Monday, December 31, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

December is my favorite month not because of Christmas and New Year’s, all the giving and receiving, parties, great food, and catching up on friends’ lives, but because it’s a great time of reflection and how my overall year turned out.

I enjoy looking back and seeing how all the events came about, assessing what went well, what did not, what needs changing, what relationships grew, which ones changed, what I learned, what I’m more grateful for, etc. Now, I understand why it’s said that “masterpieces take time!”

My life is far from being a masterpiece but going into my 75th year I feel I’ve at least put a few layers of paint on the canvas. As a result, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions any more because I find I’m not held accountable if I give up or change my mind about a resolution. Whereas setting a goal is much more meaningful. It gives some direction and meaning to my life. It gives me a challenge, a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and the opportunity to celebrate when the goal is completed, it gives me a sense of fulfillment, and joy that I can trust myself when I put pen to paper and commit to doing something.

It also means the journey isn’t over once a goal is completed. It means that I am ready to commit and continue on the journey of discovery… This year, I commit to having more fun in my life and stop worrying about finances, and/or jockeying for position to get clients to write for, or lucrative speaking engagements, or preparing and delivering motivational workshops.

I intend to do more oil painting, take pictures of nature with my new digital camera, and do more writing, articles, eBooks, blogs, etc. I’ve signed up for sketching classes through Mira Costa College and digital camera classes through Vista Adult Ed. What fun! Being a senior today is wonderful because there are so many classes out there to take whether it’s for a hobby, upgrading professional skills, or learning new work skills!

This year I learned that it’s OK to exhibit some of my oil paintings at an art gallery. At first, I dreaded letting go of my art work because it was like letting go of a baby. Today, I am at peace with letting go and joined the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League (COAL) and exhibited some oil paintings there. I’ve also met some wonderful new friends and great artists that I can learn more from.

At Christmas, I indulged in another hobby, astronomy. The first Christmas gift I bought this year was a telescope. I so want to see Mars and the rings around Saturn again and this is the perfect time of year to do that. Back in the early 1980s I took an astronomy class at the College of San Mateo. It was the last science class I needed to get my AA degree and it was one of the most fascinating classes I’ve ever taken. It was a time when Carl Sagan had his popular series “Cosmos” on PBS television. We were also lucky the college had a huge telescope to view the universe.

Yes, I am looking forward to the New Year! Whether I make a lot of money, or not, is immaterial because I will be doing what I love, writing, oil painting, and viewing the heavens! And, you can’t put a price tag on that!

Happy New Year all!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Friday, December 28, 2007


by Shirley M. Carolan

It was a quiet but peaceful Christmas this year. The newly adopted traditions that I had so carefully put in place these last few years fell by the wayside, i.e., the Oceanside Harbor Annual Boat Parade (Holiday of Lights)and a different rendition of The Nutcracker! Some totally unexpected trauma entered my life instead. Little did I know it would bring some new perspectives, observations and gratefulness on my part.

My little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, had major surgery on her left eye, December 19th by gifted ophthalmologist Dr. W. A. (Dean) Vestre because of two ulcers. She came through it with flying colors and wears a “lampshade” to protect her little face. Prior to that we went through two weeks of different medications with her regular veterinarian. Finally, her vet suggested a second opinion by an ophthalmologist. The diagnosis and fees were staggering; to date $2,500.00.

Today, Krissy is recovering nicely and getting some of her old personality back. It’s a joy to hear her little bark, if you can call it a bark. She has taught me some valuable lessons: patience, humility, acceptance, love and gratefulness. What precious gifts to receive at this sacred time of year. And, you certainly can’t put a price tag on those!

As a result, I will no longer call her “selfish or demanding” when she wants or needs something. She has her boundaries and I need to honor them. She has given up her regular habits and independence to be cared for instead. She has been a real trooper and in her own little way has taught me some important life lessons!

This downtime gave me the perfect opportunity to assess how well my year went, what worked, what didn’t, what needed changing, and what goals I want to set for the New Year! All very heady and time consuming stuff. I will be addressing these important issues in a later blog.

