Friday, September 29, 2006


By Shirley Carolan

The first Journaling class this week was a huge success! The class was small but very inter-active. We covered a lot of territory, from theory to exercises, questions, to sharing and gaining clarity.

The joy of teaching something that can significantly impact the lives of others for the better is its own reward!

Many years ago I read, and gave a lot of lip service to Marsha Sinetar's best-selling book "Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow!" That philosophy bore itself out last night. It reinforced what I'd known for ages. Get out of my comfort zone, take a risk, communicate with others, and teach something I am passionate about!

This Journaling class falls on the heels of a very successful August, "Goal Setting" class. Now, I know it's not a fluke, or coincidence, folks are interested in learning more about practical, hands-on, stimulating activities, and actions they can implement, to change their lives for the better!

These two classes "Goal Setting" and "Journaling" are definitely complementary and can be combined into one powerful half-day workshop. However, for the time being, I will promote them separately at a special "introductory rate." Therefore, stay tuned for upcoming October workshops. Tentative classroom reservations have been made for "Goal Setting" on October 18 and October 25, same time and place. All students will get a reminder of this in my monthly newsletter.

Happy Journaling Everyone!

Shirley M. Carolan, ATM
Phone/Fax: 750-732-0663

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