Monday, December 31, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

As we approach the New Year I want to thank everyone who took the time and trouble to read and comment on my many articles this past year!  You truly made my year as well as made me aware that the topics I wrote about are of interest to others and my particular writing style is also enjoyed.  Hence, I feel 2013 will be an even more productive year for me.

This is the first year, since 2009, that I can honestly say it was not a bad year, or, that I’m glad it will be over shortly.  I’m ending mine on an upbeat note:  I’ve set my goals and dreams for the New Year.  I’ve even set modest rewards for myself as well as deadlines. 

What I discovered this year is that I gave my power away to my circumstances!  I allowed health, or lack of it, to define what I could or could not do all the way until August.  Then, the light bulb went on and I discovered hydrotherapy classes to help ease the pain from the three back fractures.  My posture and balance have both improved.  I will continue with these classes throughout the coming year, as well as share them with others who have arthritis or back problems.

Right before Christmas I got my fairly new laptop computer (that I bought at Computer Geeks for my birthday last year) repaired. It only had a limited warranty.  I was tired of blaming both my laptops that kept crashing for not writing more, including having problems with Word Press.  Networking paid off!  A good friend introduced me to David Russell, who just retired, and who is a computer and software expert.  He discovered that my hard drive was defective and needed to be replaced.  And, he couldn’t guarantee that he could save any of my files if I decided to replace the hard drive.  He ordered a new hard drive Christmas Eve and returned with my computer fully fixed last Thursday!  He had to re-install Windows 7 and he was able to save all my documents!  He even installed the new memory chip (at no charge to me) that I bought from HP earlier. His fee was modest and he was very professional.  I’d highly recommend him to you.  He can be reached at 760-214-5481.

The same day I got my computer back, I read in the Union Tribune the heartwarming story of a little Philippine (mutt) dog who saved the lives of two young girls by stopping a speeding motorcycle.  The dog’s name is Kabang.  Unfortunately, the little dog lost her snout and upper jaw in the accident.  On top of this she has cancer and heartworms.  But, a wonderful nurse from Buffalo, NY spearheaded a fundraising campaign to bring Kabang to the US for surgery because they were unable to treat her in the Philippines.  She is being treated at UC Davis, California.  It will be some time before doctors can work on the gaping hole in her face which needs dental work, extractions and covering exposed roots.  But, this spirited little dog is  recovering beautifully!

I emailed the reporter that I wanted to find out more about Kabang and make a small contribution.  Yesterday I got an email from UC Davis with the following websites:, and  I find I can only read a little at a time about this brave little dog before tears overwhelm me.  I do hope you can open up your hearts and make a small contribution to this precious animal, which you can also do so through.  PayPal.  I know I’m glad I did.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


By Shirley Carolan, ATM-G

I love discovering new ideas, things, places, etc. that I can share with others. This December is no exception. Recently, on my way to the Oceanside, CA post office to mail off my last Christmas Cards I passed a sign at the side of the road announcing an Estate Sale.
Curiousity got the better of me and I knew I had to explore it after I was finished at the Post Office. I followed the sign through an industrial complex and arrived at a large warehouse with signs announcing a “collectibles marketplace,” featuring antiques, jewelry and furniture.

I was in 7th Heaven. It brought back fond memories of when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and owned and operated an antiques and collectibles shop. Outside the building was a food cart doing brisk business in the chilly wind. Inside was a gourmet’s paradise.

Several hours later, I exited with a few purchases and a promise to myself that I’d be back. For those who would enjoy a drive to this area, or those who live here, following is more information:
The vendor is known as “Coast 101 Estate Services Warehouse” at 4144 Avenida de la Plata, Suite A, Oceanside, CA 92056. or, 760-732-3299. The proprietor is: They are now open every Tuesday from 10-3 and Saturday 9-3. There is free parking and free admission. You can check their website for special, two-day monthly special events. They have estate sales, estate buyouts and dealers are welcome!