Meanwhile, Christmas was quiet but blessed at our house this year!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Thursday, December 13, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

It never ceases to amaze me that one of our best kept secrets is the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League, affectionately known as COAL.

If you are looking for something special this Christmas for a loved one, or even something beautiful and decorative for yourself, why not visit this best kept secret in town – the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League (COAL) at 300 Carlsbad Village Dr., #101.You will find oil paintings, water colors, mixed media, photography, and sculptures, etc.

After much harranging with myself, I finally gave myself permission to exhibit another oil painting for sale. While I don’t consider it my best work by any means I am exceedingly happy to be able to let go of one of my “babies.” Yes, artists consider their work just like giving birth to a baby and are very attached to their work. I am no exception either, so it is a major breakthrough for me. This means I will have more wall space at home to produce more paintings as I let go of others that I have clung to.

It also means that in the New Year I am going to be much more productive. I’ve signed up for several art classes starting in January and want to learn more techniques of using the palette knife. I love 3-dimensional art!

I’d like to extend an invitation for you to visit the galIery over the Holidays. I will be sitting the gallery on Friday, December 21 from 11AM to 2 PM and will be happy to show you around. The Holiday viewing schedule has changed so you may want to call first to be sure they are open at 760-434-8497.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Friday, November 23, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  For my family and I, it holds very significant memories.  We were living in London, England in 1947.  World War II had ended the summer of 1945, yet England was still on food rations in 1947.  That November, my parents announced to my twin brother and I that we would be emigrating to America shortly.   We were 14 and a half at the time.

We boarded the SS AMERICA at Southampton, England on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1947 and set sail for New York.  At the time we did not know the meaning of Thanksgiving Day but we soon found out.  At first, we were quite overwhelmed by the wonderful food and fresh fruits. During the war, we had not seen bananas or peaches, or even white bread.  It was a novelty to take these back to our cabin to eat.  We were not sure if we should peel the fruit first and had to ask our parents.

Eggs where another novelty.  At breakfast, the steward asked how my family would like their eggs served?  There was dead silence.  He persisted … sunnyside up? …over easy?  …hard boiled?  They settled for sunnyside up which became their undoing because when the eggs arrived and the cheerful yolks looked up at them they bolted from the huge ship’s dining room, not to be seen, or heard from again until we were close to New York harbor.

Indeed, I was the lucky one because I couldn’t eat eggs and thus my long anticipated freedom to explore this magnificent ship on my own was now realized.  However, not to be outdone, my twin brother did not eat all of his eggs and thus insisted upon accompanying me.

As we surveyed the various decks and assorted amusements we entered an Ice Cream Parlor.  We were in heaven ordering and eating ice cream sundaes until we tried our first Coca Cola and got quite a shock because it reminded us of cough medicine we were forced to take when ill. H’m …

Since that first Thanksgiving I’ve enjoyed this holiday in various settings.  While I never married or had children to share this lovely holiday with, I’ve never lost my childhood fascination with the meaning of Thanksgiving.   In recent years, I’ve set my own traditions.  Yesterday was no exception.  After giving morning thanks and watching the Macy’s Day Parade, I took my little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, down to Carlsbad by the sea to enjoy a stroll along the boardwalk.

It was a magnificent afternoon with the sun shining warmly on my back and bouncing off the waves in majesty.  My spirits soared as I breathed in the beautiful fresh air and observed the wonderful Pacific Ocean.  How lucky I felt to be living in this wonderful paradise!  Tourists and residents were out in full swing.  I exchanged pleasantries with so many people I was almost hoarse when it was time to come home.  Dog lovers and owners were also out in full force.  There were so many breeds to ooh and ahh over.  Krissy got her fill of pats and loving too.  One young lady even asked could she have a picture taken with her! 

Then I came home to Cornish Hen, Brussell sprouts, yams, pearl onions, stuffing, etc.  Dessert was a surprise.  Ah yes, I have so much to be thankful for as well as blessings galore!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


by Shirley M. Carolan

This has been a year of considerable reflection for me. It started, quite naturally, by journaling my feelings about HOW and WHERE my life was going, while keeping in mind if the direction I was headed towards was OK with me ... the kinds of gems I teach my clients when they attend either my JOURNALING or GOAL SETTING seminars.

