Monday, December 08, 2014


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

I am often asked “What goes on at a Toastmaster meeting?  What can I expect? Recently, I had the opportunity and pleasure to write a recap of our Thanksgiving meeting and share it here with you.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me by phone 760-732-0663 or email:


If you missed last Thursday’s TM meeting you missed a real treat!  It was both stimulating and motivating.  The theme was “Memories” and we started off with a moment of silence for Dan McKeon, our dearest Toastmaster who valiantly fought his battle with cancer followed by a tribute to him.  Poignant it was as each Toastmaster recalled some happy moment they shared with him.

The theme lived up to its name!  Neil Thompson did the first time honors of Table Topics Masters and chose “Mind” as the word of the day.  His questions were both provocative and thoughtful.  Nirav Desai won Best Table Topics and wowed us with his energy and enthusiasm as he told us about his chance enconter with actor Mel Gibson.

Richard Rettig was our solo speaker.  He gave a wonderful  exposition  on the history of marriage and the cultural changes through the years right up to the present.  Many members were shaking their heads in agreement.  His title was “Marriage-What Is Its Future?”    Nirav Desai gave a rousing evaluation and won the Best Evaluator trophy.  Well done Nirav – two trophies in one night!

Pat Partin did a great job as General Evaluator and Amiel Sharon was the Timer for the first time.

Two long term members whom we’ve not seen for ages were Carol Sheckler and Shirley Carolan were present.  Carol looked fabulous with her new hairdo and Shirley graced us with her dry, British wit!  Welcome back ladies!

President and Toastmaster, Richard Jennings, reminded us that Tick Talk will be celebrating Toastmasters International 90th anniversary with a party and demo meeting scheduled for December 4, 2014 at Carlsbad by the Sea.  Preparations are in the works and the event probably will start at 6:30 PM with hors d’hoeuvres, networking, etc.  Be sure to put that on your calendar and do bring a friend.

Lastly, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  One member told us she left Southhampton, England with her family aboard the S.S. America on November 27, 1947 and set sail for America. It was Thaanksgiving Day!

‘Till next time,

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2014 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

Many titles came to mind as I wrote this article.  Since I wanted to reach as many folks as possible who might be going through a difficult patch in their lives, especially those feeling like a victim, I chose not to use a fancy title. 

Regardless of what you are going through do NOT consider yourself a victim of your circumstances!  Neither are you alone in facing problems because that’s part of being human, even when everything hits the fan simultaneously.  .Just  know that you can’t solve all problems immediately!  Instead work on one problem at a time.  I know, that’s easier said than done as I experienced on a recent Thursday.

First, I was quite distraught because my little dog “Teddy” was acting strange.  He was not eating, drinking his water, urinating, or barking as usual , etc, Then when he wouldn’t get off the bed at 6:00 am to go for our regular morning walk, I knew something was seriously wrong.   After much agonizing I knew I had to get Teddy to a vet.  I would need to cancel my chiropractic appointment  that morning.  As I walked to my office/den to do so I discovered my phone-answering machine was dead and I couldn’t phone or receive messages from there.  I rushed to the kitchen to use the wall phone, whereupon AT&T informed me they couldn’t get a repair man here until next Tuesday!

Then, I went outside to check my outdoor mailbox.  There was an invoice from Bank of America with $7,500.00 charged to my account.   I was stunned since I had not authorized any such charges by a San Diego  medical facility. 

Finally I arrived at the vet’s office.  Two hours  later I was informed that Teddy had a 103 temperature and would need x-rays and blood work done.  I was a basket case.  Later, he was diagnosed as being dehydrated and needed special injections and food.  Naturally, the vet’s bill didn’t come cheaply.  In fact, I staggered under the weight of it..  But, at least I knew he would live and eventually get back to his old self.  It was about 5:30 PM as I walked to my car.  I started it but it too was as dead as a door nail.  AAA was called in to help.  It took another hour for them to arrive and the commute traffic was at its peak.  I finally got home a little before 7:00 pm totally exhausted and  I knew I could not make it to my Toastmaster Club meeting that night.  Somehow things spiraled out of control that day for me.

I want to share some vital things that helped me through a very stressful day:

Firstly, I had to stop myself from storming around the house, gritting my teeth, shouting at Teddy, in a huff, and totally losing it.  Yes, I was totally playing the victim role and giving my power and life force away! 

Next, as I prayed to God to help me in my hour of need, I gradually sensed a small feeling of peace.  I began to realize I couldn’t wave a magic wand and solve everything immediately.  But, as the peace grew I knew I could handle anything!  I started to smile at my former ridiculous/negative beliefs and behavior.  .I began to repeat out loud:  “I can handle this”  several times..

Then I worked on one problem at a time and each small success did wonders for my self esteem… Again, I repeated   “I can handle this”    As each problem began to get solved I felt a sense of relief and, I thanked God for his divine help and guidance .  I could not have done it without him.  I was finally able to know and feel that I could handle anything thrown at me without going to pieces!