When I say they have a collection of “unexpected treasures” I am not boasting. I asked how long they’ve been at this location and was stunned to learn several years but they’ve not been advertising. I found some nice last minute Christmas gifts here, and I’m a jewelry aficionado so I know I will be back. If you like more modern furniture they had lovely rattan furniture from an estate sale.
Enjoy this gem and maybe someday I’ll see you there!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank youA

Sunday, September 30, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

Due to some technical difficulties I was unable to post this article and the preceding one at the time I wrote both of them.  But, the information is just as valid and I will be giving an update on this article shortly.  I hope you enjoy both of them.  

We each have the ability to find Camelot in our lives.  Like the “Elephant in the Room,” Camelot means different things to different people at different ages.   It can mean we’ve found our ideal mate, house, profession, friends, hobby, etc.  Therefore, it’s truly wonderful when we can acknowledge that we’ve found “IT.”

Since the beginning of the year I’ve been researching and visiting places to see if they have an aquatics program for senior citizens, one that may include exercises for arthritis.  I did uncover the Tri-City Wellness Center in Carlsbad which was truly a great place and had great programs.  However, my insurance would not cover visits to the pool and I found the membership fee and monthly dues too much for me to handle financially.

But, my goal at the beginning of the year was to get rid of my walker and perhaps walk 1-2 miles daily (as I did before  pneumonia and shingles took their toll on my body, and despite the fact that doctors told me to remember the “elephant in the room” which turned out to be my age!).

Thank heavens I believed enough in myself, and how I wanted to live my life, without all the medications, to keep looking for a way to improve my health and enjoy whatever activity (especially water) I could find and afford.  As luck, serendipity, karma, destiny would have it don’t you know I finally found that place!  The Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, California.
The Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad has got to be the best kept secret not only in town but in all northern San Diego County!  They have a wonderful  hydrotherapy (water therapy) program, the use of water to relieve discomfort  and promote physical well being and relief from pain!  It is founded on the Arthritis Foundation of America program.

The location is right!  The price is right!  The folks are right!  And we have a wonderful teacher in Mark who guides us through an hour of water exercises!  He is patient, kind, good humored, handsome, and an all-around gem!  I feel like I died and went to heaven!  I’ve not been in a swimming pool in over 30 years even though I used to be a good swimmer…

Folks, this is the answer to a lot of my prayers to live a happier, more productive and useful life!  I’ve still got a lot of living to do and my age is not going to stop me!  I found this fantastic place quite by accident.  I had recently visited the New Life Expo and signed up with the LaCosta Chiropratic  and Wellness Center for a special fundraiser they were promoting for the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad.  I decided to check out this website and find out where my money was going and what else the Boys and Girls Club had or did.

Last week I enrolled in their hydrotherapy program.  I go three times a week, from 10 AM to 11 AM.  I already feel much better, the pain in my back is almost eliminated. And I have more energy.  In fact, I feel like a million dollars!  Too bad this wonderful program is not offered by local cities, the YMCAs, etc.  I am making friends with the other women in the program and learning a lot from them.

Who would have thought that the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad would change my life?  For more information, they are located at Roosevelt and Oak Street, or call 760-930-0389.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.



By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

For the last 12 years, biannually, I have attended the Psychic Faire in Carlsbad and have always had a wonderful time, learned about new health methods and products for healing, as well as enjoyed their free mini-seminars throughout the day on a variety of topics, oohed and aahed over the exquisite jewelry, bought some books and geodes and came home utterly exhausted but happy.

Over the years, however, the Faire seems to have changed its name.  Two weeks ago it was called the New Earth Expo and I noticed it had many more health experts in attendance offering a brief, free sampling of their products and/or services from Massage, Chiropratic adjustment to Photographic Auras and a free Laser Therapy/treatment whose machine penetrates 2+” into the skin’s layers.  This wonderful machine reaches the inflamed areas more deeply as the light waves send energy to the body.   Also, it helps fractures heal (I have 3 compression fractures in my back) and am always looking for ways to heal naturally without drugs, invasion and expensive long-term treatments.  I already have a smaller version of this machine but you can learn more about it at Therapeutic Laser Sales: 760-917-2319.