To be sure, it’s a process and it can be long, short, or even arduous. In my case it’s been extremely arduous! That’s because I had conflicting goals and aspirations. I wanted to have a thriving writing business as well as a lucrative speaking business.

Today, I realize there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that if you are in your 30s, 40s or even 50s, and want to do both, to the exclusion of everything else. Or, your early formal education prepared you for entrees into such careers. But it’s a bit overwhelming if you’re launching both in your 70s! Not that I was literally starting from scratch mind you. While life was happening to me I was always busy on the side dabbling in both careers. I allowed “survival” to be my mentor, yardstick, and constant companion.

Perhaps St. John’s University in New York was right after all. I was taking English Lit and Poly Sci at night, back in 1962-64, while working full time as an executive secretary to the President of the company. I thought my identity then was my two-piece suit and title. St. John’s suggested that I major in English and get a BS degree. At the time, that seemed ridiculously easy to me. But that’s for another article.

Today, I am literally ridding myself of all the “fluff,” the good but sidetracking events, seminars, people, books, obstacles, both real and imagined, that I allow to impede my progress. It’s euphoric but also quite scary because it’s letting go of the familiar that I’ve surrounded myself with and quite literally striking out on a path that acknowledges my true purpose and mission in life! Why, it’s like doing a firewalk all over again with Tony Robbins but this time around I intend to succeed! This time around however, I have a wonderful, supportive, professional team who want me to succeed and won’t let me fail!

Stay tuned to learn more about my new venture and how journaling is opening the doors to success!

Shirley M. Carolan
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0332

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

It is with great delight that I inform you Mira Costa College renewed my contract to teach “Journaling for Success” again this fall. If you missed the first class in September, don’t worry, there’s still time to register for the October 9th class.

As many of you know, Journaling is my favorite tool to get centered mentally, emotionally and spiritually! It has helped me to avoid many pitfalls and decisions I might later regret by getting in touch with my “gut” feelings. It amazes me sometimes how quickly I am ready to give my power away to others only to rue it later. That’s why I devised a whimsical “What’s Bugging Me” form. I get to lay out in writing “What’s Bugging Me,” “Why It’s Bugging Me,” “What Can I Do About It?” and lastly “What Did I Learn” from journaling about it.

But, that’s only one of the tremendous gifts of Journaling! I came up with a personal list of 30 ways to use Journaling successfully. Here are ten, not necessarily in order of importance but to give you an idea of the broad range of subjects where Journaling can further help you on your journey through life:

• A tool to take ACTION instead of procrastinating
• Attract people you want in your life at a new level of AWARENESS
• LOVE yourself more and stop putting others’ needs ahead of your own
• Let go of anxiety, especially over the things that you can CONTROL
• LET GO of the deadbeats and unsupportive people in your life with love
• DEFINE your own values and beliefs not those handed down to you
• Take back your POWER instead of being a people pleaser all the time
• Gain CLARITY about your life and what’s most important to you
• Learn how to ACT versus re-act to people, places, and things
• DEAL WITH “unfinished business” in your life–it’s blocking positive energy!

I trust the above will whet your appetite! If you are unable to attend the hands-on workshop on October 9, I will be happy to send you the Workbook for the small fee of $12.99, tax included. It is self-explanatory with lots of good tips, stories, anecdotes, and exercises you can do at leisure. It follows the workshop verbatim!

To register on line for the class please go to: Education. This will lead you to “Community Services and Business Development classes.

I look forward to meeting you in class!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G
Speaker/Freelance Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2007 by Shirley Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any portion of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at

Thursday, August 30, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

This summer I had the privilege and opportunity to mentor three young professional women through their “ Icebreaker” speeches at my Carlsbad Toastmaster Club #2113, Tick Talk Toastmasters! They are from diverse backgrounds and bring a plethora of talent and experiences with them.

