Friday, March 23, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

One of the toughest lessons in life for me to learn has been knowing when it’s time for me to “move on” and then moving on.

I am a creature of habit and change does not always come easily for me. Change could be a change in habits, career/job, relationships, school, hobbies, food, exercise, etc. You get the message. Maybe it has something to do with my mother’s favorite adage “Don’t rock the boat!” which was drummed into me. I kept thinking maybe they’ll change. Of course “they” never do and neither should I expect “them” to. I’m the one who has to change and march to my own drummer.

Recently, the universe offered me another opportunity to see that it was time for me to move on from a club I dearly loved, but knew I had outgrown. The other club members are all wonderful people but their level of awareness and mine are quite different. I was not learning anything new and , I was stagnating. I tried hard to share my vision with them but was rejected many times.

It took something I care deeply about to realize the dye was cast and I had outgrown my club. I remember Tony Robbins telling us during my first Firewalk with him that you should always join a club that will challenge you. Once I was able to accept that “they” were not going to change I realized that I was OK and could make positive changes in my life without expecting others to see things my way or acknowledge and validate my gifts and talents.

My ego was a bit battered but this time I knew I would survive because I was going to live life on my terms as Shakespeare said “To Thine Own Self Be True.” That felt good. Then it dawned upon me that the “Serenity” prayer was the greatest gift of all: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.” Not a bad mantra to live by.

This time I did not journal over my disappointments, as I usually do when faced with a challenge. Somehow I knew, I just knew at the core of my being, that I needed to honor myself, and validate myself that the decision I’d made to move on was the right decision for me!! I cannot begin to tell you how liberating this makes me feel. The freedom to be myself, to believe in myself and my God given talents. I don’t need permission from anyone else to live my dream! I don’t need permission from anyone else to acknowledge that I am worthy of what I seek. I just need to listen to that inner voice and, move on!

I hope this story helps someone out there who is facing a challenge, especially if it’s fraught with emotion, to listen to your inner voice, and choose the path that resonates best with you! You’ll be glad you did!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

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