Then I came upon a chiropractic booth that had an intriguing sign:  $25.00 for x-rays and analysis worth $250.00.  Apparently it was a special fundraiser whose proceeds would go to the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad.  That did it.  I couldn’t resist finding out more since I am already a believer in chiropractics.  I met and talked with a young Doctor of Chiropractic – Dr. Ginger Kastens.  She is a staff member at the La Costa Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Carlsbad.  She was very patient and listened to my tale of woe and explained what the Center does. And how it could help my 3 compression fractures, etc. I paid the fee and made an appointment to have x-rays taken and a follow-up with Dr. Kastens.  She can be reached at 760-438-9548 or www.lacostachiropractic@com

Then, on to other booths and psychic readings.  Before leaving I stopped at the Rev. Marcella Jone’s booth.  She is a certified Yuen Method Instructor.  It’s a Chinese method of healing (energy blockages).  I’ve known her for about 10 years.  This day her son, Jerome, worked on me for nearly 20 minutes!  I felt so much lighter and better when he finished.  I knew I had energy blockages but could not release them myself.  What a joy to have someone do that for me.  I would take classes in this if they had them here in North San Diego County.  She is now in Newport Beach as well as San Digeo.  You can find out more about this healing practice at: 619-283-4782,

The day came to an end way before I was ready because there was so much to see and do.  But, if you are interested the Halloween Psychic Festival is coming back October 21.  Visit for more information.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

Monday, July 30, 2012


By Shirley Carolan, ATMG

Every four years we are treated to the world’s finest athletes from all over the world competing against each other, from older countries to the newly emerging ones. It doesn’t matter which country you are from or which country you are rooting for because there’s something for everyone. Maybe you have a favorite sport, or a favorite athlete, that you want to see bring home the gold medal… sometimes the waiting can be agony.

I love swimming, gymnastics, tennis and watching these male and female athletes compete and am so grateful they opened the 2012 Olympics in London. I don’t miss the crowds or traffic at all. I’m just happy I can watch it all on my TV and record it and replay it at my leisure. Yes, there were a few upsets in the men’s swimming events. Unfortunately, Michael Phelphs did not live up to his reputation but that is no reason for the press to castigate or ridicule him! I get so angry when I hear or read reporters get on his case. He has already won 14 Gold medals in his career and he is still a great athlete after all, and has been competing since he was 15 years old. My heart goes out to him knowing how devastated he must feel.

However, Ryan Lochte and Dana Vollmer not only won Gold medals for the USA but also set world records in their respective events. Way to go USA! It was also nice to see the host country’s (Britain) Rebecca Adlington win the Bronze medal – the first swimming medal of the games!

The opening Friday night was a little long and “heavy” for my taste -- I don’t know why countries feel they have to outdo each other in spending on fireworks, displays, unique skits, etc. when they selected as the host country for the Games. I truly don’t care about any of that. I am more interested in watching the Games and the athletes perform and win.

I could go on but I don’t want to miss anything from these wonderful Games. So, it’s back to the telly and gymnastics for me!

Enjoy the games!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

Friday, July 20, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

Good things happen in life whether I’m looking for them or not especially when I learn to get out of my own way! And, there is always a lesson for me to learn from them once I acknowledge that they have indeed happened. Years ago I kept a “gratitude” journal and listed all the wonderful things that happened in my life and how fortunate I felt as a result. Unfortunately, I got away from doing that and now perhaps is a good time to start it again?

Here’s two recent examples of what I mean: (1) I discovered that my driver’s license had expired a long, long time ago. I was frantic. It was no good blaming the DMV for not notifying me, (not that I could have done much about it at the time it expired) because I am just as responsible for knowing when it expires.

Quickly I got cataract surgery scheduled ahead of my upcoming birthday, when normally the license should be renewed. I’d been told by my doctor I would not pass a DMV test if I didn’t have the eye surgery but I’d been dragging my feet. Then, I went on-line and made an appointment with the DMV to hopefully renew my license.

Next, I downloaded the “Driver’s Manual Questionnaire” to study for the test, or tried to several times without success until the eve before the test! Luckily for me, 85-90% of the questions were on the test the following day. But, I was up all night trying to absorb as much as I could and my nerves were on edge. After all, I knew how long ago the present license had expired and I had no idea how I would be treated by the DMV.

It’s only fair to say that standing in line forever at the P.O. is a piece of cake compared to standing in line at the DMV, but the service is about the same. I made a pact with myself not to show my emotions, especially my fears, when I got in front of the dreaded questioner! I told myself not to take anything personally that they may say because “they” were only doing their job and I could make matters worse if my nose got out of joint. This attitude stood me in good stead.