Lest you think Toastmasters is dull and repetitive, let me tell you a little bit about these amazing young women. One is a mortgage broker (her own business), one is a professional chef, employed by a very prestigious San Francisco Bay Area restaurant, and one is a very gifted artist, author, and teacher. Two of them one the “Best Speaker” trophy the night they spoke. The third one also would have won this distinguished award had she not , unfortunately, ran a little over the time limit. That’s right, you heard right … the time limit!

Everything in Toastmaster is timed, from the start of the meeting, through Table Topics, Prepared Speeches to Evaluations. For some this is a turnoff but for others they appreciate learning how to express themselves succinctly, without using a lot of unnecessary verbage, and boring an audience to death! It’s an art form but anyone with the desire can learn how to speak in public at the drop of a hat without going to pieces. I’m told the No. 1 fear is America is still the fear of public speaking, and not the fear of dying!

Getting back to the young mentees. The mortgage broker was seduced by an opportunity to get her college paid for if she enlisted in the US Army. Her stories of boot camp/training while hilarious are also a testament to her character and discipline! We were all mesmerized by the ordeals this petite young woman experienced.

Our professional chef told us about her first interview after graduation and how tough it was to convince the Head Chef that she had what it takes to handle an 8hr day job, standing on her feet, chopping, grinding nuts, fava beans, etc. with a pestle! She showed us her burn scars with pride saying they were her “medals” in her profession. And we think enduring a 1-2 interview session with a panel of people is tough!

Our artist/author riveted us with her story of being born deaf, learning the American Sign Language to communicate with family and friends. Her world was totally silent until she was about 9 years old and scientific advances changed her life forever so that now she can hear and communicate beautifully. Her artwork is outstanding and encompasses many cultures. She is written up in several magazines.

Again, it was a joy for me to work with all these talented young women. They are a joy to be around and a joy to watch grow! They will certainly leave their mark in their respective fields and then some! After 26 years in Toastmasters International I am still learning! The folks you meet are inspiring and stimulating. Why not check out a Toastmaster club near you by going to

Shirley M. Carolan
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0332

Copyright 2007 by Shirley Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at


By Shirley M. Carolan

Regretably, I have not written in some time. You might say the muse left me. I’m now trying to get on with my writing projects and my life after a traumatic ordeal which began last spring.

Buying a new computer (regardless of the make) with all the latest bells and whistles and attendant software should be a fun and memorable experience. After all, it’s not an everyday occurrence. Alas, since last spring that has not been the case for me.

Let me begin with the end in mind: DO NOT PAY CASH OR BY CHECK FOR ANY MERCHANDISE PURCHASED FROM A RETAIL STORE! You may already be aware of this. I was not. I paid for my new Hewlett Packard computer system by check instead of using a credit card. This action has literally haunted me.

If you pay by check, or cash, beware, if the merchandise is defective, for whatever reason, you, the consumer, must bear the brunt/responsibility of getting satisfaction from a vendor. This can be a very time-consuming, frustrating, income/money losing proposition and a very stressful experience. I experienced this when I bought my new computer system at Fry’s Electronics in San Marcos in March 2007!

The system crashed innumerable times, was fixed twice at the store, the first time requiring a new motherboard; a 3rd time, a technician came to my home to repair/assess the problem, and it crashed again shortly thereafter. The store manager would not let me exchange it. Recently, an exchange was made but not like for like merchandise. Instead, a Hewlett Packard computer was inadvertently exchanged for a Compaq Presario costing much less …

The moral is: Always use a credit card when buying merchandise from a retail store. The bank, or credit card company, will pursue claims of defective merchandise far easier and more quickly than you can. While they do the pursuing, and you get your money back if that’s what you want, you can sleep soundly at night!

Shirley M. Carolan
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0332

Copyright 2007 by Shirley Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at

Saturday, June 23, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned speaker, if you incorporate “WIFFM” into all of your presentations you will succeed in capturing your audience’s attention,loyalty and patronage. That’s a pretty strong statement but it works every time.

