during a meeting, The warriors learned the importance of impromptu speaking (Table Topics), the components of giving a good speech, constructive feedback to the speaker through a brief evaluation, and Robert’s Rules of Order for a meeting.
It was a well-timed , educational and fun assignment for all. The warriors were invited to attend Tick Talk’s regular meetings on Thursdays, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM, at Carlsbad-by-the-Sea, 2855 Grand Avenue, Carlsbad. The warriors may also form their own Toastmaster Club on the base. Stay tuned for more information.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
This weekend, my city held its annual, two-day, Outdoor Art Fair. The weather was magnificent and the setting was beautiful, since it was held down at the Civic Center amid the lovely fountains there. This event is sponsored by an all volunteer group – The Oceanside Cultural Arts Group. I can’t thank them enough!
I spent all Sunday afternoon there, oohing and aahing over art, pottery, blown glass, jewelry, dream catchers, etc. There must have been 100 featured artists as well as multiple food vendors, including the Knights of Columbus selling their famous hot dogs and hamburgers. I chose tacos from the St. Mary’s Youth Group.
Just prior to this event, I was mulling over how my health had changed, and how I had not been able to attend it for the last 2 years! A 10 day hospital stay ruined everything back then and I have not fully recovered my energy or walking ability. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself and asked myself “How much fun can I have when I have to get around with a walker?” That’s going to be a drag!
It’s amazing what good can happen when you have a shift in your thoughts. I told myself how lucky I was to be able to drive this year and not be stuck in a hospital bed! That did it. I’m so glad I had a change of heart because I had a wonderful afternoon. Parking was a snap, especially with a handicapped sticker. Also, I saw several others with their walkers enjoying themselves. My walker became a god-send because I could sit down and rest a few minutes if I got tired and still be amidst all the activity.
This experience also taught me to venture out to other events and not make the walker an excuse for not going! Folks are always out there to help you and share with you. That’s part of what I like about this fair. I visited “Artists Alley” between North Coast Highway and Pier View Way. There were some fantastic art pieces and pottery by folks in the military as well as senior citizens. They told me they wanted more folks to exhibit next year. Don’t you know I filled out the application and told them to count me in! Yippee! It’s back to the canvas and oils for me.
If you have a handicap I hope I’ve inspired you to overcome it and enjoy what life has to offer. Perhaps the best part about this fair is that its free! I look forward to seeing you at the fair next year!
H'm, I see a speech or two here for my Toastmaster Club!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Monday, March 21, 2011
I am so blessed to live on the verge of what is known as the “Golden Triangle,” that encompasses the communities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista. These three cities really cater to the needs of their senior citizens. They offer wonderful programs/workshops and new, on-going learning experiences, and opportunities to make new friends if so inclined.
Last month, I discovered the exciting “Carlsbad Film Series.” Not only is the series free, but before each performance we receive an excellent introduction of the cast, crew, and author. Set layouts and scenery are described along with the hazards of filming on location, etc. At the conclusion of the movie there is a question and answer period that allows you a glimpse of how others view the material, story line, and acting, etc. I enjoy this as much as the actual movie.
In February the 4 films selected were: “The Kids are All Right,” “Amelia,” “The Reader,” and “Elizabeth The Golden Age.” They were chosen to highlight the talent of today’s leading young actresses; each having won one academy award, and each being nominated several times for additional academy awards.
The first film featured Annette Bening and Julianne Moore in a funny and very modern American family. ”Amelia” based on the famous American aviatrix’s life, Amelia Earhart, who was played by Hilary Swank. Hilary gave a marvelous performance of the complicated aviatrix. I came away with a totally different impression of Amelia Earhart and find myself in the camp of those who thought she should not have continued on the last leg of her journey.
Kate Winslet played the lead in “The Reader,” and I am still mesmerized by it and still talking about it. Entertaining does not even begin to describe this movie perhaps because it is set in Europe, in post World War II where I lived. Kate’s performance is nothing short of riveting as Hanna Schmitz, a lonely, uneducated, working-class woman who has an affair with a teenage boy. Later they reconnect as Hanna goes on trial for her part as an SS guard at one of the notorious concentration camps. Sadly, it is her lack of being able to read or write that seals her doom … Ralph Fiennes rounds out this wonderful cast.
The final film has Cate Blanchett portraying “Queen Elizabeth” in this gripping, historical thriller, loaded with intrigue and betrayal. Suspense permeates the film to the very end. Cate’s portrayal of Queen Elizabeth is also riveting!.