The only person who was really harsh with me was the woman who administered their vision test. She told me my vision could be better. I was stunned since it was only a week before that I’d had the cataract surgery. I asked which eye she was referring to and she barked at me “Both!” I had all I could do to restrain myself from telling her about the cataract surgery and that she must be wrong.

Fortunately, I kept my cool and remembered my pact to myself. After all, no one had yet pointed out that my license had expired many moons ago and demanded to know what happened? I knew I had to keep a “stiff upper” and get out of there before anyone discovered how long ago the license had expired.

Next, what became obvious to me is that the DMV has their own Agenda and thank God that day I was not on it! I had visions of their impounding my car, or at the very least not allowing me to drive it home with an expired driver’s license. Then I expected I would have to come back and take a driver road test and perhaps go through medical exams. Also, I could expect to pay multiple penalties. None of that happened and I stumbled out their front door triumphant and extremely grateful! The worst had not happened and I was a free citizen with a temporary driver’s license in my pocket.

What I learned from this experience is that keeping one’s cool under stressful conditions can pay dividends. So, I’m glad I made that pact with myself to zipper it up and not take anything personally. Next, I realized the inordinate amount of time and energy I had wasted over what “might have been” or trying to second guess someone else! Hopefully, I won’t do that in the future.

For those of you who need to renew your driver’s license, I highly suggest you make an on-line appointment for your exam. There were hundreds of folks lined up waiting to get an appointment, whereas I was in and out of the DMV in less than an hour. Unheard of!

My second example of miracles is: always deal with the best, or at least a well-known name when shopping for parts, computers, etc. Hewlett Packard serviced my laptop on-line through a contract I have with them The technician suggested I go back to using Norton Anti-Virus after removing several programs on my laptop that were incompatible with Norton. Then he sold me a software package (Norton 360) that I can use on three of my computers for $99.99 which would be mailed to me.

The following morning, I received a regular weekly email from Staples offering the same Norton 360 A/V software for only $29.99! I was stunned. That was a $70 difference. H’m, I could do a lot with $70, including buy an external hard drive that I’d been wanting to do for ages. I called HP and told them about the Staples ad (which they verified) and asked them could they lower their price and I’d purchase the external drive from them if they could. The supervisor informed me that a $10 refund was the best they could do. Reluctantly, I asked if they would refund my money if I returned the software when it arrived. They said “Yes.” I was quite relieved and grateful.

The next day I went into Staples and bought the Norton 360A/V for $29.99. Don’t you know they also had a special on that day that any purchase over $25.00 would get an extra $5 off the total price! Naturally, I bought my external hard drive from them too. I can’t believe how lucky I am and that I had the fortitude to ask a reputable giant in the industry to help me and/or refund my money. I wasn’t at all sure they would but it certainly pays to deal with a noted industry leader!

Yes, these experiences taught me a lot about myself and the universe in general. I’m sure you have good things happening in your life too that you can share. Do you keep a “Gratitude” Journal? Drop me a line if you like.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

Monday, June 25, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

Shakespeare said it best “The play’s the thing!”  While I might not use that quote in the same context as Hamlet, it nevertheless describes how I feel about plays. They are thoughts and ideas, blended into a cohesive story and action, sprung to life to entertain and enrich our lives.

This week I had the unique opportunity and privilege of seeing one of two plays, “S.R.O”  a work- in- progress, by playwright Michael Eichler at the New Village Arts Theatre, Carlsbad, CA.  It came about because of a new program, which is a collaboration between Playwrights Village:  Playwrights Project and New Village Arts, of public readings of plays.

What made this event so special is that theatre professionals and the audience were given the rare opportunity to ask questions of the playwright and give their constructive feedback, on what they saw and heard, as well as suggest ideas for character expansion and plot when the reading was over.  I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the play and concurred with all the comments given. The ending came as quite a shock and was totally unexpected! Now, the writers will hone their visions and incorporate the feedback so that the final production can be presented July 27-29 at the New Village Arts Theatre.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the premier reading, the evening before, of the play “Beginner’s Heavenby playwright Tim Jones. I’m sure it was equally interesting and entertaining. Now I look forward to seeing the final production July 20-22.