For starters, what is “WIIFM?” WIIFM is an acronym for “What’s In It For Me?” WIIFM is very simply having and keeping your audience’s interest and attention uppermost throughout your entire presentation. Any presentation you give must address what’s of importance or of interest to your audience.

How can you be sure this will work for you? Before you script any presentation take a moment and ask yourself the following questions:

• Why have they come to hear me speak?
• Is it because I am an expert in my field?
• What are their needs, wants, goals, objectives?
• What are their expectations?
• Do I have the requisite skills and knowledge?

Now ask yourself “what are MY objectives? What would I like them to take away today?

• An idea
• A valuable shortcut
• A new product, research, etc.
• A commitment to take action on something?
• A cosr effective business technique?
• A desire to learn more and become my client?

Once, you know your audience, what makes them tick, why they are here, and can answer the above questions truthfully, you are on your way to success! You will be able to demonstrate your integrity and credibility, combined with your business expertise! This is also known as a win-win situation.

You may be the novice speaker or new Toastmaster reading this and saying “Yes, but ... what does this have to do with giving manual speeches? Good question! Everything! Once you know your audience’s expectations you will know how to fill them and leave them clamoring for more!

Start now to think about your audience first, their expectations and then craft your presentation around their interests. It’s a matter of WIIFM!

Most folks fail to do this because they are too busy “telling” the audience something vs. "showing” them. Why doesn’t this work? When you “tell” the audience something you run the risk of being boring, preachy, self-absorbed, uncaring, and/or totally inept. (Incidentally, I’ve written about this topic previously entitled “Show ...Don’t Tell! Please check out my blogsite to see the entire article)

You also run the risk of rambling because your presentation is not organized into meaningful parts, i.e., an opening, a body, and a conclusion! There are no transitions between the parts, nothing in it for the audience, and nothing to keep their attention focused on what you are saying. Consequently, folks will tune out on you. Later on, they may even misquote you because they take things out of context because they didn’t fully pay attention to what you said! Good organization, therefore, is tantamount to giving your audience what it needs and deserves!

Paying attention to and incorporating these few tips into your next presentation will pay you dividends! It will catapult you from being a mediocre speaker, give you more credibility in your chosen field, name recognition, and a desire by others to do business with you!

Voila, you have killed two birds with one stone and are on your way to speaking success and/or increased business!

If you would like more information on how to structure a presentation making good use of WIIFM, please email me your request and I will be happy to send you my free article “How To Use What’s In It For Me (WIIFM) Effectively!” My email address is:

Shirley M. Carolan
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0332

Copyright 2007 by Shirley Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at

Thursday, May 31, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

This year marked the 15th Annual Art Show in Oceanside in April. It followed on the heels of Mira Costa College Theater’s wonderful production of “Lend Me A Tenor!“ which I wrote about earlier. What a great weekend of cultural activities in our little town. We are blessed in Oceanside to have such outstanding events. I’m sure when that new downtown hotel is completed the guests will come flocking to see what we have to offer.

This year the Show was even more exciting and interesting. Despite inclement weather where I live, I was delighted when I reached the coast to find beautiful sunshine and good parking. This is one event you won’t want to miss next year so be forewarned to mark your calendars now!

As usual, there was something for everyone from young tots to seniors like myself. There was food, sweets, live music, dancing, in addition to all the wonderful art work from pottery, exquisitely blown glassware, oil paintings, watercolors, mixed media, carvings, etc. I renewed acquaintances with folks and artists that I met last year and beyond. I found the artists so eager to talk about their work and share “secrets” with me. Artists are definitely a different breed of cat from other types of professionals. They seem so laid back and not at all pushy or needy, or hustling you to buy their wares! How refreshing!

I was overjoyed when I came upon one of my favorite artists, Jacqueline Tyree. This spry young woman of 84 is a living legend. As an oil painter myself, I appreciate her beautiful seascapes of the San Diego area. She is a member of the San Diego Art Guild and her paintings are on display at “On Track” gallery in Encinitas. Also, you can learn more about her and her paintings can be seen on She caught me mesmerized by one of her paintings and came over to talk to me. This year she shared her secret for drawing people quickly on canvas. Last year she showed me a short cut to drawing all kinds of birds. I am indebted to her professional expertise. In seven years of taking oil painting lessons I had not learned these wonderful techniques.

