Sunday, September 10, 2006

JOURNALING -- What's in it for YOU?

By Shirley M. Carolan

What is Journaling? Why bother to journal? Does it really work? At the outset, I'd like to define "Journaling" as opposed to "Keeping a Diary," because a lot of folks confuse the two, which does neither of them justice. They both have their rightful place in our lives.

In a nutshell, a Journaling is a very personal record of events in your life and how they have impacted you, and/or have aroused specific feelings, both positive and negative. It's a laying bare of your soul, or your fundamental nature. It helps you identify who pushes your buttons and why. This knowledge can help you to change old habits, limiting beliefs, or giving your power away to others! YOU remain in control of your own destiny! At any given moment in time, YOU know exactly where you stand, and how you feel about important issues, i.e., people, places, and things in your life!

Whereas, when I think of a Diary, I think in terms of my "Daytimers" which outlines daily appointments, times, places, purposes, etc. It's a good place to list expenses involved in such meetings or business appointments, i.e., meals, tips, mileage, tolls, parking, gasoline, etc. It certainly is an invaluable tool when preparing income tax returns for the IRS. A Diary then is a very impersonal way of recording your life's events. At any given point in time you can look back in your Diary and see where you were, what you did, and who else was in the picture. Again, a very impersonal way of looking at your life but one that has its own merits.

Why Journal? The reasons and benefits are myriad and encompass the whole gamut of human emotions, beliefs, attitudes, values, lifestyles… from the therapeutic to the miracle of wanting to change outmoded responses, or behavior that no longer serves you, to discovering the real YOU, and what makes you tick!

Does it really work? Absolutely! But don't take my word for it. Instead do the following exercise, and see what you come up with:

Sit quietly for a moment with pad and pen/pencil at hand. Ask yourself the following question "How happy am I with my life right now? If I could rank it on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, how would I rank it? Why did I give it that particular rank? Is there something I feel is still missing from my life? What is it? How can I have it, be it, or do it?

Once you have truthfully written down the answers to the above questions, you have just started on the wonderful road to Journaling. For many, it's a road to recovery, of reclaiming the self, reclaiming the power they have given away. For others, it's clarification of the choices they have made so far in this lifetime. And yet for others, it's a signal that the goals they have set for themselves are valid and worthy of attainment, or the answers could be entirely the reverse. Remember, it's your life and it's unique to YOU!

Not quite convinced? Then, here are a few more benefits to be gleaned from Journaling:

· Gain Clarity - about your life and world around you
· Learn Forgiveness – especially for past mistakes
· Prioritize what’s important to YOU!
· Let go of Anxiety, especially of things you can't control
· Take Action, instead of lettings others decided for you

Obviously, this is not an all-inclusive list. As you gain more clarity and confidence in your journaling, you will come up with your own list of benefits! This list is merely to help you keep up your journaling by reviewing some of its benefits! Make no mistake about it, journaling is a journey, just like life. I guarantee you, it will not be boring! Best of all, Journaling is the perfect complement to Goal Setting!

If you would like more information on Journaling, why not join me in a two session workshop on September 20 and September 27. You will get your own workbook, with on-going exercises to do, both in and out of class, meet other folks who want to take charge of their destiny, and who knows, you may end up with a best seller on your hands! Just go to my website for more information.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright © 2006 by Shirley Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any portion of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at

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