Furthermore, I began to see a bonus in placing my trust in God’s hands.  I got to see what the lesson was from each experience that I needed  to learn.  Once I gained a handle on my peace of mind I reached for my Journal and started writing what the problems were, how I reacted to them, and how I solved them. This has helped me to write this article and share with you not  to be a victim of your circumstances!  Let’s face it you can’t put a price tag on “peace of mind.”.

In case you doubt this would  work for you and pooh-pooh everything, I suggest you look at the alternatives if you stay a victim of your circumstances.  You wreck your mental, physical and emotional health! 

 You become a prime candidate for:

1.    Falls
2.    Accidents
3.    Lost relationships
4.    Loss of love from your pet (he/she is probably scared by your erratic behavior).
5.    Loss of energy, drive and happiness  -  leading to depression
6.    A victim of your circumstances  -  you’ve given your power away
7.    An erroneous belief that you can’t  handle whatever  Life throws at you.

Best wishes on solving life’s problems, especially when everything hits the fan simultaneously!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone:  760-732-0663

Copyright© 2014 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


 By Shirley M. Carolan

Over the years I’ve watched with pleasure, anticipation and satisfaction the wonderful programs that PBS television brings to America.  I’ve even contributed to their fund raising programs.  The latest program that I am ecstatic about is “Mr. Selfridge,” on Sunday evenings.  I love everything about this show from the theme to the actors, story line and my memories of living in London, England before and after WWII and shopping at this magnificent Emporium!

I was almost 6.5 years old at the beginning of WWII and was consequently bombed out of London but fortunately survived with my parents and twin brother in the English countryside.  I don’t remember much shopping during the war but certainly do afterwards.  Selfridge’s was one our favorite department stores to ooh and aah at while shopping.  It was a place of glitter, like a fairyland, after the end of the war in 1945 and the dreadful rationing we were still on.

At the time I did not know that Mr. Harry Selfridge was an American and the first of his kind to establish a world renowned, successful department store.  He was an inspiration not only to his fellow American store owners, e.g. Marshall Field in Chicago where he got his training, but also the toast of European capitals for his style, creativity and freedom to browse through the wonderful emporium he built.

No story would be complete without some sadness, setbacks or just plain bad luck and “Mr. Selfridge” is no different.  Unfortunately, it is Harry Selfridge who runs amok.  He was a ladies man and an inveterate gambler.  He lost his wife Rose because of his unfaithfulness, although she later died in 1908 from the flu epidemic which ravaged Europe.  Because of his gambling and lavish lifestyle he was asked to leave Selfridge’s by its board of directors.  He met the inimitable Dolly sisters and his gambling skyrocketed.  As a pauper on the street looking at the windows of his beloved Selfridge’s he was arrested.  Harry died a pauper.

The series has not reached this far in the story line and I do hope I have the courage to watch it when it does.  For some reason, Harry Selfridge epitomizes the war years for me because Selfridge’s was so much a part of my childhood life.   I am 80 years old now and left London with my parents and twin brother December 1947.  That was the year that Harry died but we did not know about it then.

I do hope you will watch this wonderful TV program on your local PBS station.


Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2014 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.


Monday, January 13, 2014


By Shirley M. Carolan

Ever since I lost my website last summer I’ve not written any articles for my blogs.  I want to get beyond that disappointment and loss and start writing again on a regular basis.  So here goes.

As the new year approached I decided to make new year’s goals rather than resolutions which I’ve always found too easy to break.  I set three main categories to work on:  Health and Fitness, Writing projects, and, eliminating the Clutter in my life!  Each have daily and or weekly tasks assigned.  My mantra for this year is:  “Don’t Take It Personally!”

What I’m finding out is that my health still needs a lot of patience and work to get back to where I was last September.   It’s been hard for me to accept that my health plummeted so quickly,   making daily living a real challenge.   But now I’m off the oxygen 24/7 and it turned out not to be a blot clot on my lung.  For both I’m extremely grateful.  I’ve even rejoined my local senior center and am enjoying their “fitness room” and all the modern equipment they have.

Patience is also something I’m learning along with not taking anything personally.  I find my “schedule” needs to be adjusted because my energy runs low and I can’t do all the things I’ve planned for that day.  Rather than being disappointed or giving up my goals I thank God for what I am able to accomplish daily!  This way I’ve stopped beating up on myself and am accepting that I am doing the best I can with the resources I have.

Also, I’m learning that just getting rid of the clutter needs organization, an action plan.  It can’t be done just willy nilly.  It also helps to tackle one room at a time rather than a bit here and a bit there.  This goal is something that had to take a back seat in 2009 when I was in the hospital twice with pneumonia and on oxygen 24/7 as well as in hospital with pneumonia last year.  Again, patience is what I need to pursue even this goal.

Toastmasters has been a wonderful outlet for me. In fact, it’s a way of life to me.   I missed a lot time from it last year.   I’m happy to say I’m now back at it, mentoring new people, and winning either Best Table Topics or, Best Evaluator trophies and just participating to the fullest.

Good luck on your new goals!  I hope you have a mantra for this year too?

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2014 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.