In addition to her beautiful paintings she has photos of her work made into greeting cards. Don’t you know I was the lucky recipient of one of them entitled “Surf’s Up.” She generously placed one in my hand as I started to depart.

Jacqueline is just one of the many artists you will enjoy meeting and hopefully going home with a piece of her art. Other folks told me about the Vista Art League and the great exhibits there on Main Street. Since I intend to join an Art Guild this year to exhibit and sell some of my own oil paintings I am also going to check out the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League which also had several members exhibiting their work at this show.

As a result of hobnobbing and enjoying all this art I decided to upgrade my computer, email system, etc. I wanted digital pictures of my work for my new website, etc. Unfortunately, Windows Vista has proved to be a really unexpected challenge. I’ve had several computer crashes as a result of incompatible software, as well as losing many files and articles, including this original article. Hence, I’m cutting this article a bit short because I have some follow-up stories I want to share with you.

In the meantime, here’s my new email address: I look forward to hearing from you and definitely seeing you at next year’s Art Show.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Monday, May 21, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

It is with much delight that I can tell you that my Mira Costa College “Journaling” workshops have been confirmed and are being offered on the main, Oceanside, campus this summer. If you did not receive their summer brochure, the classes are scheduled for Saturday, June 9 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm, Saturday, August 4, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm, and Tuesday, July 10 from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm.

The workshop is entitled “JOURNAL YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS!” ‘Take a journey to healing, wholeness, and self-discovery. This unique and revealing workshop will help you to identify the areas of your life that need more attention and will equip you to address your unfinished business. By the end of the course, you will have a clearer picture of what success means to you and a plan for using the skills you already possess to achieve your goals.’

For more information on registration please contact Mira Costa College directly at, or, call 760-795-6820. I look forward to seeing you in class! If you have any further questions feel free to contact me at 760-732-0663, or
Thank you.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

As a young girl raised and educated in London, England I grew up with a love of the English language and a passion for Shakespeare, for his astute way with words and particularly his gift of farce. Later, I was selected to act in many of his plays. As a result, I knew most of his soliloquies by heart. Upon emigrating to the United States, the nuns at Queen of the Rosary Academy, Amityville, New York promptly entered me in the Long Island Oratorical Championships, feeling I had the best chance to represent the Academy. Alas, my English accent worked against me as I was considered a "professional."

But, I never lost my love for words. To this day, I firmly believe that "Words are the poetry of the soul. They are as unique as your fingerprints. You owe it to yourself to leave the finest imprint!©" Theater continued to be an important part of my life. Living in New York, I was in awe of all the Broadway productions. It was a smorgasbord of talent, sights and sounds. I tried to see as many plays as my meager salary allowed.

Moving to San Francisco in the mid 1960s was also a thespian’s paradise. I bought season tickets to ACT so that I would not miss out on the theatrical scene. Of course, like any great cosmopolitan city, it also offered wonderful Opera and exquisite ballet. "The Nutcracker" quickly became my favorite. To this day, Christmas is not Christmas for me without seeing some performance of The Nutcracker! How fortunate we are in San Diego County to have so many venues to choose from!

Methinks I have digressed too much. I only wanted to show how much I enjoy theatre and that we are so lucky to have the best at our fingertips! I speak of Mira Costa College Performing Arts Theater here in Oceanside, CA. They just changed their name to "Mira Costa Theatre Spotlight Circle." Last Saturday night I saw the wonderful production of Ken Ludwig’s "Lend Me A Tenor," directed by Eric Bishop. If you like farce then this will be your cup of tea. As Eric Bishop says "Farce is one of the most demanding of the comic performing styles. Playing farce requires a learned style of acting that embraces heightened reality. It requires a great deal of skill, commitment, courage, cracker-jack timing, vocal energy/power, specificity and pure physical stamina."

