Monday, December 31, 2012


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

As we approach the New Year I want to thank everyone who took the time and trouble to read and comment on my many articles this past year!  You truly made my year as well as made me aware that the topics I wrote about are of interest to others and my particular writing style is also enjoyed.  Hence, I feel 2013 will be an even more productive year for me.

This is the first year, since 2009, that I can honestly say it was not a bad year, or, that I’m glad it will be over shortly.  I’m ending mine on an upbeat note:  I’ve set my goals and dreams for the New Year.  I’ve even set modest rewards for myself as well as deadlines. 

What I discovered this year is that I gave my power away to my circumstances!  I allowed health, or lack of it, to define what I could or could not do all the way until August.  Then, the light bulb went on and I discovered hydrotherapy classes to help ease the pain from the three back fractures.  My posture and balance have both improved.  I will continue with these classes throughout the coming year, as well as share them with others who have arthritis or back problems.

Right before Christmas I got my fairly new laptop computer (that I bought at Computer Geeks for my birthday last year) repaired. It only had a limited warranty.  I was tired of blaming both my laptops that kept crashing for not writing more, including having problems with Word Press.  Networking paid off!  A good friend introduced me to David Russell, who just retired, and who is a computer and software expert.  He discovered that my hard drive was defective and needed to be replaced.  And, he couldn’t guarantee that he could save any of my files if I decided to replace the hard drive.  He ordered a new hard drive Christmas Eve and returned with my computer fully fixed last Thursday!  He had to re-install Windows 7 and he was able to save all my documents!  He even installed the new memory chip (at no charge to me) that I bought from HP earlier. His fee was modest and he was very professional.  I’d highly recommend him to you.  He can be reached at 760-214-5481.

The same day I got my computer back, I read in the Union Tribune the heartwarming story of a little Philippine (mutt) dog who saved the lives of two young girls by stopping a speeding motorcycle.  The dog’s name is Kabang.  Unfortunately, the little dog lost her snout and upper jaw in the accident.  On top of this she has cancer and heartworms.  But, a wonderful nurse from Buffalo, NY spearheaded a fundraising campaign to bring Kabang to the US for surgery because they were unable to treat her in the Philippines.  She is being treated at UC Davis, California.  It will be some time before doctors can work on the gaping hole in her face which needs dental work, extractions and covering exposed roots.  But, this spirited little dog is  recovering beautifully!

I emailed the reporter that I wanted to find out more about Kabang and make a small contribution.  Yesterday I got an email from UC Davis with the following websites:, and  I find I can only read a little at a time about this brave little dog before tears overwhelm me.  I do hope you can open up your hearts and make a small contribution to this precious animal, which you can also do so through.  PayPal.  I know I’m glad I did.

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2012 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article simply contact Shirley Carolan at Thank you.

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