Tuesday, February 28, 2012


By Shirley Carolan, ATMG

This month just got away from me. I had so many different ideas and thoughts for articles but couldn’t seem to find the time to put pen to paper. However, I feel the above title covers a multitude of things that happened to me this month that required some sound thinking, assessing and decision making on my part. Shakespeare did indeed say it with panache: “To Thine Own Self Be True!”

A few things happened that were somewhat painful for me and upon journaling about them I found in some cases my expectations, of myself, and others, did not match reality. Whenever my expectations of others gets in the way my ego takes a beating. I found I need to validate myself and not expect others to do that for me... Hence, the above title is applicable.

Wonderful progress, healthwise, this month: I’m now walking almost one mile daily, with the walker and my little dog, Teddy, but without oxygen! I’ve not done that in 3 years! I am so excited. I’ve lost a little over 10 lbs. (mostly by cutting down on sugar and extra walking). I’m riding my exercise bike daily and have trimmed down my figure even more! I bought a new walker from a fantastic Thrift Shop at a great price and donated the other walker to them along with some new clothes that just hung on me. Then, I donated more clothes and household items to “Goodwill.” This served the purpose of my getting rid of the clutter! Wow, I’m on a natural high from this and still have a way to go to reach my goal.

Two doctors last week practically apologized to me for calling me on the “Elephant in the Room”… my age! They admitted that “one size does not fit all.” They feel I’ve made tremendous progress, have more energy, and am determined to reach my long range health goals of walking 1-2 miles a day, without walker or oxygen! I told them I was entering the Toastmasters International Speech Contest at my club and the title would be: “The Elephant in the Room!” They laughed heartily and wished me well.

Last week I entered two International Speech Contests, “Table Topics” (which is “impromptu” speaking) and the “International Speech Contest.’’ I spent untold hours writing, rehearsing and delivering my speech last week. I felt I had good quotations, some humor, stayed on focus with good examples and dressed like a professional speaker. However, I did not feel I got through to the audience, particularly because one side of the room seemed to have their faces in “neutral.” I found it disconcerting and allowed it to affect me. I did win the “Table Topics” Contest.

Once again, I expected my family, and some friends to be supportive of my efforts only to realize, once again, it was not on their “agenda.” Ah yes, expectations seem to do me in every time! I know, I know, “ambition should be made of sterner stuff.” Thank God for Journaling because it has brought me back to earth and now I can accept that life is not about expecting others to validate you, or to act the way you think they should. It’s about being able to validate yourself! I’ve now come full circle “To Thine Own Self Be True!”

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article please give me credit and a link back to my website. Thank you.

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