Seeing this production brought back fond memories of my own professional stage debut in 1994 in the British comedy "It Runs In The Family" by Ray Cooney, at the Alterena Playhouse, Alameda, CA. In addition to learning the rigors of comedy, we also had to learn how to enter and exit the stage appropriately, since the Alterena Playhouse is a theater-in-the-round and at any given time we would have our backs to one side of the audience. The role of "Matron," the head nurse of a London hospital was tailor made for me. Albeit I did have to learn how to act mean and project my voice. Ah, but the roar of the crowd, the curtain calls, and meeting the public in the foyer at the end of every performance were more than worth it!

Again, if you like theatre, particularly farce, I encourage you to see this delightful production of "Lend Me A Tenor," at Mira Costa Theatre Spotlight Circle. The Theatre is conveniently located right off Highway 78 at College Boulevard. The address is One Barnard Drive, Oceanside, CA.
Reservations can be made at the box office: 760-795-6815. Senior citizens get a special rate. Unfortunately this is the final weekend of this wonderful production. No excuses, just pick yourself up and treat yourself to a wonderful evening or matinee! You'll be glad you did!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM
Author • Writer • Coach
Carolan Communications
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663


By Shirley M. Carolan

For far too long, I feel that Oceanside has been the brunt of snickers that we, as a community, are devoid of cultural events, educational opportunities in the Arts, Art Shows, galleries and wonderful theatre and film.

This past weekend, I got out of my usual rut and excuses and had the cultural time of my life! I didn’t wait for others to decide to go with me, as I generally do. Instead, I chose to go alone despite what seemed like inclement weather on Sunday and had the time of my life!

The point is, whether you are young, old, retired, married, widowed, divorced, single, or even physically challenged, there is something in this wonderful town for everyone’s taste and pocketbook! As a young at heart, mature, high-energy, accomplished, single woman, I can vouch that my generation is certainly not excluded or wanting for cultural and fun things to enjoy in Oceanside.

While I feel I have just scratched the surface of what my town has to offer, my whole world has just done an about face! I hope you will read and enjoy the following two events I attended this past weekend. Perhaps they will inspire YOU to attend Mira Costa College’s wonderful theatre treats, and next year’s Annual Art Show. In fact, next year I intend to exhibit my own oil paintings at the Show! See you there!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM
Author • Writer • Coach
Carolan Communications
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Saturday, March 31, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

This month, the old adage "Patience is a Virtue," combined with Murphy’s Law, was brought home to me with a vengeance! It has been several years since I’ve invested in a new computer system. But I was fed up with my HP crashing all the time and getting it overhauled, so I decided it was time to bite the bullet and invest in a new system. I wanted something I could depend upon and was not overly concerned with getting all the latest bells and whistles.

Not being a techie, I enlisted the aid of a friend to help me research best buys and compatability with the type of usage I would give it. That certainly speeded up the process and saved some valuable time. After deciding upon what, and where to buy it, I brought my new system home full of enthusiasm. Connecting everything, I was sure, would not be a problem, since I’d purchased many computers over the years and never had a problem hooking up all the cables and cords to the various hardware.
Alas, that was my first mistake! I assumed that was all I needed to do and voila I would be up and running and enjoying my new computer and software (including Microsoft Windows Vista). Three weeks later and many frantic calls to India for help (Hewlett-Packard outsources its on-line help to folks in India) I am finally up and but not as completely running as I would like to be.

Murphy’s Law took over from the time I installed the first cable. Glitches that Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, my ISP, the phone company, etc. could not help me with I learned on my own by trial and error! For example, when I went to establish my Internet connection I used the Area Code, as well as the number, that my ISP had given me to connect to. This was the biggest mistake of all! Everyone insisted it was a "working number" and couldn’t figure out why I was getting an error message and could not connect to the Internet. It seems I didn’t need to type in the Area Code in order to connect to the Internet, just the telephone number! In pure desperation I figured this one out. But, multiply that glitch by 10 more and you have some idea of the daunting tasks I faced.

