Friday, December 28, 2007


by Shirley M. Carolan

It was a quiet but peaceful Christmas this year. The newly adopted traditions that I had so carefully put in place these last few years fell by the wayside, i.e., the Oceanside Harbor Annual Boat Parade (Holiday of Lights)and a different rendition of The Nutcracker! Some totally unexpected trauma entered my life instead. Little did I know it would bring some new perspectives, observations and gratefulness on my part.

My little Shih-Tzu, Krissy, had major surgery on her left eye, December 19th by gifted ophthalmologist Dr. W. A. (Dean) Vestre because of two ulcers. She came through it with flying colors and wears a “lampshade” to protect her little face. Prior to that we went through two weeks of different medications with her regular veterinarian. Finally, her vet suggested a second opinion by an ophthalmologist. The diagnosis and fees were staggering; to date $2,500.00.

Today, Krissy is recovering nicely and getting some of her old personality back. It’s a joy to hear her little bark, if you can call it a bark. She has taught me some valuable lessons: patience, humility, acceptance, love and gratefulness. What precious gifts to receive at this sacred time of year. And, you certainly can’t put a price tag on those!

As a result, I will no longer call her “selfish or demanding” when she wants or needs something. She has her boundaries and I need to honor them. She has given up her regular habits and independence to be cared for instead. She has been a real trooper and in her own little way has taught me some important life lessons!

This downtime gave me the perfect opportunity to assess how well my year went, what worked, what didn’t, what needed changing, and what goals I want to set for the New Year! All very heady and time consuming stuff. I will be addressing these important issues in a later blog.

Meanwhile, Christmas was quiet but blessed at our house this year!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATMG
Artist ● Speaker ● Writer
Phone/Fax: 760-732-0663

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