For more information please contact New Village Arts Theatre, located at 5787 State Street, Carlsbad, Ca, 760-433-3245,; Playwrights Project:  619-239-8222,  

We are so fortunate in north San Diego County, particularly in the “golden triangle” of  Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista, to have wonderful theatre surrounding us presenting everything from comedy, drama, musicals, to Shakespeare.  Oceanside has two theatre companies, the Star Theatre Academy, and the Oceanside Theatre Company; Vista also has two companies, the  Moonlight Stage Productions and the Avo Playhouse. 

Why not make this summer memorable by attending and enjoying one of these productions.  Better yet, if you have out-of- town summer visitors, and who doesn’t, why not treat them to a night at the theatre?   You’ll be so glad you did. Perhaps I’ll get to see you at one of these events.    

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

“I’ve been hacked!” - If you’ve ever received those words from a friend, co-worker, family member, etc. then you know you must check your computer immediately to see if a virus has spread to your computer. Then, you have to do whatever it takes to get rid of the insidious virus from your computer because you can infect others!
I am not a techie but I thought I was fairly savvy in knowing what emails to open, or, what attachments to open and what not to open. Wrong! In the last three weeks, three of my friends have had the computers hacked and I was the recipient of 3 bogus emails. Don’t you know I opened the attachments and links immediately without much thought. Then, it dawned on me why would my friends send me such ridiculous emails and links to open? It didn’t make sense that they would send me such rubbish.

Next I got their dreaded emails that their computers had been hacked and likely all the email contacts would be under siege. Too late for me. I lost all my email contacts and many, many important files and folders! Some I may never be able to replace.
Fortunately, I bought an HP laptop this time last year for my birthday which I haven’t used. It has many bells and whistles, has more memory and is much faster than my other laptop. It still has another year warranty on it! Gradually, I’m replacing lost files, contacts, etc. But, it’s a time consuming job! Hence, I’ve not posted any articles to my blogs and website. This saddens me because I truly enjoy writing and receiving your wonderful support and comments.

Meanwhile, I’ve taken my old pc to a local electronics mechanic and hope he can salvage something from the past. This experience has also taught me to be more vigilant in backing up my computer and files.
It’s good to be back!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Speaker Writer • Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Friday, April 13, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

One never knows when a gift from our past will surface via correspondence, email or telephone call; but when it does it can bring back profound memories from our past. Some may be painful, others poignant and truly heartrending...

This week, my twin brother, Terrence, sent me an email with a link to “Bartram's Residence” in London, England. As I clicked on the link it brought tears to my eyes. It gave a brief history of the original Bartram’s Convent, which I was unaware of at the time being only 6 years old.

Following is that brief history: “Bartrams Residence is owned and maintained by the Sisters of Providence. In 1865 His Eminence Cardinal Manning, invited the Sisters from Belgium to London to work in prisons. The Home Office, however, did not share the Cardinal’s view with regard to having Sisters involved in prison work in England.

The Cardinal then asked them to open an orphanage in High Street Hampstead. In 1868 the orphanage was transferred to a house called Bartrams in Haverstock Hill. It was turned into a boarding school, and remained as such until the Convent was destroyed by bombs in 1940. A new building was erected as a residence for students and was officially opened in 1959 by His Eminence Cardinal Godfrey…”, or e-mail:

So why did this bring tears to my eyes? My twin brother and I attended Bartram's Convent in northwest London in 1939. During the “Battle of Britain” we were evacuated along with the nuns to Kettering (southern England) in 1940 when the school was bombed. We were 6-1/2 years old at the time. Our parents had no idea where we were being sent with bombs dropping everywhere no shelter was safe. The nuns were wonderful to us. I will never forget Sister Michael and the bravery of all the nuns!

My parents finally found out where we had been taken and immediately set out to bring us back. My father felt strongly that if we were to die then we would die together. It would be the last I would see of Sister Michael and my old school chums.

We also lost a beautiful 3-storied house near the school during the bombing. We attended Mass regularly at the “Priory” where well known Father Vincent McNab, OP baptized and gave us our First Holy Communion. Years before he also married my parents.