Another serious glitch was that the hard drive had not been configured to allow me to save my work to a CD drive. All indications were that I had a C, D, F, G. and H drive but no E drive! I struggled to find a solution on my own. Another fatal mistake ... Meanwhile, I was saving all my hard work and documents to the C drive expecting a solution to miraculously appear.

Would you believe that on my final call to India and Hewlett Packard help, I ended up losing three week’s of work? The hard drive had to be reconfigured to include the E drive (the one that allows CDs to be written to). Why this was not done before it left the factory I will never know! Sadly, there are some files and emails that I will never recover, including all my latest blog posts.

These are but a few of the things that can sorely test one’s patience. Of course, I had some choice words to say about my new system but they are gradually fading from memory. It has taught me that gone are the days when you can bring home a new computer, monitor, printer, etc. and just plug it in, register it, and expect everything to work just fine.

Today, you have to be a lot more savvy about software, drivers, updates, and whether your new system can accept your "old" software, whether you can upgrade it, or whether, heaven forbid, you have to purchase all new software. For a non-techie like myself, this is quite a daunting task. My last system dates back to the "Dark Ages" of 2002. At the time I had purchased MS Office 2000 Professional and was very happy with it. Of course, the new system (MS Vista Home Edition) does not accept it, and it only came with MS Works and Notepad, no MS Word. Right now I am not in a mood to upgrade, although I know eventually I will have to. But, I did upgrade my WordPerfect software on my "old" PC sufficiently that it will work with MS Vista! Yippee! I grew up with WordPerfect in the early 1980's. It’s a wonderful software package and has Quatro Pro, etc. I intend to relearn everything I’ve forgotten about this wonderful software, including saving/sending documents with file endings that others can open!

Take that Microsoft and Mr. Gates! My patience and confidence have been restored!

Shirley M. Carolan
Carolan Communications
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

It is with great joy I announce that yesterday, February 12, 2007 I met with Ms. Christine Buckley, Director of Community Services and Business Development at Mira Costa College, Oceanside, CA to discuss a proposal, work book, and curriculum I submitted to teach Journaling Workshops on campus.

After an extensive review of how I would present the workshop, materials and exercises, she was more than satisfied that I am passionate about Journaling, and she has engaged me to teach Journaling at the college during this summer semester. Stay tuned for more details regarding registration.

As many of you know, I am gung-ho about Journaling and use it as a tool to get in touch with feelings about people, places, and events happening in my life. It's a wonderful tool to heal, overcome stress, confusion, depression, and to help during transition periods. That is why I created a new blog site "ANGELS CROSSING" at The site will feature uplifting personal stories, inspirational articles, tips, etc. It will also focus on how Journaling can help you find balance and harmony in life. I invite you to check it out.

Meanwhile, your feedback is always encouraged! .

Shirley M. Carolan. ATM
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Thursday, January 11, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

A Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone, especially my wonderful and supportive clients! This Holiday Season brought many new and interesting traditions into my life. In fact, I am going to start a new Blog about some of them, especially my Labyrinth Walk on December 30, 2006 at the beautiful Bonsall, CA estate of Rick and Dr. Patricia Crane. Some quiet miracles, ah-ah moments, and improved relationships have resulted. I'm still trying on names for it so stay tuned!

In the meantime, I am happy to announce that my "Goal Setting" classes will resume on January 24 and January 31 at one of the beautiful classrooms at the new Salvation Army building in Oceanside, CA. A workbook, fun exercises, discussion on why we sometimes sabotage our goals and what to do about it, examining the "Wheel of Life" the 6 areas: "Financial/Career, "Physical/Health, Mental/Educational, Social/Cultural, Spirtual/Ethical, and Family/Home" will be included. I am purposely keeping the tuition low so that more people can take advantage. Space is limited and reservations are required. For more information please see my website:

Also, "Journaling" classes will be resuming. The emphasis here will be on "healing old wounds," examining who pushes your buttons and why, taking your power back, improving, or starting new relationships with folks who honor you! Stay tuned.

May 2007 be your year to shine, get rid of the clutter, stop procrastinating and live the life of your dreams. Please contact me if you have any questions!

Shirley M. Carolan
Carolan Communications
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663