Sunday, July 13, 2008

FINIS! A Labor of Love Completed

by Shirley M. Carolan

IT FINALLY HAPPENED! THE END OF A PROJECT! Today, July 13, 2008. All you writers out there will appreciate my excitement and enthusiasm.

YIPPEE! It’s over! It’s been a work in progress for a long time. I never thought I’d see the day when I would finally finish an eBook that I hope will inspire others, get them to think about how they are living their life, be honest with themselves, especially if something needs changing, not expecting others to change for them, and then taking the appropriate action to live a richer, fuller life!

It's been enlightening, sometimes sad, sometimes painful, sometimes humorous writing about the myriad events and people in my life and what I discovered needed changing and daring to go for it! I am truly grateful to all the folks who gave me feedback, they didn't hold back anything! Even my doctor said "Shirley, folks of all ages will enjoy these insights but I hope you will address the senior citizen population too!"

Culling all the articles was perhaps the hard part and selecting those that had a true, viable message for others to enjoy was a huge challenge. I have enough chapters and articles left over to either do another eBook or think of converting into a full blown book!

Right now my focus is on editing the material and getting an ISBN number then loading it onto my website for others to see, download and enjoy!

My labor of love is entitled: “IT AIN'T OVER... TILL IT'S OVER!"

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