My parents, twin brother and I emigrated to the USA December 1947 (when I was 14-1/2) to my Uncle's farm on Long Island, New York. I very luckily finished high school at Queen of the Rosary Academy, Amityville, New York one month after my 16th birthday.

In a sense, I had no childhood. The war started when I was 6-1/2 and ended when I was 12-1/2. But, I would not trade the memories I have of surviving a brutal war and learning what courage, sacrifice and love really mean. I was surrounded by them!

I hope your past memories are as significant as mine!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you

Saturday, March 31, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

The highlight for me this month was visiting the Holistic Faire last Sunday in Carlsbad, CA. This is a bi-annual Holistic Faire. It was fun and time well spent. There were usual vendors with all kinds of jewelry and beautiful gemstones which I had a tough time resisting since I have quite a collection now. Their were psychic and tarot card readings, aura photographs, health foods and potions, various massage techniques, and my all time favorite the Yuen method of healing. Dr. Marcella T. Jones is a wonderful Yuen practioner and healer. I thoroughly enjoy her lectures and healing expertise.

Usually I come home with several metaphysical books at a nice discount but on this visit I only bought one: “The Divine Matrix” by the New York best-selling author Gregg Braden It‘s a little deep because in it he shows how to translate the miracles or our imagination into what is real in our lives.

Other activities included (free) mini seminars throughout the day on a variety of subjects from “Natural Health Remedies,” “Discovering EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)” “UFOs and their Spiritual Mission” “The Akashic Records,” etc. The ones I attended left me wanting for more.

The highlight of the Faire undoubtedly was the free film screening of “Metaphysia 2012” from 5:30 PM to 7 PM, that included meetings with Native American Visionaries, Shamans, Healers, Authors, and the Rev. Michael Beckwith, Chief Sonne Reyna, David Wilcox, etc. I was sorry I was unable to stay for this wonderful film. Perhaps I will catch up with it in the near future.

The price of admission for all of this is great, since I always get an advance agenda and free pass to the Faire, (worth $10.00) which I can also share with my friends. If you would like more information on the Holistic Living Expo and which city it will appear in next please go to:

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you

Friday, March 23, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG

One of the toughest lessons in life for me to learn has been knowing when it’s time for me to “move on” and then moving on.

I am a creature of habit and change does not always come easily for me. Change could be a change in habits, career/job, relationships, school, hobbies, food, exercise, etc. You get the message. Maybe it has something to do with my mother’s favorite adage “Don’t rock the boat!” which was drummed into me. I kept thinking maybe they’ll change. Of course “they” never do and neither should I expect “them” to. I’m the one who has to change and march to my own drummer.

Recently, the universe offered me another opportunity to see that it was time for me to move on from a club I dearly loved, but knew I had outgrown. The other club members are all wonderful people but their level of awareness and mine are quite different. I was not learning anything new and , I was stagnating. I tried hard to share my vision with them but was rejected many times.

It took something I care deeply about to realize the dye was cast and I had outgrown my club. I remember Tony Robbins telling us during my first Firewalk with him that you should always join a club that will challenge you. Once I was able to accept that “they” were not going to change I realized that I was OK and could make positive changes in my life without expecting others to see things my way or acknowledge and validate my gifts and talents.

My ego was a bit battered but this time I knew I would survive because I was going to live life on my terms as Shakespeare said “To Thine Own Self Be True.” That felt good. Then it dawned upon me that the “Serenity” prayer was the greatest gift of all: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.” Not a bad mantra to live by.

This time I did not journal over my disappointments, as I usually do when faced with a challenge. Somehow I knew, I just knew at the core of my being, that I needed to honor myself, and validate myself that the decision I’d made to move on was the right decision for me!! I cannot begin to tell you how liberating this makes me feel. The freedom to be myself, to believe in myself and my God given talents. I don’t need permission from anyone else to live my dream! I don’t need permission from anyone else to acknowledge that I am worthy of what I seek. I just need to listen to that inner voice and, move on!

