Monday, December 26, 2011


By Shirley M. Carolan, ATM-G

This past year has been fraught with health challenges for me right up until Christmas. The worst time was between October and December 2011 when I was in excruciating pain 24/7 and I thought my back would come off its hinges. For instance, on a scale of 1-10, the pain was 100! That gives you some idea of what I was up against. Pain killers and muscle relaxants were useless! A CT scan and MRI were also useless.

December came, and I thought about what kind of a life I wanted to live in 2012. I knew I had to get out of this pain first. That was a top priority. Next came seeing myself in good health and walking 1-2 miles a day without oxygen and without a walking cane (as I did the Spring of 2009 before everything hit the fan). Pretty important stuff. Once again, I refused to accept that my age was the sole culprit for my present circumstances.

Well this week leading up to Christmas was a turning point in my life. After a lot of praying for help and relief I experienced miracles happening! Yes, folks, Santa is alive and well! Wednesday morning I had Physical Therapy and in afternoon I saw Dr. Patel, the pain specialist, expecting to have the first in a series of epidurals. (The day before, Tuesday) I saw two MDs. My co-payment for these (4) doctors in (2) days was $150.00.

Would you believe Dr. Patel said I didn’t need the epidural because the physical therapy was helping me and that I should cancel the next appointment on 12/28 but keep the 1/4/2012 appt. I went to check out and Danielle, the secretary, asked me what Dr. Patel did to me. I said “Nothing – he just talked to me.” She said “Wait a minute,” then came back and handed me back my co-payment check! I was stunned. I figured they’d keep it as a “consultation” fee.

So, three (3) miracles occurred:

1. I didn’t need the epidural because I’m not in the severe pain as before.
2. I got my co-payment check back.
3. I was able to give my newspaper carrier (woman) a nice check for Christmas.

Ain’t that something! I’m walking on air! To be out of that dreadful pain is a miracle in itself.

Yes, folks, Santa is alive and well and miracles are happening… Folks, I do hope you are experiencing similar miracles, or kindnesses from your fellow man. If so, do email me at: and let me know.


Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Writer ● Speaker ● Artist
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

Copyright© 2011 by Shirley M. Carolan. All rights reserved. To reprint any part of this article please give me credit and a link back. Thank you.
Labels: Inspiration

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