Each week I asked neighbors to join me but sadly most were not interested. It’s another lesson in life to go solo to interesting events rather than miss them! I am so happy and pleased that I took advantage of what the community offers. Now, I am now looking forward to the next film series. We voted on whom we thought the best young male actors of today are with star quality. It will be interesting to see whom got selected and why! Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, I encourage you to check out cultural activities for folks in your communities!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Whoa! This month is speeding by as I extricate myself from information and hobby overload! It’s OK to have hobbies, I’m all for them. They keep you amused, entertained and off the streets. They even stimulate your little grey cells and can make you an interesting person to be around! But, when they encroach on your priorities it’s time for you/me to finally take a stand.
At the beginning of the month I was primed to write three different articles on some fun things I discovered: Advanced numerology, astral projection, chakra healing (which lead to EFT) etc. Now, I am calling a halt to all extraneous “hobbies/activities” and am going to concentrate full time on my writing skills. I have so much material I want to get published… consequently, when not seriously writing I will reward myself by indulging in my hobbies!
I probably will even get more done by using discipline to do first things first (writing) and then enjoying my leisure time. When I worked full time I had no problem with discipline and getting a job done. But, retirement is a different ballgame! It’s easy to get distracted by emails pitching all kinds of wonderful new ideas and quickly falling into mind overload!
Volunteering is another matter I need to curtail if it interferes with my writing schedule. And, I do intend to establish a schedule so that I can chart my progress and outline small, medium and long term goals and deadlines!
For those of you who are interested in advanced numerology I highly recommend this website: Blair Gorman does a wonderful job and you can even get a mini free reading from him! Also, Kimberly Powell has a wonderful genealogy web site with fabulous resources and articles over at May you get hooked as much as I did!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Monday, February 28, 2011
By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
February turned out to be a magical month, despite a few early setbacks, which I now have a handle on. I am happy to say I’ve developed new hobbies – things I’ve been interested in for years but never seemed to have time to explore, e.g., “Astral Projection,” “Remote Viewing,” and more in depth “Numerology.” Despite having some wonderful hard cover books on numerology, I discovered a fascinating website with more data and software which, of course, I ordered. More on this later.
I’m still very interested in genealogy and am pursuing my writing career. Yesterday, I visited the Holistic Faire in Carlsbad and spent a wonderful day there. More on all these exciting pursuits coming up. They’ve certainly given me a lot of fodder for articles, blogs, and streamlining my writing in general.
Stay tuned for more!
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Friday, February 25, 2011
It is always a joy to be called upon to be a judge at a Lion’s Club Annual Student Speakers Contest. Recently, I had the pleasure of representing my Carlsbad Toastmaster Club, Tick Talk Toastmasters in that capacity.
The goal of the contest is to encourage youth involvement, develop self-esteem, confidence in public speaking and offer financial scholarships for the formal education of the students.
The topic was “Enforcing Our Borders: State vs. Federal Rights” which is very current, relevant and challenging! Each student prepared an original, 10 minute speech on this subject which included extensive research, ideas and conclusions.
Students participating were: Samuel Gardner, Priscilla Keyrollos, and Yujia Pan. The winner was Yujia Pan who will now go on to participate at the Zone level.
Joining me as judges were: Joni Wilson, head of 3-D Voice Training System, and Annette Hubbell, a civil war storyteller. Elaine Brummell was the Chairperson for this outstanding event.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer● Speaker● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.
Friday, January 28, 2011
January certainly started off with a bang! I arranged for an expert genealogist, Margaret Read, of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, to address my Tick Talk Toastmaster Club in Carlsbad, CA earlier in the month. It took a lot of preparation but was well worth it.
First, I designed a flyer that could be posted in public places, and sent by email to all Toastmaster Clubs in San Diego county, as well as personally hand delivering them to several businesses. Since I had an RSVP I expected to be deluged with calls.
Next I notified the news media throughout the county of the event. It was so good to see the article I wrote appear in several newspapers. I even sent it to on line media news cites.
Appropriate seating arrangements had to be made as well as tailoring our regular Agenda to accommodate a guest speaker. Refreshments were ordered, with some members bringing extra treats.
A biography had to be acquired as well as a brief introduction by myself. Also, I arranged for a “Certificate of Appreciation” to be awarded to Margaret Read by our new President, Carol Sheckler, at the conclusion of our meeting.
By opening the event to the public we felt it would be a win-win situation for both our Toastmaster Club and the Genealogical Society. Our guest speaker gave a wonderful introduction into Genealogy and was adroit at handling all the questions asked of her at the end of her presentation.
Was the event a success? You bet! Would I do it again despite all the time and energy required to handle the logistics? You bet. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. The results spoke for themselves.
If you are looking for a guest speaker on Genealogy I recommend that you contact the North San Diego County Genealogical Society through the Carlsbad Library at: 760-434-2931.
Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663
Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.