I hope this story helps someone out there who is facing a challenge, especially if it’s fraught with emotion, to listen to your inner voice, and choose the path that resonates best with you! You’ll be glad you did!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


By Shirley Carolan, ATMG

This month just got away from me. I had so many different ideas and thoughts for articles but couldn’t seem to find the time to put pen to paper. However, I feel the above title covers a multitude of things that happened to me this month that required some sound thinking, assessing and decision making on my part. Shakespeare did indeed say it with panache: “To Thine Own Self Be True!”

A few things happened that were somewhat painful for me and upon journaling about them I found in some cases my expectations, of myself, and others, did not match reality. Whenever my expectations of others gets in the way my ego takes a beating. I found I need to validate myself and not expect others to do that for me... Hence, the above title is applicable.

Wonderful progress, healthwise, this month: I’m now walking almost one mile daily, with the walker and my little dog, Teddy, but without oxygen! I’ve not done that in 3 years! I am so excited. I’ve lost a little over 10 lbs. (mostly by cutting down on sugar and extra walking). I’m riding my exercise bike daily and have trimmed down my figure even more! I bought a new walker from a fantastic Thrift Shop at a great price and donated the other walker to them along with some new clothes that just hung on me. Then, I donated more clothes and household items to “Goodwill.” This served the purpose of my getting rid of the clutter! Wow, I’m on a natural high from this and still have a way to go to reach my goal.

Two doctors last week practically apologized to me for calling me on the “Elephant in the Room”… my age! They admitted that “one size does not fit all.” They feel I’ve made tremendous progress, have more energy, and am determined to reach my long range health goals of walking 1-2 miles a day, without walker or oxygen! I told them I was entering the Toastmasters International Speech Contest at my club and the title would be: “The Elephant in the Room!” They laughed heartily and wished me well.

Last week I entered two International Speech Contests, “Table Topics” (which is “impromptu” speaking) and the “International Speech Contest.’’ I spent untold hours writing, rehearsing and delivering my speech last week. I felt I had good quotations, some humor, stayed on focus with good examples and dressed like a professional speaker. However, I did not feel I got through to the audience, particularly because one side of the room seemed to have their faces in “neutral.” I found it disconcerting and allowed it to affect me. I did win the “Table Topics” Contest.

Once again, I expected my family, and some friends to be supportive of my efforts only to realize, once again, it was not on their “agenda.” Ah yes, expectations seem to do me in every time! I know, I know, “ambition should be made of sterner stuff.” Thank God for Journaling because it has brought me back to earth and now I can accept that life is not about expecting others to validate you, or to act the way you think they should. It’s about being able to validate yourself! I’ve now come full circle “To Thine Own Self Be True!”

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article please give me credit and a link back to my website. Thank you.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

One of the perks of being a Toastmaster, whether fairly new, or an old veteran like me, is that you learn skills that you can use along the way to help others. Once you’ve mastered the fine art of giving feedback to a speaker, when you evaluate their performance, their delivery, body language, voice, pace, pausing, organization and sometimes their content too, you will have opportunities to give feedback to other speakers outside your Toastmaster club. You won’t even have to look for them, they will find you!

When I evaluate a Toastmaster Club member, or I am acting as the General Evaluator of a meeting, I always tell the speakers that we (evaluators) are not paid critics, rather we are there to give “constructive feedback” to the speaker. This helps them to relax a little knowing that we are not going to criticize them. Our goal is simply to point out what they did well and where and how they might improve.

Over the years, I’ve been asked to be a judge in a speech contest for high school teens sponsored by some civic club. At these events, the speakers use numbers as an introduction rather than their names, to eliminate favoritism, etc. Last Sunday was no exception. I was invited by the Encinitas Lions Club to be a judge for their annual speech contest. It is always a thrill for me to do this because I love hearing what our youth thinks, how they research their topic and how they deliver it. It’s a great opportunity to give back to the community.

The topic last Sunday was, I thought, a difficult one: “What Can The America of Yesterday Teach The America of Today!” I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Each student had original content, great quotations and concrete examples. I particularly liked one student who talked about our Founding Fathers and the Right To Vote, along with the Great Depression and the apathetic attitude today towards voting. In a presidential election year it brought home the importance of getting out there to vote!

After the contest, I got to speak to each contestant, congratulate them and give them some personal feedback. They each received a money gift depending on their placement in the contest. It was a win-win situation for all! Here’s to future contests!.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663