Monday, December 31, 2007


By Shirley M. Carolan

December is my favorite month not because of Christmas and New Year’s, all the giving and receiving, parties, great food, and catching up on friends’ lives, but because it’s a great time of reflection and how my overall year turned out.

I enjoy looking back and seeing how all the events came about, assessing what went well, what did not, what needs changing, what relationships grew, which ones changed, what I learned, what I’m more grateful for, etc. Now, I understand why it’s said that “masterpieces take time!”

My life is far from being a masterpiece but going into my 75th year I feel I’ve at least put a few layers of paint on the canvas. As a result, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions any more because I find I’m not held accountable if I give up or change my mind about a resolution. Whereas setting a goal is much more meaningful. It gives some direction and meaning to my life. It gives me a challenge, a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and the opportunity to celebrate when the goal is completed, it gives me a sense of fulfillment, and joy that I can trust myself when I put pen to paper and commit to doing something.

It also means the journey isn’t over once a goal is completed. It means that I am ready to commit and continue on the journey of discovery… This year, I commit to having more fun in my life and stop worrying about finances, and/or jockeying for position to get clients to write for, or lucrative speaking engagements, or preparing and delivering motivational workshops.

I intend to do more oil painting, take pictures of nature with my new digital camera, and do more writing, articles, eBooks, blogs, etc. I’ve signed up for sketching classes through Mira Costa College and digital camera classes through Vista Adult Ed. What fun! Being a senior today is wonderful because there are so many classes out there to take whether it’s for a hobby, upgrading professional skills, or learning new work skills!

This year I learned that it’s OK to exhibit some of my oil paintings at an art gallery. At first, I dreaded letting go of my art work because it was like letting go of a baby. Today, I am at peace with letting go and joined the Carlsbad Oceanside Art League (COAL) and exhibited some oil paintings there. I’ve also met some wonderful new friends and great artists that I can learn more from.

At Christmas, I indulged in another hobby, astronomy. The first Christmas gift I bought this year was a telescope. I so want to see Mars and the rings around Saturn again and this is the perfect time of year to do that. Back in the early 1980s I took an astronomy class at the College of San Mateo. It was the last science class I needed to get my AA degree and it was one of the most fascinating classes I’ve ever taken. It was a time when Carl Sagan had his popular series “Cosmos” on PBS television. We were also lucky the college had a huge telescope to view the universe.

Yes, I am looking forward to the New Year! Whether I make a lot of money, or not, is immaterial because I will be doing what I love, writing, oil painting, and viewing the heavens! And, you can’t put a price tag on that!

Happy New Year all!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

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